After An Chen came out with the information card, he looked at the mission.The task is still an information task, handmade macaroons.The contestants need to go through customs and go to Ying Kee Bakery in Macau to make [-] qualified macaroons by hand.

An Chen is a master of cooking, such a task is really rewarding points.When they were about to go to Macau, they happened to see Huang Tingting and the others. Seeing the two of them, An Chen said, "Why are you so slow and hurry up to take pictures. Also, if you can't find the turtles, look for the cracks in the rockery."

Hearing this, Huang Tingting hurriedly said, "Thank you Brother An Chen, then let's go to the mission first."

You must know that Jian Bingbing was more than 10 minutes slower than Huang Tingting and the others, and this can still be surpassed. It seems that the two of them are in danger this time.The good thing is that Jia Jingwen and the others haven't come yet. It seems that the task of the first level must be in the wrong place.

The condition of the cars on the road is not bad, so it is naturally impossible for them to be overtaken by others.When they arrived at Ying Kee Bakery, they started the process of making handmade macaroons.Before making it, An Chen said, "Let me do it, just help me get the scattered almond flour together."

Wang Likun believed in An Chen, Li Zhao, but at this moment she said, "Can you let me try it? I want to learn this."

Hearing Wang Likun's request again, An Chen naturally agreed.

"Okay, since you want to try it, try it, anyway, we are much ahead in time."

Naturally, Wang Likun is not doing this alone, at least she can't do it well when pressing cakes.So An Chen was responsible for pressing the cakes, while Wang Likun was in charge of knocking.

Even if Wang Likun came to do it, many of them were broken, but they were still the first to complete it.When they finished, Jian Bingbing and his three groups came one after another.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "You really have a tacit understanding, come together.".

Body 0537: To Tokyo

"No way, sister Jingwen has learned diving, so she got used to it quickly. So the three groups of us all depend on our respective speeds."

Following Huang Tingting's words, Jian Bingbing also said, "Xiao Chen, I seldom see you, but you are leaving again."

"Yes, then we will wait for you in front."

An Chen wouldn't know at this time, he actually made a promise, so he could only wait for everyone in front.Because the next task is a confrontation task, when they arrived at the Cointreau Golf Course, Wang Likun complained and said, "You said what you said, I waited for them before, this time I really have to wait."

An Chen was also very speechless when he heard the words, who would have thought that if he is so amazing, why not go buy a lottery ticket today

The task is called the Red-Yellow War, and they need to fight in pairs in the order of arrival, with one side being yellow and the other side being red.The team that arrives first has the right to designate a confrontation with 497 hands.The first team to flip the six semi-circular bricks into their team color after the start of the game wins.The defeated team needs to have a new challenge with the opponent in the next round, and the team that cannot beat the opponent will face a [-]-minute on-site time penalty.

The second team to arrive was Huang Tingting's team. An Chen directly said, "You guys won, so you go first."

At this moment, Huang Tingting cheered in surprise, while Wang Likun understood it in astonishment.Behind them is the duo of Jian Bingbing who just arrived.Hearing what An Chen said, Yan Bingbing said directly, "Xiaochen let us go too."

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "That's not okay, the matter of Sister Bing Bing flipping us last time should be resolved. So I want to challenge Xie Yilin."

At this moment, Xie Yilin's eyes widened in surprise, she pointed at herself in disbelief, and bdbe shouted, "My Xiaochen, are you too bullying?"

Hearing this, An Chen said directly, "It's good for you to call you, whoever you can win with your physical strength, or I will let Bing Bing go up"

At this moment, Jian Bingbing heard the words and said directly, "Let's let you go too, anyway, you two are not comparable at all."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "The last incident has been wiped out." Saying that, An Chen pulled Wang Likun on and went to the next stop.

This is an information mission, the song of the gondola.Contestants need to ride a gondola, and within a round of the gondola, the two partners sing an Italian love song.Once the boatman is satisfied, he will present a rose and give the next clue card.

An Chen and Huang Tingting set off at about the same time, so they still didn't miss anything.After looking at this famous Italian song, An Chen said to Wang Likun again, "You learn it, we will start after you learn it."

As he is proficient in languages, he doesn't need to learn languages, and with his super memory, he doesn't need to trouble the lyrics, the rest is just to follow the tune.So when Wang Likun was studying, he just had to memorize the tone of voice.

Wang Likun's learning speed is not very fast, but it is definitely not slow. After seeing Huang Tingting and the others going to challenge, An Chen looked at Wang Likun who was already almost there, and said, "Let's get ready to start too."

Just then, Jian Bingbing and the others arrived.They still bullied Jia Jingwen and got the third place.One boarding is enough to start four times. After Wang Likun's mistakes in the first two times, they finally won the approval of the boatman on the third time.Then took the information card of the relay station and went to the relay station of this stage.

Arriving at the relay station, after checking that there were no beauties, An Chen said, "Since there are no beauties, we'll go back. All drinks are donated, see you at the next stage."

At this moment, C Wu couldn't help laughing, but he didn't say anything, he just said, "Okay, then we'll see you in the next stage."

With the game over, An Chen booked a plane ticket to Tokyo.The plane left at 9 o'clock the next morning, so An Chen was not in a hurry.Then it's time to enjoy life.Both Huang Tingting and Wang Likun stayed and did not part until the next morning.

And Huang Tingting took the second place again because of An Chen's relationship. After all, An Chen won more than ten minutes for them.Therefore, Huang Tingting looked very serious at night.

After An Chen and the hotel crew asked for leave, they got on the plane to Tokyo.The flight time of the plane was 11 hours, and they were going to Taipei for a connecting flight, but An Chen didn't care because he didn't have a lot of time anyway.

After arriving in Tokyo, An Chen learned about the place where Chen Shifeng was being held, the Tokyo Detention Center.After learning about the place, An Chen went to prepare some things and appeared outside the Tokyo Detention Center at 1 o'clock in the evening.This is the place where the police guard the prisoners for trial. The guards are not so strict, and the main thing is electronic gates.

After Chen Feng looked at the surrounding guards, he determined the time for their patrols. After a long time, An Chen walked out of the darkness.The mobile phone, which had already concealed its figure, was suspended to the side, and at this moment, all the surveillance images were frozen.The next moment, he swaggered into the detention center. It was already 4 o'clock in the morning, and the patrolmen were also resting.Coupled with his clothes that are similar to those of Japanese policemen, even if there is an accident, there will be no problem. .

Text 0538: The Fate of Chen Shifeng

Not long after, according to the map found on the mobile phone, An Chen came to the detention room.There is a coded door outside the prison, but it's hard to live with An Chen.The live broadcast mobile phone directly interfered with the electronic lock and instantly opened the electronic door.

As a murderer, Chen Shifeng was held incommunicado, which also facilitated An Chen's actions.Seeing the sleeping Chen Shifeng, An Chen smiled.The next moment, he knocked Chen Shifeng unconscious and took him out of the detention center.

In an abandoned factory, An Chen trampled Chen Shifeng awake.But he didn't stop there, but stepped on Chen Shifeng's arm to increase his strength.In the next second, there was a slight clicking sound accompanied by piercing screams.

The ear-piercing scream covered up the sound of bone cracking, but Chen Shifeng himself seemed to be able to hear the scream.

"Help, let me go, please let me go."

Chen Shifeng spoke Japanese. Although An Chen understood it, he ignored him.Seeing An Chen like this, he had a faint guess in his heart.This is a Chinese, a killer hired by Jiang Ge's mother.He yelled frantically, "You're here to kill me, right? Please let me go. I can give you money, a lot of money. It's definitely three times what Jiang Ge's mother will give you. No, five times and ten times. "Looking at An Chen who was unmoved, Chen Shifeng kept raising the price, but he didn't delay in the slightest.

At this moment, there was a cracking sound, and the screaming and wailing sounded again.The howling sound was so obvious in the extremely quiet night sky, which made An Chen's brows frown.

Who knows if this damn scream will disturb anyone, but it doesn't seem to be enough to make him cry.After thinking about it, it was still some time away from the police station, and at this time, it would take a few minutes to call the police.Coupled with the distance on the road, he has at least ten to fifteen minutes, which is enough.

Bone fracture was not the result he wanted, so he suddenly exerted force, and suddenly used Beng Jin and the heavy weight.In the next second, there was a dense crackling sound, which could not be covered up even by screaming.But his scream was just a breathless, because Chen Shifeng had already passed out in the next second.

Is the awareness of neuroprotection too good to think? You know, I am a miracle doctor.Thinking of this, An Chen took out several silver needles that he carried with him, and inserted them into several acupuncture points of Chen Shifeng.

While breathing, Chen Shifeng woke up, and the piercing pain in his arms let him know that this was not a dream.At this moment, he really wanted to faint again, but he found that his mind was abnormally clear, how could he faint.He could even feel the pain in every nerve.At this moment, the blood vessels on his head burst, but it seemed that he had lost the function of shouting.

An Chen looked at Chen Shifeng like this, but he didn't have any sympathy. Before he came, he already knew what kind of person he was going to deal with this time.Did he show pity and sympathy when he stabbed Jiang Ge more than a dozen times? The next moment, An Chen raised his foot again, this time it was Chen Shifeng's other arm.

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