At this moment, Song Zuer's mouth was wide open, and she said in disbelief, "Are they all my brother's women?" At this point, "five six three" Song Zuer seemed to reflect, and said again "So our flower group in this issue is cute, isn't it? Or is it cute soon?"

At this moment An Chen was speechless and twitched the corners of his mouth, it seemed that this issue of flowers had been swept away very quickly.

"No, Mengmeng's personality is not very suitable. So I never teased her, nor treated her well."

Hearing this, Song Zu'er sighed and said, "Mengmeng just hasn't grown up."

At this point, Song Zu'er couldn't continue.It's not that Lai Mengmeng hasn't grown up anymore, it's a princess disease.

"Okay, let's not talk about her. What about you, how are you doing?"

Song Zu'er thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said, "It's okay, nothing special, I just miss you so much, I feel like I've lost weight."

This is true, you must know that Song Zu'er participated in Hua'er and Boys, but she became baby fat, but at this moment, she is just right, perfectly thin.

"It's good, it's more sexy if you lose weight, but it's good this way. It doesn't look good any more thin, so you have to keep it, don't skip meals, and don't eat too much."

Song Zu'er showed a satisfied smile after hearing An Chen's praise, and then said, "Well, I will keep it."

"Come on, lie down."

At this moment, facing An Chen's sudden words, Song Zuer shuddered for a moment, and then begged for mercy, "Brother, please let the group go, and when the next time the group calls sister Na Ya or Shuying, I will definitely accompany you." you."

At this moment, An Chen's eyebrows twitched, and then he tapped on Song Zuer's little head, and said, "What are you thinking? You asked you to lie down and give you a massage. Do you think you can film tomorrow with your appearance?"

Hearing this, Song Zu'er realized that he was thinking wrong, stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, and hurriedly lay down.Following An Chen's moderate massage, Song Zu'er soon fell asleep. Seeing this, An Chen also fell asleep for a while, and then got up to cook for Song Zuer.Since they started at noon, they went straight to dinner.

When Song Zu'er woke up and found that An Chen was not there, he was just a little disappointed.Then when she was about to put on her clothes, she suddenly heard a sound.Hearing this, Song Zu'er knew that An Chen hadn't left.So she hurried out of the bedroom after getting dressed.Although it's at An Chen's house, it's not impossible to be naked, but it's already autumn and it's still very cold.

The place where the sound came from was the kitchen. After Song Zu'er walked down carefully, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.The aroma is not particularly strong, but it seems to draw out the gluttons of people.

At this moment, Song Zu'er naturally heard the sound of drumming in his stomach.The next moment, she stopped hiding, walked quickly to the kitchen, and said, "Brother An Chen, you've cooked something delicious."

"Well, go and wash your hands. I haven't eaten at noon. You must be starving. Eat more later."


Early the next morning, An Chen sent Song Zu'er back to the set, and then went to Wuling Mountain in Fuling, Chongqing.This is the location of the second match of their fire team. After the third match, he will usher in a one-month vacation to go to Hong Kong to film.And in this half month, they will finish recording 3 points games.

Since the competition was on Wuling Mountain, everyone first took the cable car up Wuling Mountain, and then arrived at the designated place to meet up.

After the rendezvous, after some banter, the game started over the speakers.

"Welcome to the Canyon of Kings. The ten players in this issue have been prepared for all summoners. Everyone is a king, let's start choosing."

As the voice fell, another voice came.

"On the left side of the suspension bridge in front of you, there are ten sets of hero cards hanging. If you find the hero card you want and bring it back, it is considered a successful hero selection."

Then it was time for discussion, and Lin Zhiyu asked first, "Xiaochen, you are the best at playing here, what do you think we should choose?"

"Let's ask for Kai. I think Kai is more useful than Cheng Yaojin. Daji must have the 36 mages. Next is Gao Jianli. I also need an assassin and a shooter."

Speaking of this, An Chen paused, and then continued, "Okay, as for who to choose, let's think for ourselves now."

Hearing An Chen's words, Wang Bowen said, "I want Gao Jianli."

Wang Jia heard the words and said, "Then let me play with Di Renjie."

Hearing this, Wang Yibo said, "Then I'll play Kai."

After Wang Yibo's words fell, An Chen said, "Then I'll be the assassin."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Body 0560: The Beginning of the Assassin's Journey

The two sides chose the 1vs1 relay mode for the hero selection. The first group played was Wang Jiaer and the opponent's He Yijun.Seeing the two rushing out of the suspension bridge in a funny way, An Chen was also amused.But the next moment he couldn't laugh anymore, because He Yijun chose his favorite Zhao Yun.

Well, since Zhao Yun is gone, we can only play Han Xin.So An Chen was the last one to go up, giving priority to the heroes everyone needs.

Fortunately, there were no surprises later. The final lineup was Wang Bowen's Gao Jianli, An Chen's Han Xin, Lin Zhizun's Daji, Wang Jiaer's Di Renjie, and Wang Yibo's Kai.On the blue side are Cheng Yaojin from Sha Yi, Athena from Jia Tuan, Houyi from Zhang Dada, Zhao Yun from He Chiefjun, and Da Qiao from Wang Lin.

After everyone determined the lineup, they came to a mountain, which was like a base in the mountain, and it was one of the air-raid shelters built that year.

When they arrive at the location, study their map first.This time there are only up and down, and the red and blue buffs are even more hidden, 13 is under the sixth floor.

"Except for the red and blue buffs, the junglers are the closest to us, so Jiaer and I will be responsible for grabbing the resurrection armor later, and the rest of you can come slowly."

Just then, that voice sounded again.

"Welcome to the world of the king's attack. The opponent's hero has five seconds to arrive on the battlefield. Please be ready."

After both sides finished their preparations, An Chen shouted, "Jiaer, run up" after saying "The whole army is attacking."

An Chen was much faster than Wang Jiaer, and went straight to the nearest destination.In less than three minutes, An Chen had reached the first jungle spot. The moment he stopped, An Chen said, "Jungle."

"Okay, you need to memorize all the patterns within 30 seconds, and if all the patterns are matched after 1 minute, the challenge is successful."

Rely on memory? I haven't lost yet, okay?

"let's start."

"30 seconds memory starts."

In the next second, the man in black turned around neatly, revealing the image of a hero behind him.Seeing this, An Chen quickly remembered.In about ten seconds, An Chen had memorized all the pictures, but he still looked at them twice.After confirming that there is no problem, I only heard the referee on the side say, "One minute to start pairing."

"The first in the first row and the second in the fourth row, the second in the first row and the fourth in the first row, the third in the first row and the third in the third row"

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