At this moment, Chen Shifeng looked at An Chen's movements in fear. He wanted to hide, but he didn't even have the strength to dodge.He wanted to scream, to beg for mercy, but his trembling teeth prevented him from even making a sound.

An Chen's feet were firmly stepped on by Chen Shifeng's infinitely terrified eyes. The next moment, the sound of cracking bones could be heard endlessly. Although Chen Shifeng was unable to shout, he still couldn't help twisting his body because of the pain at this moment.

Seeing this, An Chen sneered, and then said, "You stabbed Jiang Ge ten times, and I'll give you ten feet. This is only the second time, and there are still eight feet left. Enjoy it."

Both of An Chen's feet were on the forearm, and the rest of the upper arm, the calf and the thigh were 8 feet, and 1 foot of the third leg was added to make 9 feet. With the last foot, An Chen was going to trample him to death.

ask for flowers

However, when 9 feet stepped on it, An Chen suddenly felt that it was a pity to let him die like this, so he said, "It's a pity to let you die like this. But if you keep you, what if you report me? So I plan to Cut off your tongue, it will be the tenth cut."

At this moment, even though Chen Shifeng was a little numb from pain and a little numb from fear, he still couldn't help being frightened. He had already lost control of his feces and urine, but he still couldn't help the tears flowing from his frightened eyes.The next moment, An Chen directly pinched Chen Shifeng's tongue out, and then raised the scissors with his hands.

Cutting off the tongue would probably kill someone, but An Chen is a genius doctor, and a few silver needles stopped the bleeding.At this moment, the faint sound of a police siren sounded in his ears. An Chen frowned slightly, then looked at Chen Shifeng again, and said, "The police are here. It seems that your life is fine. But Jiang Ge's revenge has been avenged, and I haven't reported it to her mother, so I'll give you two injections, I think it's better if you can't hear her."

At this moment Chen Shifeng was already in despair, he wanted to die, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.As the siren got closer, An Chen took the silver needle and quickly ran towards a wall. The next moment, he climbed over the 3-meter-high wall more sensitively than a monkey.At this moment, Chen Shifeng seemed to know how the other party brought him out. Did he meet a knight? It turns out that martial arts novels are not deceiving.

When the police arrived, An Chenzao had disappeared, leaving them with only one prisoner with irreparable comminuted fractures in his limbs.No, not four limbs, five limbs, and deaf-mute.

Text 0539: Is it irrelevant to die?

Early the next morning, the Japanese news reports went crazy and began to report frantically.When did Japan's detention centers be so easily breached? When did Japan's security defenses become so poor?

At the same time, a video circulated on the Internet in China, and no one knew where the video came from.Even the administrator can't delete it, and all the video sites have pinned this video to the top as if they had been infected by a virus.The title of the video is so obvious that people can know what it is at a glance, but this is what makes people click more frantically.

Chen Shifeng has already subdued the law, the next one, are you ready? The next one is naturally "Five Zero Zero" Liu Xin.

Only Chen Shifeng is in the video.The tragedy was so miserable that even the crowd who watched and ate melons felt that An Chen was too cruel, and for a while a confrontation between two parties formed.One side thought that An Chen had done a good job, while the other thought that An Chen was being cruel.Of course, all they knew was the mysterious man, and no one knew An Chen's real identity.

As for the person involved in this matter, he has already returned to China. Liu Xin's matter needs to be resolved. He doesn't have much time, so it's better to settle it smoothly.Thinking of this, An Chen bought a plane ticket to Qingdao after returning home.As for the youth hostel, it doesn't matter if it's delayed for a day or two. Anyway, Jing Tian hasn't gone back yet, even Wang Ziru is not there.

It's autumn now, and Qingdao is a bit chilly, but it's not a big problem for An Chen.Liu Xin's family is from Luwei Village, Chengyang District. This is the ID card information, and it has already become a Luwei community.

Although the change of information is a problem for others, the phone number is still there. After locking the phone number of Liu Xin's family, An Chen found out the address of the other party after a long pause.

It was a community, because of Liu Xin's incident, the security guards were quite vigilant recently, but it was nothing to An Chen, the fence of the community could not stop him at all.The so-called infrared sirens are nothing more than a joke to him.He didn't go to Liu Xin's house to kill people, because killing people at Liu Xin's house would attract attention, so he chose the opposite building.

Although there are anti-theft doors, it is not difficult for those who are interested.When a resident came home, An Chen quickly followed him in.At this moment, An Chen has already made some disguises, at least no one can recognize him as An Chen.

The night wind was blowing on the top of the building, although it was not strong, it was still blowing, but An Chen stood there like an iron rod, unaffected at all.Suddenly, he saw the mission target, Liu Xin.

The next moment An Chen took out his gun.The gun was drawn before, but he rarely used it.

Liu Xin's crime wasn't that she refused to save her. In that case, she might die if she went out.Her crime was that she kept her mouth shut afterwards as if nothing had happened.Even she didn't even visit her best friend's mother who died for her, didn't go to comfort her, and also didn't ask for forgiveness, only their father and daughter spoke bad words to each other.Thinking of Liu's father's words, when your girl's life is short and has nothing to do with us, An Chen decided to give Liu Xin a death sentence.

The two buildings were not far apart, and it was too easy to shoot a person at a distance of less than 400 meters.What's more, An Chen can hit [-] meters away.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and then An Chen turned and left, not caring about the result at all.The next moment, he pressed a piece of paper that had already been printed under a brick, and jumped downstairs in an instant.

Yes, it is jumping off a building. There is nothing faster than this to get out of the scene.Coupled with his Leap of Faith skills, there is no danger at all.

The moment he jumped down, he vaguely heard the shouts from the Liu family.The voice was mournful, powerless and sad.At this moment, An Chen, who was jumping off, showed a smile. Have you finally felt the pain of losing your daughter?

The gunshot just now has attracted too much attention, and many people are carefully spying outside.An Chen looked at it, and walked out of the community with a puzzled face.

After leaving the community, An Chen didn't care about the affairs behind her at all, walked to the place where she had hidden her clothes in advance, changed her clothes and disappeared into the crowd.

Early the next morning, An Chen got on the plane to Hangzhou again. As for being found out as a joke, is there any evidence? China is a country that speaks laws.

When he came back, it was already noon.There is no one in the hostel, what the hell

An Chen dialed Wang Yuan's number and asked, "Yuan, isn't it open today? There is no one in the store."

"Ah 16, Brother Chen is back? We are resting in the shop today, we are out, why don't you come over too?"

Hearing what Wang Yuan said, An Chen said, "Forget it, I won't go there, wait until you come back."

After An Chen made some casual meals to reward himself from the fatigue of the journey, he went to wash up and go to sleep.He hasn't had a good rest in the past two days. Although he is not particularly tired, he still needs some self-cultivation.

An Chen didn't get up until everyone came back at night, only to hear Da Qi say, "Xiaochen's trip was very hard, she didn't wake up until now."

"Well, indeed, after all, I have traveled a long way. What's for dinner?"

Body 0540: Back to the hotel

When Teacher Qiu heard that An Chen hadn't eaten, he hurriedly said, "An Chen hasn't had dinner yet, so I'll make you something now. Sorry, we ate before we came back."

"It's okay, then I'll do it myself."

"Then hurry up and eat. After dinner, let's go to Building A. We're going to call to invite some guests."

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "Then you go first, I'll be there in a while."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan said, "That's fine too. We'll go there first, and you'll come right after you finish your meal."


An Chen started to prepare his own dinner while talking, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of Jing Tian.So after dialing Jing Tian's phone number, he said, "Jing Tian, ​​when will you come back?"

"What a while today"

"Okay, then let's eat together, just as I am going to make it. What do you want to eat?"


"Okay, wait for you to come back."

An Chen, who hung up the phone, went to prepare dinner for the two of them. He didn't expect Jing Tian to come back today. He knew that they would come back together.Since it was two people, naturally they couldn't deal with it hastily. Thinking of what Jing Tian wanted to eat just now, An Chen just smiled speechlessly.

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