Although An Chen came down a bit late, no one said anything.Even when Li Jing saw An Chen coming down, she just asked, "Is our store manager okay? What's the matter? We've been up there for more than an hour."

ask for flowers

An Chen smiled and explained, "It's not a big problem. She has strained lumbar muscles and moved too much. I just repaired her by dredging the meridians and massaging, and then I helped her recover a bit." , so slow down."

Hearing this, Li Jing worriedly said, "The lumbar muscles are strained, so is it okay for her to dance at night?"

"Of course it's fine, don't worry."

While talking, An Chen left building a and returned to building b.As soon as they arrived, everyone asked the same question. After An Chen answered it again helplessly, a little guy walked up to him and hugged him.Then, after An Chen sat down, he whispered in his ear, "You have a smell, I didn't expect you to steal the food from the child's mother."

Hearing this, An Chen blushed, unexpectedly losing to Qi.But An Chen didn't say anything, just whispered in Timo's ear, "Don't worry, you won't be able to run away at night. I won't let you beg for mercy. I'll take your surname."

At this moment, Feng Timo's expression changed, and he immediately begged pitifully, "My husband, don't want it, please let Timo go, Timo won't dare again."

Sometimes I have to say that Teemo, who looks like a primary school student, gives people a sense of accomplishment.Well, An Chen didn't admit that she was a bit perverted.

At this moment, Wang Yuan said, "Brother Chen, Timo dances very freely. I think Timo can be the lead dancer tonight."

What the hell is leading the dance? It seems that something extraordinary has happened.

Seeing An Chen's bewildered expression, Timo hurriedly said, "Building A will have a dance fight tonight, and we agree."

Text 0534: What else can’t

Well, no wonder Li Jing asked Li Xiaolu if she could dance at night, it turned out to be the case.

"Okay, let's fight the dance, what kind of ghost step, hip-hop, moonwalk shall we do?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then said in disbelief, "Brother, you know it all"

An Chen showed a mysterious smile upon hearing this, and then said, "Of course not."

An Chen really won't?

"Ha, I was scared to death. Hip-hop and ghost walk are okay, but moonwalk is a south-facing dance."

Following Wang Yuan's words, An Chen began to dance in the next second. While dancing, he asked, "Is this what you said in "four six three"?"

At this moment, Wang Yuan's mouth widened and he was startled. After watching An Chen finish dancing, he only heard Zhao Yingjun say, "We won. If we have this, we will win. Don't care about the square dance, just kill him instantly."

"Yes, if there is Xiaochen's dance, we will definitely win."

After everyone's compliments ended, An Chen said, "Okay, then you guys practice first, and I'll prepare dinner."

Hearing this, everyone was pleasantly surprised again, only to hear Wang Yuan said in disbelief, "Brother Chen, are you going to prepare dinner, why are there so many benefits these two days?"

Hearing this, An Chen said as it should, "I invite people to play, it's normal to cook two meals, what's the fuss about. Alright, I'm going to prepare the food, you guys rehearse."

An Chen once again conquered them, whether they were guests or hosts.After dinner, everyone started to light a fire to prepare for the upcoming performance.

When their fire boiled, people from Building A also came.Seeing this, everyone said, "Welcome, welcome, everyone sit down."

When everyone arrived, Li Xiaolu and Wang Yuan stepped forward to start the opening of the party.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the first youth dance conference held in our youth hostel."

After Li Xiaolu finished speaking, Wang Yuan also said, "Okay, I don't think there is any restriction on the type of dance or style today, as long as you are happy. Then let's build b"

At this moment, everyone was a little confused, and they didn't say hello in advance.But they all intend to follow the command and follow the rhythm.

At this moment, Wang Yuan continued with some embarrassment, "Then everyone stood up and waved." Following Wang Yuan's words, the next moment, the people in Building B stood up quickly, and then cheered.

"Then let's bring the first dance first, what's it called?"

The "bar, bar, bar" dance was named after a bunch of kids, but it didn't break.

When we got here, everyone went up one after another.Except for An Chen, everyone went up, including Timo. Timo and Wang Yuan stood at the core, and then four people stood around them.

Seeing this, Dai Jun said, "Xiaochen, why don't you go up, all of you in Building B have gone up."

"I cook in the afternoon, I didn't study, I will perform a show alone to support the stage later."

Hearing what An Chen said, Dai Jun said, "Are you cooking again today, and you didn't call us, are you embarrassed?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "Don't you know how many people are in the two hotels? Do you want to exhaust me to death?"

Dai Jun complained, but he wasn't really upset, so he didn't say anything.Just at this time, the music sounded, and the next moment the joyful and funny dance began to ignite.

At this moment, Teemo is the most open person. Because of the live broadcast, she often has to make a fool of herself and show cuteness. She let go of the performance, so at this moment, she performed very well and is very soul-conscious.

As the happy performance ended, Li Xiaolu came up again and said, "This is a very good performance. Now, please ask our square dance sister to present the king and ask me to patrol the mountain."

Following Li Xiaolu's words, the square dancing sisters all came up, seeing this, the four little girls also followed without any fear.The moment the music started, the two teams seemed to have started the k-mode.But in fact, they are all different.

After dancing on both sides, they finally talked about An Chen.Wang Yuan came up and said, "Now I invite Wang Anchen, the almighty variety show artist, to present Michael Jackson's moonwalk for everyone."

As Wang Yuan's shout fell, An Chen stood up. At this moment, Dai Jun said, "Xiaochen, spacewalk, can you do it? Spacewalk is very difficult. If you jump wrong, I will jump." But I'll point it out."

An Chen walked onto the field without stopping, then smiled confidently, and said, "Guide is welcome."


As the music sounded, the classic space slide appeared in the next second.With this classic sliding step, the scene like walking in space also unfolds.

Until the end of the music, the applause didn't end. Wang Yuan said, "Brother Chen, I seldom convince others, but I will obey you. Really, I can't find anything you don't know. Brother Chen , can you tell me, what else do you not know?"

At this moment, An Chen heard the words and suddenly smiled, the smile was meaningful.He only heard him say, "Sorry, I don't know how to have children yet."

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