Besides, if Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai, one is willing to beat Huang Gai, and the other is willing to suffer.

In the end, both building a and building b purchased some things and set foot on the way back.On the way, He Hao and the others suddenly wanted to buy a la carte, 510, so everyone ran to the vegetable market.That's right, there's not much stock in the store, so it's time to buy a la carte.So when they got back to the hotel, everyone was starving.Da Qi said, "I'm so hungry that I don't want to move."

With Da Qi's emotion, it seems that everyone is even hungrier.So An Chen said, "Let me cook some noodles for everyone."

"That's great, now I think dried noodles are delicious."

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and started to cook the noodles.But the way he cooked dried noodles was different from what Zhao Yingjun thought.

"This is for cooking vermicelli and what is it for?"

It's no wonder that Zhao Yingjun didn't understand. Do you expect a person who can't cook to understand? So An Chen said, "Explain, Teacher Qiu."

"This is the soup left over from our stewed ribs. If it is made in advance, it will be used as a broth for cooking noodles. It is better to cook noodles than clear soup and white water. The noodles cooked in broth are more flavorful. As for what An Chen is making now, it should be a complementary food, right?" .”

Body 0531: Teemo Arrives

After dinner, everyone chatted about today's experience and some special dishes, and then everyone went back to rest.And An Chen slipped into Jing Tian's room again at night.This was Na Ya's last night in the hotel, so An Chen squeezed her until she couldn't stand it.

Early the next morning, because Na Ya was leaving today, An Chen made some breakfast again.Unlike yesterday's breakfast, today's breakfast is chaos and burritos.Eating the fragrant chaos and adding a burrito, the satisfaction is really whoever eats it.

Moreover, An Chenbao's wontons are not lumpy like those sold outside, but full and full, and every bite is satisfying.The best thing is the wonton soup, it is really addictive.

After breakfast, An Chen asked, "Is everything packed?"

"Well, it's already packed." Na Ya who was talking turned her head to look at Jing Tian, ​​and said, "Tian Tian, ​​I don't know when I will see you next time. Hey, I really don't want to leave."

Hearing this, Jing Tian said, "Whenever you miss me, come and see me. Or make an appointment to get together. It's easy to get emotional after a long time, so see you when you have nothing to do."

"Well, then I'll ask you out when I'm free."


After the two finished talking, Na Ya said, "Then I'll go, the plane at noon, it's not good if I go late and miss the plane."

"Okay, then we'll see you off."

At this moment, Na Ya's eyes looked at An Chen reluctantly, the reluctance in those eyes was not too provocative.Seeing this, Jing Tian coughed a bit, and Na Ya finally realized it, and hurriedly said, "Brother coolie, please help me with my luggage."

Although Na Ya hasn't had a good rest in the past two days, her mental state is surprisingly good. She is really a nourished woman.

In the end, Na Ya and An Chen kissed goodbye in the bathroom of Jing Tian's room and left.Looking at the leaving car, Jing Tian said, "Although we just parted, but I miss you very much, is there any reason?"

"Well, but then I also invited people, guess who I invited"

At this moment, Jing Tian rolled his eyes in his heart. Don't think it must be a woman, but you have so many women, how could I guess it? But since An Chen said so, then most likely it has been exposed, right? After thinking about it, Jing Tian said, " Is it Reba?"

"Reba couldn't get away from filming recently, so I called Feng Timo. Timo is Reba's best sister, and she recently signed to Yang Mi's studio, so I just came to visit."

Hearing this, Jing Tian understood.Although she didn't know this Feng Timo before, she also got to know Feng Timo after she became his woman.

"Then when will she come and let her live with me next."

Hearing Jing Tian's generous invitation, An Chen said, "Should arrive at noon, she's on the plane at 11 o'clock."

"Okay, then let's go back first."

Just after the two left, a car drove up, and the triplets from Canada were sitting in it.Of course, this has nothing to do with him, because he came to look for Li Xiaolu.

When it was almost time for lunch, Li Yeting came to say goodbye with his bag on his back. Seeing this, Wang Yuan said, "Brother Yeting is leaving now, let's go after lunch."

Li Yeting looked at the lunch made by Teacher Qiu, drooling and said, "I really want to eat it, but I really can't."

At this moment, An Chen's phone rang, and he looked at An Chen and picked it up.The next second, a pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone, saying, "An Chen, I'm almost there."

Is it almost there? "Wait a minute, I'll go out to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, An Chen said, "Let's go, Ye Ting, I'll see you off just as my friend is coming soon."

Hearing this, Li Yeting smiled and said goodbye to everyone again, "Then everyone, work hard and strive to reach new heights, I will go first."

Watching Li Yeting get into the car and go away, An Chen stood aside and waited for Timo.It took about ten minutes for Timo to arrive.When Fang got out of the car, Timo was so excited that he wanted to jump on An Chen, but before he fell into An Chen's arms, she stopped abruptly, because she remembered that this was recording a program, it was a meeting TV's.

But seeing Timo like this, An Chen smiled, and then opened his arms, indicating that it was okay.At this moment, Feng Timo no longer cared about the camera on the side, she quickly ran to An Chen, and then jumped.

The next second, An Chen quickly? Qian Zhao retracted his arm, and instantly hugged the little person who had started to fall.Otherwise, it's not a hug, but a thigh hug.An Chen felt helpless for this little short-legged old man who also liked to dance and hug.

Timo hugged An Chen for a long time before getting off him satisfied. If it wasn't for the inconvenience, she would really like to kiss An Chen now.

"Let's go, let's go back first, Jing Tian has been waiting for you for a while."

Hearing this, Timo nodded and said, "Well, I like her acting very much, can I take a photo with the idol?"

"Of course, you can take a group photo as you want. If you want, you can take a photo together on the bed at night. After all, you will live together later."

Text 0532: There is no water in the dormitory

"That's great." Hearing what An Chen said, Feng Timo knew that this was another sister, even if An Chen didn't confess in advance.

As for Jing Tian, ​​he was already waiting at the door.When she saw the two of them, she walked over quickly and said, "This is Timo, I heard that you sing very well, so you will sing for me tonight."

Feng Timo laughed and said, "Okay, I'll teach you."

As for why Jing Tian didn't pick up Feng Timo, it was because she was helping just now.After finishing her work, she saw the two of them as soon as she came out.

At this moment, a few guests came, not to mention a few of them liked children very much, even Timona was also the king of children.Can you imagine that at the age of 28, she ran to the children's playground? The most important thing is that she played well with a primary school student.This is also no one.

Especially when these children liked Wang Yuan very much, Building A had already lost this wave of guests.

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