This girl actually wants to eat mutton steamed buns, she seems to be homesick.An Chen shook her head and started making buns.The steamed buns made with mutton are not ordinary steamed buns, but pancakes with dead noodles, so he must prepare them in advance.But there is quite a lot of mutton. They left a lot when they made mutton kebabs.

After the mutton was marinated, the noodle cakes were also baked. In addition, An Chen also made some dishes for the meal.Such as hot and sour bamboo shoots, four small samples of vinegar soak, and dry pot organic cauliflower.

Two people, two bowls of rice, and three dishes are enough.At this moment, Jing Tian came back.Although they had been separated for a few days, there was a sense of a little farewell being better than a newly married couple, but the two did not act excessively.There are many cameras in the hostel.

"Wow, it's so delicious. You really made the mutton steamed bun that I want to eat the most. How did you do it in less than two hours? Could it be made with the simple mutton steamed bun I brought? Bar"

Jing Tian was talking about instant food packaging, but how could An Chen use that kind of thing?

"If you think about it too much, the most troublesome thing about mutton steamed buns is the noodles, pancakes, and stewed mutton. If you throw away these three things, it's easy to make. How weak I am is that I need instant food to solve the problem."

Hearing what An Chen said, Jing Tian smelled the steamed mutton again, then swallowed, and said, "It's really delicious, I really want to eat it, can I have it now?"

Can it? Of course it can.

"Hurry up and eat it. I pinch it at the right time, but it's still a little hot. Be careful when you eat it, don't burn it."

Eat mutton steamed bun Shaanxi people like to eat sweet garlic, but An Chen didn't have time to prepare that, so he used cold and hot and sour bamboo shoots instead.But Jing Tian has his eyes on another food, four small samples of vinegar soak.

"what is this"

"Four samples of vinegar soaking, Shanxi cuisine. Special vinegar sauce made of Shanxi old mature vinegar, soaked fresh walnuts, boiled soybeans, dried almonds, and fried peanuts. Try it and serve it with special sauce The juice has a unique flavor."

Hearing this, Jing Tian first picked up a walnut soaked in vinegar, the whiteness of the walnut was rendered taupe by the vinegar, and then walked into Jing Tian's mouth.

The crisp taste, the sweet peach kernels, and the sweet and sour sauce made Jing Tian's eyes shine without any surprise.Such special, appetizing food made Jing Tian try each of them, and the different tastes instantly won her favor.

The next moment, the two began to eat. After all, they might have to go to Building A to have a look.When the two finished their meal, it was already 10:[-] in the evening.When they walked to building a, the people in building b had already returned.

Seeing them, Jing Tian said, "Hello, everyone, I'm back."

Hearing this, and looking at the two people who came together, Cheng Xiaoyue said unceremoniously, "I think you are not only back, you must have eaten."

At this moment, Jing Tian blushed under the dark night, but unfortunately the darkness covered up his shyness.Jing Tian said, "I just came back and saw An Chen eating, so I took a sip." Speaking of this, Jing Tian hurriedly changed the subject and continued, "By the way, why are you back at 780?"

"After the meeting, I came back."

Jing Tian shrugged at An Chen when he heard the words, and said helplessly, "It seems we are late."

An Chen didn't care about this, so he said, "Then let's go back."

It was necessary to go back, but within an hour after they went back, Zhao Yingjun called for someone.

"Everyone came out, everyone came out, everyone came out and assembled."

Following Zhao Yingjun's shout, everyone came outside one after another.At this moment, Zhao Yingjun said, "I'll show you a cool product, let's go."

"Cool goods what cool goods"

Although someone asked about it, Zhao Yingjun didn't intend to spoil it, he only heard him say, "You will know when we arrive."

Hearing what Zhao Yingjun said, everyone stopped asking, anyway, it will be revealed soon.

When everyone saw the car, they guessed that it was Huang Yali's chariot that Zhao Yingjun was talking about.Only An Chen and Jing Tian were still in ignorance, looking at the truck curiously, not understanding what was going on. .

Text 0541: Your brother is trash

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is Huang Yali's dream."

What the hell is a dream a car is a dream what the hell happened when they weren't around

At this moment, Huang Yali shouted inside, "Here you come!"

Hearing Huang Yali's voice, Zhao Yingjun shouted, "When I count to three, you will explode, okay?"

"it is good"

"one two Three"

As Zhao Yingjun's voice fell, only the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" sounded.Then, with the sound of chains, the door of the second grid began to rise. At this moment, it seemed that the curtain rise of the stage play made everyone feel fresh.

At this moment, the stage curtain went up, and Huang Yali said, "This is my Transformer."

Although it was a bit funny, it still won everyone's applause and cheers. After all, it really made people feel cool and curious.

"Tomorrow there will be the first stage here, so we can go a little further."

Hearing this, An Chen finally realized what was going on, and he said in surprise, "Are we going to have a party tomorrow? Is it so formal or even bring a stage?"

Hearing An Chen's question, everyone realized that An Chen and Jing Tian didn't know what was going on.Cheng Xiaoyue hurriedly explained and said, "Tomorrow should be an internship. We invited some old residents back to end our last period. So each of us must have a performance to successfully end this last period. "

When Cheng Xiaoyue said this, He Zhen asked, "Xiaochen, what do you want to perform? You are so versatile, why don't you come here?"

An Chen really wasn't prepared for this, but would he lie?

"Then how about singing a song, playing a song, and dancing at the end?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Xiaolu excitedly said, "Xiaochen, Xiaochen, let's form a group of hip-hop and Yuan Yuan, how about the three of us?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I just don't know what we're here for."

"Is Magneto good? I like that sentence so much that I want to fly with wings."

At this moment, An Chen's originally amiable face turned gloomy, and he said lightly, "I'm sorry, I won't. Also, please don't mention that rubbish in front of me in the future."

Garbage is trash? He's her idol, her younger brother, her lover, a more reliable lover than An Chen.

"How can you talk like that? How did he offend you? As for hurting someone so badly? Ne is my brother. Even if you don't like him, please don't hurt him too badly."

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