Following An Chen's accurate reading, the field referee said, "Congratulations on completing the field challenge and gaining the benefits of Hai Lan's House."

An Chen was not surprised to get such a result. After getting the Resurrection Armor, the next step is the second-hand journey.

Although jungle is also very important, killing is more important besides jungle.

This time, An Chen didn't run any more, she had to use her physical strength wisely.When he walked to the next wild area, he suddenly heard a voice, and the next second An Chen quietly touched it.

Although the terrain was not conducive to hiding, there were still passages and boxes as cover, and no one was paying attention, so An Chen got behind a box when the other party was not paying attention.After signaling the photographer to hide, An Chen began to wait.

At this moment, He Yijun's disbelieving voice came from not far away, and he only heard him say, "What, it's impossible that I'm not the first to complete the jungle, but I ran all the way here."

"I'm sorry, you're really not the first to complete the jungler, here's your 5 Jingdou."


Just when He Yijun fell into depression, Zhang Dada said, "Are you finished? We will go to the next point when we are finished."

It's useless to say anything now, let's hurry up and make money, He Yijun thought so and said, "Okay, let's go to the next jungle spot."

The two were talking about going away, at this moment, the moment the two had just walked past the box, a hand stretched out, and instantly patted Zhang Dada's arm.

At this moment, Zhang Da was taken aback, not knowing what happened at all.At the same time, He Chief Jun's sight was blocked by Zhang Da.In the next second, An Chen who rushed out suddenly grabbed He Yijun's hand and pulled it back, then slapped the sensor on his arm with a 490 palm.

With two beeps, the two were out of the game one after another.At this moment, the two of them didn't react. It wasn't until An Chen left that they looked at each other, and then He Yijun said, "What happened just now?"

Wen Yanzhang rolled his eyes angrily, and said with a delicate face, "We've been beaten."

"Tell me why he is here"

Hearing what He Yijun said, Zhang Dada said with an unhappy face, "It must have been hidden here before. He ran faster than us, and he hid purposefully. Could it be that you think I didn't see him?"

He Yijun didn't believe it at all when Zhang Dada shirked his responsibility.But at this time, they were all dead, so what else could they say, so the two returned to the resurrection point directly.When they ran into Sha Yi and the others on the road, Zhang Dada even coquettishly told Jia Huan that An Chen had attacked him and asked Jia Huan to help him avenge him.

When Sha Yi heard this, he hurriedly said, "Ah, you better not trouble Xiaochen.".

Body 0561: Mysterious agent equipment box

Hearing what Sha Yi said, Jia Tuan said, "Why do you want to be a traitor?"

"No, I want to tell you that Xiaochen is a strong group. When I recorded the extreme challenge, a group of us were played by him and applauded. You will know how powerful he is."

"That's because you are too good at it."

Cai your sister.

"Okay, then we'll just tease him, but it's okay, don't blame me for not reminding you when the food is delivered."

At this moment, An Chen saw Wang Lin who was alone.Wang Lin was running from a place in a panic, and An Chen happened to come out of a wild area.Seeing Wang Lin, An Chen said, "Sister, don't run away, you look so tired, I'll take you to rest for a while."

"No, Xiaochen, I think I can run more. And my sister just came out for a while, you won't send me back right now. Let's hug, and then you let me go, okay?"

Is that good but I don't think so.But after thinking about it, An Chen still planned to let Wang Lin go and play games. When it's time to be soft and win a good impression, he still has to be soft.

"Okay, but you don't have to hug. Shake hands and let my sister go once, but I won't let you go when I see you next time."

"Okay, let's go then."

An Chen was speechless, is this telling me that I don't even need to shake hands?

"Then I'm leaving, sister be careful." After speaking, An Chen turned around and left without caring what would happen to Wang Lin.

Although there was no threat from Daji, An Chen thought about it and came to the Jingdong Convenience Store.At this time, he was a jungler and added seconds, and he already had 40 beans, so he came to see what they were selling.But here, An Chen happened to meet Wang Yibo, and Wang Yibo said, "An Chen, you are here too, let's see what we sell together."

"Welcome to Jingdong Convenience Store. We have the most complete equipment here. Let's see what you want to buy."

While the two were watching, a secret agent box came into their eyes, and An Chen said, "Give it a shot, what do you think the secret agent box is?"

Wang Yibo immediately returned after hearing the words, "I think that must be very useful, why don't you buy that, as long as 5 Jingdou. I really don't have Jingdou, otherwise I will definitely buy it."

At this moment, Wang Jiaer's voice suddenly came.

"Brother, it turns out that you are here."

Hearing this, An Chen turned around and said, "Jiaer come down quickly, we saw something special."

Wang Jia heard the words and hurried down, and then he also saw the so-called super equipment.Wang Jiaer asked curiously, "What's in there?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I don't know, I'm about to buy it, will you buy it or I will buy it?"

After hearing the words, Wang Jia thought for a while and said, "Brother, give me the opportunity. Come on, here are my 5 Jingdou."

Seeing that Wang Jia'er had already paid for it, An Chen didn't say anything else. Anyway, they were all his own people, and one more piece of equipment would give him more strength.Even if it's not her own, does An Chen lack the means?

But when Wang Jiaer opened the box, he froze for a moment.There are three bags in there, I don't know what is in it.

Seeing this, the three picked up a bag one by one, and then opened it to take a look.What is this purple potato? Pick one up and put it in your mouth, it really is.

"This is a purple potato."

Following An Chen's words, Wang Jiaer took out an item from his bag, and said, "Is mine convenient?"

Wang Yibo also said at this time, "This is also a purple potato."

At this moment, Wang Jiaer was extremely depressed, and he only heard him say, "Did I waste five beans like this?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "You don't or I think the taste is not bad."

Wang Jia heard the words, and said resentfully, "I'm not hungry, what do you want this for?"

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