After Zhang Da finished speaking, he headed towards the wild area on the top road, while the remaining two people fought each other while walking, and at the same time headed towards the second road on the red side.However, the two of them walked for less than three minutes before they heard Zhang Dada say in the communication, "I've been hacked again. Be careful, An Chen is waiting in front. Also, if you have a chance, you must kill An Chen, for your sake." Revenge. Huh huh, if you are necrotic, you will bully others."

Fortunately, An Chen didn't hear Zhang Dada's voice, and fortunately An Chen didn't form a group with Zhang Dada, otherwise he would be disgusted to death.

Hearing Zhang Dada's cry, Jia Tuan promised, "Don't worry, if I see him, I will definitely let him come and go."

At this moment, everyone's mobile phone rang, and the voice of the message came.After hearing the sound, An Chen looked at his mobile phone and the Super Soldier Super Egg had appeared in the arena. Please pay close attention to the surrounding environment.

Has the super soldier appeared? It seems that because of his own strength, the super soldier appeared in advance.But it doesn't matter to him for the next second, An Chen continued to wait quietly.

At this moment, Sha Yi's voice came over.

"Didn't you say that Xiaochen is waiting in front of you? Why haven't we met after walking for so long?"

Hearing this, Jia Huan said, "It should be gone, the super egg has appeared, and everyone may be looking for the super egg now."

Sha Yi seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and then he continued, "Then why don't we hurry up and be so careful, the eggs may be taken away by others."

Hearing this, Jia Ling seemed to realize the problem, and hurriedly said, "Go, run."

When they ran close to An Chen, they couldn't help but slow down. This was an instinctive reaction. At the same time, they began to turn around and pass from a distance.But no matter how fast and careful they are, can they pass An Chen quickly? When the three of them met, An Chen rushed towards them like a cheetah preying on them.

From An Chen's point of view, the skills of these two people are just jokes. One can help others resist skill damage, and the other can walk around after death and resurrect at any point.But this was of no use to An Chen, who could kill with one blow.

At this time, the two of them had already prepared themselves. The moment they saw An Chen rushing, Sha Yi opened his posture.But Jia Huan was a woman after all, so he was still startled by An Chen's aggressiveness under the sudden circumstances.

At this moment, Jia Tuan, who hadn't had time to react, was half a beat too late, preventing the two from forming an effective defense.To others, this might be fleeting, but to An Chen, it was enough for him to carry out an attack.An Chen, who was running, suddenly slanted his body, and then exerted his strength to come to Jia Huan's side in an instant.And it was too late for Sha Yi to defend at this time, because he was defending and retreating just now, although he stepped forward at this time, he was still one step short.

ask for flowers

In the next second, although Jia Huan resisted and wanted to press his sensor with one hand, An Chen pressed it quickly.With the shock of static electricity and the sound of beeps, Jia Tuan was killed again.Then An Chen confronted Sha Yi head-on.

Although theoretically, an assassin will die if he encounters meat, but if the development of the assassin exceeds the meat, then it is not certain who will die.What's more, this is a real game, no matter if he is facing meat or anything, he has the ability to kill with one blow.

"Come on, one blow will determine the outcome."

Jia Huan also said at this time, "Come on, Sha Yi, kill him, and wipe away the shame."

Hearing Jia Huan's words, Sha Yi felt bitter, he really wanted to say that a concubine couldn't do it.But at this time, you can't raise others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige, so although Sha Yi was suffering in his heart, he still had the mentality of a baby not to say anything, and shouted loudly, "Come on, one blow will determine the outcome."

Although Sha Yi said so, he didn't have the slightest tendency to attack.Seeing this, An Chen immediately stepped forward to attack.

When An Chen's arm stretched out, Sha Yi, who was a beat behind, also extended his hand to attack. At the same time, his left hand formed a resistance to prevent An Chen's attack.

But how could he prevent An Chen from really thinking that he was Li Chen? Looking at the dangling arm, An Chen grabbed it accurately and pulled it suddenly.

At this moment, Sha Yi, who felt An Chen's strength, was startled, and then suddenly exerted his strength to resist An Chen.But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, and then he lost control of his body for a brief moment. .

Body 0564: Damn it, you have to die

Yes, due to inertia, Sha Yi unconsciously became old because of his pulling.At this moment, An Chen grabbed Sha Yi's hand and took a step forward, and his left hand instantly patted Sha Yi's sensor.

An Chen, who had murdered someone, turned around and left, while Sha Yi looked at An Chen's leaving back with a dazed expression.

Seeing this, Jia Huan said angrily, "What are you looking at, go back and wait for the resurrection."

Following Jia Huan's words, Sha Yi went to the resurrection point again, while Jia Huan walked everywhere.Her ability is to roam freely after death, but she does not have the ability to attack and be attacked.Therefore, she ran towards An Chen, intending to be a human eye to curb the development of An Chen's "[-]".

But her ideas are plump, but reality is backbone.How could her speed and endurance catch up with An Chen?

Let's talk about An Chen at this time.He went to the jungler again, keeping an eye on He Yijun and Wang Lin.At this moment, only two people are alive, but it is still too difficult to find them in such a large place.So An Chen gave up searching and focused on making money instead.

When An Chen was concentrating on making money, Wang Lin happened to pass by.In an instant, An Chen gave up the jungle competition of 5 Jingdou and blocked Wang Lin.Amidst Wang Lin's exclamation, An Chen said, "Sister Wang Lin, you have two choices now, see which one you can accept."

Huh, is there a choice? At this moment, Wang Lin is not so afraid.

"Tell me, what are the two options?"

"There are two choices. One is that you dance with me, and I will let you go once. The other is that I will kill you, and you go to the resurrection point to squat for five minutes. To put it bluntly, 5 beans are exchanged for 5 minutes."

Five beans for five minutes, thinking about it, Wang Lin suddenly felt that it was a good deal.So she said, "Okay, then I choose to dance. It's settled, you can't kill me when it's over."

"Of course. I keep my word with women, so let's get started"

"it is good."

After dancing, An Chen really let Wang Lin go and went to the next wild spot.This time he came to the outside of Yinbei's jungle spot, and at this time He Yijun was playing in the jungle.

Hearing He Chief Jun's voice grow louder, An Chen suddenly let out a scream, which scared He Chief Jun and killed his game villain at the same time.

Seeing this, He Yijun was speechless, and only heard him say, "An Chen, why don't you go find a super soldier and run away to harm me?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Super soldiers are not very useful to assassins, so I didn't look for them." Speaking of this, An Chen suddenly changed the subject and said, "Since we've met each other, why do we have a game? A one-on-one duel between assassins."

He Yijun originally wanted to run, but if he ran again at this time, his momentum would be suppressed.So after thinking about it, He Yijun said, "Okay, let's have a game."

The next moment, the two of them stepped out of the field and took a stance.

Seeing that He Chief Jun was getting ready, An Chen directly launched an attack.Although He Yijun was very cautious and worked hard, An Chen still grabbed his hand in a gap.

At this moment, An Chen's ears moved, and he heard a voice behind him.If it was An Chen's teammate at this time, there would definitely be a sound behind An Chen, but if it was quiet at this time, it must be Wang Lin.Although An Chen was able to dodge it, he gave up after thinking about it. After all, without seeing the situation behind him, it would be easy to feel like a fake.

But it is impossible for Wang Linbai to hit him like this. The next second, An Chen suddenly pulled He Yijun, and hit He Yijun's arm in a quick step.

Although he was knocked out, He Yijun was not unhappy at all, he still held hands with An Chen, and said, "An Chen, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, and I finally know how you got the title of King of Variety Shows. At that moment, I felt like I couldn’t control myself.”

Hearing what He Yijun said, and feeling the sudden approaching footsteps behind him, An Chen was also happy to cooperate.Do you still have to die? An Chen thought about it and said, "That's right, now you know how powerful you are. Now that your teammates have been sent to the resurrection point by me, I see how you guys are going to find super eggs."

At this moment, Wang Lin finally walked over without a sound, and she patted her with quick hands.Accompanied by the static electricity and the sound of beeps behind him, An Chen showed a look of surprise, and then looked behind him.

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