At this time Wang Lin was showing a proud look, waiting for everyone to praise her.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Sister Wang Lin, enough is enough, I let you off twice, and you actually sneaked up on me quietly. Just wait, I will definitely not let you go next time."

"Hmph, who is afraid of whom?"

People can lose, but momentum can't, that's what Wang Lin did.As for what to do next, let’s take it one step at a time.

Seeing this, He Yijun said, "Let's go, An Chen, let's go to the resurrection point."

This time, the resurrection points of both parties are in the same place, so the two can go together.When the two arrived, the resurrection duo happened to be coming out.Seeing An Chen coming to the resurrection point, Sha Yi said in disbelief, "Xiaochen, who killed you?"

s pushes a book: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds of Super Theological Seminary.

Body 0565: Two Super Eggs

"Ah, it was Sister Wang Lin who killed me. At that time, I was talking with He Yijun just after we had sex, and was attacked by Sister Wang Lin from behind."

Hearing what An Chen said, Sha Yi laughed out loud, and then said, "You also have today."

At the same time, Zhang Da said, "Haha, finally someone avenged me."

An Chen also smiled when he heard the words, and said nonchalantly, "Then you go first, He Yijun and I are going to the resurrection point first."

At this moment, An Chen, who was about to leave, paused, only hearing Lin Zhiling's voice from the earphones.

"I have good news for everyone. I found a super egg. Now I want to protect it for fifteen minutes. So can any of you protect me for fifteen minutes?"

13 Upon hearing such words, Wang Bowen was the first to say, "I'll go, I still have 3 skills, and I have a lot of blood."

After Wang Bowen's words fell, Wang Yibo immediately answered, "Then I'll go too, I can take them away alone."

Wang Jia heard the words and said, "Then I will continue to look for eggs."

At this moment, Lin Zhiyu spoke again, but he asked An Chen who had been silent all this time.

"Xiaochen, won't you protect me?"

In Lin Zhiyu's heart, he obviously believed in An Chen and relied on An Chen, so after hearing that An Chen hadn't spoken out, he couldn't help but say this.But she didn't know that An Chen was already dead, so how could she protect her?

After entering the resurrection point, An Chen said, "I just died, and was attacked by Sister Wang Lin when I was killing Lord He Chief."

Only then did Lin Zhiyu realize why An Chen didn't speak, and he felt better and said at the same time, "Then Xiaochen is resurrected and will protect me."

"it is good."

Anyway, it's only 10 minutes, and it's about 8 minutes if you count the distance, so there's no delay.

While An Chen and He Yijun were resting, He Yijun suddenly said, "Everyone go to protect Zhang Dada, don't go wild, otherwise we will suffer a lot later."

Hearing what He Yijun said, An Chen immediately said in the communication, "Jiaer went to snipe Zhang Dada to form a suppressive firepower. Remember not to go forward, and notify Sister Zhiyu and the others when you find the target."

"Sister Zhiyu, if you find Zhang Dada later, just use charm to ask him to hand over the egg. If they give the egg to Jia Tuan, Wang Bowen will send the skill to Jia Tuan, and Miss Zhiyu will charm Sha Yi. As for Zhang Dada And Sister Wang Lin, you don't need to waste your skills. In a head-to-head confrontation, they are definitely delivering food, Wang Yibo, you can just kill them."

"Okay, we got it."

Hearing everyone's knowing voice in the headset, An Chen smiled.At this moment, He Yijun said in disbelief, "You have arranged tactics in front of me like this, aren't you afraid that I will tip off the news?"

Hearing He Yijun's disbelieving question, An Chen said, "Don't be afraid, even if you know it, is there a way to solve it?"

At this moment, He Yijun was speechless.That's right, even if they knew, how could they fight back?At this moment, He Yijun couldn't help but sighed, he really wanted to change his teammates, even if he could only change two of them, it would be good.

Not long after, An Chen and He Yujun came back to life.Because they were resurrected under their own crystals, both of them contacted their teammates immediately at this moment, ready to support.But before An Chen could speak, in the next second, Lin Zhiyu happily shouted into the microphone, "yeah, we got Zhang Dada's super egg, and now we have two super eggs."

At this moment, He Yijun, who was about to contact his family, obviously also heard the news from his own people, and he stopped suddenly while running forward, and said helplessly to the camera, "I'd better go to the jungle. The last egg was still not saved, and two people were hanged in my family, and one person was controlled."

He Yijun is helpless at this time, but he can only go to the jungle carefully, there are three people on the other side, no matter how he looks at it, he has no chance.

"I'll watch over you for a few minutes while you're there."

Hearing An Chen's question, Lin Zhiyu hurriedly said, "We are together and are going to Jingdong Convenience Store."

After hearing the answer from 500 to Lexus, An Chen continued, "Then you wait for me first, but don't relax your vigilance, He Chief Jun may sneak attack."

"Okay, then come quickly."

After hanging up the communicator, An Chen speeded up.After all, now is the time to race against time.

Facts proved that An Chen was overthinking. When he arrived, they walked all the way to the Jingdong Convenience Store, but they didn't see anyone from Lan Fang.

At this moment, Lin Zhiyu's control time came, and An Chen gave Zhang Da a ride directly.At this moment, Zhang Dada uttered harsh words like a wronged little daughter-in-law, but it was useless except to make An Chen sick.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "It seems that the other party is not well-rounded, so they won't fight against us."

"Then what do we do now"

Hearing this, An Chen thought for a while, and said, "There are two ways to fight now. One is to intercept them separately after exchanging super soldiers. There are only two paths in this field, one super soldier and one way, and a support is enough. Then I play jungle development alone."

Text 0566: The director has spoken

"The second plan is to ignore them, we will directly grow in the jungle, hold the jungle point, and use the super soldiers as an advantage to kill one by one. But the disadvantage of the second method is that there are 4 jungle points. If we fight separately , it is easy to be attacked”

When An Chen said this, the director's voice came into the microphone, and the director had no choice but to say, "Xiaochen, it's garbage time after you deploy like this, how can you play the game and increase the broadcast volume to leave a way for the other party to survive?" , leave some suspense."

This voice was not only heard by An Chen, but also by other members of the fire team.Everyone felt a little embarrassed for a while, but this was not the time to be embarrassed. An Chen hurriedly said, "But if we split up and play jungle, we can develop faster. After all, the opponent only has five people, and there are more Resurrection every five minutes."

Speaking of this, An Chen couldn't make it up anymore, after all, there seemed to be too many differences.But at this moment, Ling Zhiyu, the captain, said with a final word, "Okay, then follow the second action, and we will split up and fight in the wild. Work hard to make money, and develop the fastest."

Although this idea is bad enough, it can only go like this.After the super soldiers hatched, Lin Zhiyu and Wang Bowen went to a jungler alone, Wang Jiaer and Wang Yibo went to a jungler, and An Chen went to a jungler by himself.

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