I have to say that the other party came by coincidence, and they had already ushered in lunch time after putting away their luggage.Eating special drinks and tasting the special army hot pot made by Mr. Qiu.I have to say that life seems to be getting better457.Maybe they are not bad at cooking, but Teacher Qiu is more proficient in French cuisine, and the food he cooks is more in line with the children's sweet taste.

And Timo also likes to eat this kind of food very much, no, she just wants it to be delicious.After lunch, An Chen looked at Timo dotingly and said, "I'll cook something delicious for you tonight."

Timo wrinkled his little nose when he heard this, and said happily, "Well, I miss your cooking for a long time, I haven't eaten for so long, I don't know if my cooking skills have improved."

"Of course, this is necessary, and it doesn't matter who I am."

At this moment, news of a new order came suddenly, and just as Da Qi was leaving, An Chen said, "Da Qi doesn't need to go, we don't have any room here, even if it's just a flat. It just so happens that building A still has nothing to harvest, so let them do it."

Hearing what An Chen said, Guo Jinqi looked at Wang Yuan.Seeing this, Wang Yuan said, "Well, big difference, don't go, otherwise Miss Xiaolu will have no business."

Hearing the store manager's words, Guo Jinqi didn't run out anymore, but continued to play his Shenwu 3.At this moment, another order sounded. Hearing the sound, Guo Jinqi said to Wang Yuan, "Shop Manager, shall I go?"

After hesitating for a while, Wang Yuan said, "Let's go and have a look. If it's the one that only needs one room, just pull it out. If it's not, forget it."

Hearing this, Guo Jinqi led the order to go out, but came back after a while, only to hear him say, "He is here for Sister Jing and Brother Jun."

"Well, let's rest then."

Following Wang Yuan's opening, An Chen took Timo back to his room first.At this time his room was vacant again, and naturally it was his turn to sleep.At this moment, the two who hadn't seen each other for a long time blocked the camera and started a fierce kiss.

However, although the two missed each other very much, they still didn't do anything excessive.After all, it's daytime now, and if Timo plays the whole game alone, then she doesn't have to do anything, and can only rest in bed.

Although they couldn't do anything embarrassing, the two still stayed in the room for more than an hour, telling each other their lovesickness.In the end, the two were called out by Zhao Yingjun, not specifically, of course, but downstairs.I just heard Zhao Yingjun yell, "Everyone, come out and discuss something."

Hearing Zhao Yingjun's shout, the two tidied up their clothes and came down.Seeing that everyone was there, An Chen asked, "What happened?"

"There's no water now, so I won't be able to cook for a while." Zhao Yingjun turned to Wang Yuan and said, "What should I do, the store manager will give me dinner later."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan said, "Then use mineral water."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "What we are going to do is not to feed one person, but to feed a dormitory, so mineral water will not be enough?"

"Yeah, I also think mineral water is not suitable."

"Then let's go to a restaurant."

Hearing what Wang Yuan said, Zhao Yingjun was stunned, and then said angrily, "The store manager"

Although Zhao Yingjun didn't say what he said later, no one could hear Zhao Yingjun's helplessness.Only Zhao Yingjun said at this moment, "Why don't we find some containers and go to Building A to carry some water."

"Do they have water?" Wang Yuan was a little confused, why did Building A have water?

At this moment, Cheng Xiaoyue said, "Well, their water pump is fine."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan said, "Okay, then let's find some containers to fetch water."

After a group of people rushed to Building A, after a burst of laughter, Li Jing suddenly saw Feng Timo and asked, "Is this little girl your foreign aid?"

Hearing what Li Jing said, An Chen said, "Well, my girlfriend Feng Timo, I asked her to come and play for two days. Let me tell you, she sings very well."

When An Chen said this, Li Jing understood, but isn't An Chen's girlfriend Reba? Although Li Jing no longer takes pictures at very quiet distance, her professional habits still made her ask.

"Then Reba was the one who broke up with Reba."

Text 0533: Is Li Xiaolu sick?

Although this question will make people embarrassing, but it also scores for whom, right?An Chen said naturally, "Reba is also my girlfriend."

Reba is also your girlfriend who sees what Chen Feng said so confidently, Li Jing really wants to say, Ma Dan's scumbag.But now it's a show, and she can't say anything.Although this paragraph may be cut off, it will be interesting if it is broadcast.Li Jing who thought so was not angry anymore.

When fetching water in Building B, Li Jing left for a while, came back again, and said, "The little deer is a little uncomfortable, and she is lying on it. I told her that you can borrow some water, and if you have any questions, please contact me." I say."

Hearing what Li Jing said, An Chen frowned slightly, and then said, "I'll go up and have a look, it happens that my medical skills are pretty good."

Hearing this, Li Jing also remembered that An Chen's medical skills were not comparable to those two half-baked students.So she said, "Then go up quickly. Is there anything we can do for you?"

"No, just don't bother me." After saying this, An Chen said to Timo, "Teemo, after you finish fetching water, you can go back with everyone first, and I'll come back when Xiaolu is healed."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in Building B."

An Chen nodded and went directly into Li Xiaolu's room with ease.Before An Chen could speak, Li Xiaolu had already said, "What's the matter, didn't you tell me to sleep for a while? I haven't."

Before Li Xiaolu finished speaking, he turned his head and saw An Chen.After she smiled awkwardly, she said, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come? I don't feel well and don't know to call me. Don't you know that I know medical skills?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu became even more embarrassed. Is the state of the two of them suitable?

"It's okay, it's not a serious problem, I also took painkillers just now."

Hearing this, An Chen just smiled, and then said, "Let me show you, the medicine is not taken indiscriminately."

An Chen said and sat down beside Li Xiaolu, and then began to press her body to see where she hurt.Sometimes, you may not be able to cope with some diseases just by feeling.

After pressing and pinching, An Chen finally said clearly, "You are a little sprained, and the medicine is just to relieve the pain. Although this will get better gradually, I'm afraid it will take a few days to get better. Come on, lie down." OK, let me give you a massage to recuperate.

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Xiaolu lay down obediently.After following the meridians in the front, An Chen helped her follow the meridians on the back, and then relaxed her to ease the pain caused by the meridians and muscles.

At this moment Li Xiaolu was extremely sad, the pain at the beginning of counseling made her grit her teeth and moan, but now the relaxation made her feel comfortable and sad.Countless distracting thoughts made her body hot, even though she knew it was not the time, she still couldn't help wanting it.

Finally, Li Xiaolu couldn't hold back, and quietly turned off both his own mic and An Chen's mic.Then I heard Li Xiaolu speak, and said softly, "Xiaochen, I want it, is there anything you can do?"

Li Xiaolu didn't even dare to look at An Chen when he was talking, after all, she was the one who proposed the end.

An Chen heard the words and said, "Well, but can you bear it alone?"

An Chen wasn't hypocritical at all, after all, when he heard Li Xiaolu moaning just now, he couldn't stand it anymore.After using the live broadcast mobile phone to pause the screen, he closed the door and started with Li Xiaolu.

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