Looking at the explosive Li Xiaolu, An Chen sneered and said, "I won't talk about the lyrics of the trash song that seriously hurt him, and I don't want to talk about the thing about him asking someone to smoke marijuana. But Yao Beina just passed away less than three days ago. If he dares to hate Yao Beina, he is considered a j8. This kind of unqualified and uneducated person can actually attract attention, I am so embarrassed. To be honest, it means that I have little energy, otherwise I will block him every minute."

If An Chen only talks about rubbish songs, then Li Xiaolu can hate her.It's normal for g, who advocates black music, to talk trash and make lyrics.If it's just about smoking marijuana, then she can also hate it.Anyone who hasn't passed the past can't make people repent? But only Yao Beina, she can't hate it, because this is a restricted area.This aggrieved feeling is as uncomfortable as if it hits the cotton.

Seeing that Li Xiaolu stared and remained silent, An Chen continued, "He doesn't even deserve to be a singer. I know he's been very popular recently, and even the Spider-Man Hero Returns asked him to make a promotional song. This is what he should have done." It's a pity that he is a mud that can't support the wall. Plagiarism, even plagiarism from exo, does he really think that no one knows?"

This, this should work.That's why Li Xiaolu said, "He's learning from it, whether he understands Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom or not."

"Learn from" An Chen even laughed out loud, 70% of the reference is funny.

"I don't want to quarrel with you, let's not talk about partnering. It's your business if you want to dance, it has nothing to do with me."

The matter between the two of them was so sudden that they were already in such an embarrassing situation before anyone else could speak.Zhao Yingjun hurried forward and said, "Well, we are just performing a show, there is no need to be so awkward. Let's continue watching Huang Yali's chariot."

Huang Yali also hurriedly said at this time, "Yes, yes, let's look at my chariot." At this time, the two kings Zhao made such a fuss, who would care to see what chariot, but Huang Yali's face still has to be given Yes, so everyone cheered up and listened to Huang Yali's introduction.

As for Li Xiaolu, although she was about to cry, she didn't give up, she just liked her brother, what's wrong with you, the more you don't let me, the more I want to dance.Didn't he just sleep with me a few times? Liang Liang, who has no right to tell me what to do, doesn't sleep with me often, he still coaxes me.In this world, only my younger brother can beat me at will.

At this moment, the third module on Huang Yali's car was lowered, which is still very surprising like a suspension bridge.The next second, Huang Yali stood in front and shouted, "How are you friends on the mountain?"

Body 0542: Your stage

At this moment, everyone seemed to be ignited, even the depression caused by An Chen and Li Xiaolu was washed away a lot.At this moment, everyone echoed, except An Chen and Li Xiaolu.I have to say that Huang Yali is very good at driving the atmosphere, at least in An Chen's opinion, she is successful at this moment.

The fourth module is side-opening, and the side-opening door is made as the definition of home, the purpose is to let people feel the warmth of home when opening the door.There is actually a lifting platform inside, and the last slide actually comes down from the roof of the car.

"This is a circle. I hope everyone can go back to the original point in the end and don't forget the original dream."

Hearing this, Zhao Yingjun said, "She passed away after super girl, she passed away soon."

Before Zhao Yingjun could finish speaking, Brother Jun interrupted Zhao Yingjun.


Brother Jun's words reminded everyone that he passed away in less than a year, and there may be no one faster than him.At this moment, several women laughed one after another.

After laughing, Zhao Yingjun continued, "After she got angry, she spent all the money she earned on the car. She wanted to make a stage for herself, but she didn't expect to have such an opportunity now. The Youth Hostel will show it to everyone."

At this moment, Dai Jun continued, "Yali has been in Beijing for ten years, and she told me that she didn't even buy a house, but she actually has such a thing."

After Dai Jun finished speaking, Huang Yali said, "The first car in my life is here. I made this car because in the eighth year of my debut, someone said they would give me a concert. Then I After finishing all the repertoires, I thought, I can finally hold a concert because I am a singer. Then after I prepared the repertoires, they said to me, sorry, the capital has been withdrawn, and I can’t hold a concert for you. "

"Then I was very angry and emotional at the time. I said something at the time, it doesn't matter if you don't give me a stage. I will make a stage for myself. Then I spent two years making my stage. It took two years to bring it to the youth hostel site."

At this moment, everyone applauded, and An Chen said at this moment, "Although we are going to have a thank-you party, can we give Yali a stage? Anyway, our performance is not long, so we will give Yali a formal stage." Concert standards, and then let the national audience cheer for you."

An Chen's proposal received unanimous praise from everyone, and they acted as a relay for Huang Yali when she changed games.

Hearing this, Huang Yali was moved and said, "Thank you, thank you everyone. This is its first time. Thank you very much. I will definitely do my best."

The second day was rehearsal time, and in the morning of the fourth day, after everyone had breakfast, a bus appeared at the pick-up area.At this moment, everyone went out to pick up people, only Wang Yuan was sorting out the ingredients in the store.

A lot of people came, including Brother Bing, a model group, a cycling group, a family of 4 from the beginning of Building A, and Wang Yuan's rice noodles.

It was almost noon at this time, and today we agreed to have dinner at the organic farm, so we took people to the bdbj organic farm.As for the rest of the people are still painting cars, cars still need decoration.

An Chen is here to help paint the car. He is also a master of painting. Although he is not a sketcher, he is not particularly bad.Besides, it's just graffiti, so it's not that demanding.

The moment they were done, the others came back.Hearing everyone's praise, especially the praise of Huang Yali painted by An Chen, An Chen couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"Okay, I'm done, what do I do now?"

Following An Chen's words, Huang Yali said, "Then you three, do you want to practice dancing?"

Because she was going to be in the concert mode at night, she didn't have the time to dance with Li Xiaolu and the others.After all, their show started when she was taking a dressing break.

The position of dancing Huang Yali was replaced by Cheng Xiaoyue.And their hip-hop dance is indeed still delusional.An Chen didn't say anything about it, as long as he didn't participate, he didn't care about others.

Seeing the three of them start dancing, An Chen turned around and left.Seeing An Chen walking away, Li Jing said, "Xiao Lu, it seems that Xiao Chen really doesn't like ne, why don't we change it now, there is still time, if you change it temporarily, it's okay to work harder."

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu said unhappily, "No change, it's his business if he doesn't like it, we sing ours. This is the first time I've seen this kind of emotional entertainer in a variety show, and I don't have any professionalism."

Hearing what Li Xiaolu said, Li Jing couldn't say anything more, but shook her head helplessly, and began to rehearse.

It was already afternoon. Due to the large number of people, although it was not time to cook, the side dishes had already started.Today's meal was served by the students themselves, so An Chen didn't participate in it, but just watched the others prepare it.

At this moment, four children came, seeing the four children gathered around the stove, An Chen hurriedly said, "Okay, come out with brother, brother will take you to have fun.".

Body 0543: The end of youth

After dinner, the most exciting part of the day came. The men in Building B brought the tables, chairs, benches and charcoal stove to arrange the seats for the venue.

At the same time, other people also began to greet passengers to prepare to come.When they were ready, not long after the others also arrived.

As everyone sat down, the concert officially began.Only Zhao Yingjun shouted, "Today is Huang Yali's concert time, and we are all her supporting roles today. First of all, welcome to the two hosts, Li Xiaolu and Wang Yuan."

Hearing this, Li Xiaolu and Wang Yuan came to the stage, and then Li Xiaolu was the first to say, "Hao, good evening everyone."

After Li Xiaolu finished speaking, Wang Yuan interjected, "Today is not only Huang Yali's super-burning concert, but also the most domineering and invincible cultural performance in our youth hostel."

"First of all, our youth hostel is coming to an end. At the end, everyone can come, I am really grateful. So, first of all, welcome to Huang Yali, she has helped us a lot, so we unanimously decided to give her a The treatment of the concert. Therefore, tonight will be Huang Yali's home stadium, and I hope we can have a wonderful night."

Hearing this, Wang Yuan continued again, "When everyone came here before, maybe we still had some shortcomings, so I want to present the best of us to everyone at the end of the show, so that everyone can witness our growth. .Okay, first of all, let us usher in the first program."

"We are here for vacation and relaxation, so let's bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of the city and welcome Huang Yali and her pastoral fragrance."

This is a song that makes people yearn for the countryside. It couldn't be more beautiful to sing in this place. The slightly ethereal and high-spirited voice brought the party to a climax, and there were bursts of applause at the end.

After Huang Yali left the stage, Li Xiaolu and Wang Yuan came up again, only to hear Wang Yuan say, "Are you happy or happy?"

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