At this moment, everyone was amused by An Chen.With An Chen's last dance, the dance party came to an end. .

Body 0535: Young people, don’t worry

It was night, there was a cool breeze blowing in the mountains, and the fire in the room was high.Although Timo is small, his fighting power is definitely not inferior to Jing Tian.

This night, everyone was very satisfied, but it was a pity that they couldn't sleep with Timo in their arms at night.

The breakfast the next morning was prepared by Teacher Qiu. It was full of French dishes, as luxurious as a French star restaurant.Not to mention children, even adults like them think this breakfast is quite good.

After taking a sip, An Chen said directly, "Mr. Qiu, your cooking skills have improved."

At this moment, after hearing An Chen's praise, Teacher Qiu said embarrassedly, "No, no, the main thing is that I learned a lot from Xiao Chen."

An Chen just smiled when he heard this, and was noncommittal to Teacher Qiu's words.Naturally, An Chen made the lunch. After finishing, An Chen took Timo to the lake. 13 Since it is rare to come out, of course it is all kinds of fun.Of course, it wasn't just Timo and Jing Tian, ​​Teacher Qiu also followed.

There are not many things to do by the lake, mainly boating, motorboats and fishing.But who wants to play fishing and boating, so four people rented four motorboats to start playing.Although there are motorboats, the loss and fuel consumption of motorboats are very high, so generally no one drives them.

After playing on the water locomotive for a while, they went to the outdoor sports place, and after playing around, they went to the farmland paradise. After picking some fruits and vegetables, they returned to the hotel.At night, it was still An Chen's kitchen. After the meal was ready, An Chen sat on a chair and said, "Tomorrow, I, Timo, and Jing Tian will all leave. So please have a good meal." , when we're not around, the store will watch you."

Everyone knows that An Chen and Jing Tian are busy people, Jing Tian has a movie to shoot, An Chen has a variety show to shoot, so everyone understands very well.After dinner, everyone played around for a while and then took a rest.

Because of the parting, Timo was very enthusiastic, eager to squeeze himself dry, as if melting into An Chen's body.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, An Chen set off with the two girls.After arriving in Hangzhou, they also parted ways.

Jing Tian went to Sichuan Film and Television Base, Timo went to Beijing, and An Chen went to Zhuhai.The eighth episode of Extreme Speed ​​will be held in Zhuhai, so An Chen will be fine even if he arrives at 7:59 the next morning.

Early the next morning after they arrived, they showed up at the gate of Hengqin Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai. After c. Wu talked a lot of nonsense, they finally got to the point.

"Then next, we will start a group every minute according to the ranking of the seventh stage of Vietnam. Go to the ED giant screen in the deep sea world behind you, and look up to find the next clue."

This is an information task, and the task is dizzying.Looking for clues on the ed screen, six clue cards will appear at a time, and the six clue cards will be replaced every ten seconds. Of the twelve cards, only one clearly indicates the location of the next task.

An Chen was naturally the first one to set off. When An Chen and Wang Likun arrived at the mission location, Wang Likun suddenly said, "I was looking for my name. I saw Jia Jingwen and Xiu Jiekai just now."

Hearing this, An Chen looked up, and sure enough, the name appeared, but the place where everyone's name appeared was different.In the next second, Wang Likun saw her and An Chen's names.

"Come on, we're going to the Moby Whale Pavilion."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, and seeing Wang Likun wanting to run over, An Chen directly stopped her and said, "Likun, don't worry."

Hmm, what's the matter? Wang Likun, who was a little anxious, suppressed her impatience and said, "What's the matter?"

"No, it's not right because everyone's name appears. This is an information task, when did we split the competition?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun woke up with a start.At this moment, An Chen said, "Penguin Pavilion, Mission Penguin Pavilion."

At this time, Huang Tingting and Xu Yang Yuzhuo also came, before they could speak, An Chen said first, "Let's go, let's go together."

The next moment, An Chen walked quickly around the aquarium with the three girls.Finally Xu Yang Yuzhuo couldn't help but said, "Brother An Chen, can't you run two steps?"

Xu 520 Yang Yuzhuo's hidden meaning is, big brother, will you die if you run two steps? Fortunately, she didn't ask that question, otherwise An Chen really wanted to say, you will die.

"Young man, don't worry. You see, I am not in a hurry to be the first every time. Why are you so anxious? After all, this game is about IQ."

Hearing this, Huang Tingting pulled Xu Yang Yuzhuo, but did not let her speak again.It is all thanks to An Chen's support that they can go so far.

Soon, they arrived at the mission destination. When they got the mission card, Jian Bingbing and Xie Yilin chased after them.But they were one step too late after all, so they had to wait in line.

This task is an information task, the penguin weighs.The contestants will experience the work of a penguin breeder once. The contestants need to accumulatively weigh ten different penguins and record the color identification and weight of the penguins.Get the breeder's approval, you will get the next clue card.It should be noted that each group of players and each round of challenges is limited to ten minutes. If the time is over, they need to re-queue for challenges. .

Text 0536: Three groups arrived at the same time

After reading the rules, An Chen just smiled. Anyway, he has the skill of taming animals, so I'm afraid it will only take ten minutes.

When An Chen and Wang Likun went in, An Chen said, "You record it, I'll let them weigh it, no problem."


The next moment, An Chen made a quacking sound like a penguin, and then the penguins lined up one by one.Even if there are one or two disobedient ones, it doesn't matter much.

When the penguins weighed obediently, even the breeder was stunned.When did their own penguins become so obedient? Therefore, they completed the weighing in less than 4 minutes. On average, a penguin weighed up and weighed down in no more than 20 seconds.

When the task was completed, the breeder couldn't help but said, "You are the fastest I have ever seen. Even if we come by ourselves, it will take more than 6 minutes. Come, here is your clue card."

When An Chen and the others got the clue card, Wang Likun couldn't help cheering.And An Chen just smiled calmly, and then opened the clue card.

The next task is to dance with the fish. The contestants need one to dive into the underwater world and take pictures of the 5 marine creatures shown by their teammates.Find the corresponding animal, take a photo, and get the approval of the diving instructor to get the next clue.

After arriving at the Whale Shark Pavilion, An Chen asked as usual, "You come and I come"

Hearing this, Wang Likun said without any hesitation, "You should come, I'm afraid of marine life."

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen smiled and didn't try to force her.After calling a diving instructor at random, the three walked into the Whale Shark Pavilion.

Diving? Although he has never dived before, he can swim.It was not difficult for him, and he could even dive for more than ten minutes without breathing.After learning about how to spit water with the diving instructor, An Chen went into the water.As for the pressure in the water, is it funny?

He quickly swam to the place where Wang Likun was, and saw the picture Wang Likun placed.It was a whale shark, maybe because the whale shark is big, it is easier to find it.

Seeing this, An Chen turned his head to look at the whale shark, and then found a suitable distance to take pictures.There is a requirement for taking pictures, and the entire body of the animal must be photographed.When An Chen came in, she looked at it carefully.After the shooting, a decision must be made before continuing to shoot the second animal, but An Chen was confident in his shooting. Sure enough, when the decision was made, he passed the test very easily.

Wang Likun's second picture shows a hammerhead shark. An Chen saw the hammerhead shark just before, so he swam towards it quickly.In this underwater world, these animals can only swim in circles, so when An Chen swam to the middle position, he still easily photographed it.

Next is Su Mei.Su Mei is a very distinctive fish, and it's not hard to find such a fish.Sure enough, An Chen found it beside the rockery.

The next one brought great difficulty to An Chen, so much so that when the second team came, he couldn't find it.This is a sea turtle. It hides really well. It is hidden under a rock crack, and it is so motionless that it is really easy to be ignored.Just after Jian Bingbing and Xie Yilin arrived, he finally found this naughty little guy.

The last one is a stingray, and this one is much easier to shoot.When Jian Bingbing entered the water, An Chen had already come out.

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