Just when they were going to play wild, the boss of Jingdong Convenience Store received instructions from the boss.At this moment, Sha Yi from the blue side came over, saw the big turntable, and asked curiously, "Boss, what is this for?"

"This is for the lottery. Now you can draw the lottery. If you want to try your luck as a hero, you only need two Jingdou."

"Okay, I'll try my luck."

Because the turntable was tampered with in advance, Sha Yi only used it once, and Sha Yi won the ultimate prize, the super soldier.Amid Sha Yi's cheers, the blue team ushered in their first super soldier.

At this moment, Lin Zhiyu shouted into the headset, "They blocked me in the dancing wild area, four people. They can't attack if I don't go out now, but my super soldiers can't attack them either."

Hearing such an answer, An Chen said, "We'll go there now."

Speaking of which, An Chen started to run, but after a few runs, he changed to walk.Since it is necessary to release water, it must be released to a certain advantage, otherwise, it may still be difficult to have any exciting duel.

Except for An Chen, the others arrived soon.At this moment, the team battle was on the verge of breaking out.Because he knew from the beginning that the water was going to be released, Wang Bowen was also killed by He Chiefjun's assassin after the super soldiers killed the two opponents.On the other hand, Lin Zhiyu's Daji only killed one person. Wang Jiaer and Wang Yibo killed He Yijun, but they were killed by Sha Yi's super soldiers and Jia Tuan.

At this time, a 2vs1 situation has formed on the court, which is extremely unfavorable for Wang Yibo.Wang Yibo didn't run away in the end, and was captured by Sha Yi's super soldiers.The blue side, who had been prepared for a long time, took down a super pawn left there.The sum of all the other party's money was only enough for two bracelets, and Zhang Dada died.

After everyone was killed, An Chen arrived, but when he saw the opponent's two super soldiers, An Chen said in disbelief, "Why do you have two super soldiers?"

At this moment, the two of them naturally saw An Chen, but what An Chen didn't expect was that they didn't answer his question, but shouted in unison, "Super Soldier, kill him."

Are you kidding me? Do you really think you are super soldiers and invincible? But the gap between the two sides is too big, so An Chen decided to let them go.

The next moment, An Chen turned around and left, faster than a super soldier.At this moment, two super soldiers threw out their shells one after another.The cannonball hit An Chen in an arc, but one hit only where An Chen was just now, while the other one missed the prediction by a step, and was dodged by An Chen.

When the two super soldiers picked up the ball, An Chen had already run to the corner.Seeing this, both of them were extremely speechless, so they could only say, "Stop chasing, let's go to the jungle."

"Well, he ran too fast, we couldn't catch up at that speed."

Hearing such words, Sha Yi was deeply moved, and then said, "Hey, I have old arms and legs, is it normal that I can't catch up with young people?"

Hearing this, Jia Huan said, "It's okay, we still have Lord He Emirates, and Lord He Emirates will definitely catch up with An Chen."

"Then An Chen should be handed over to He Chief Jun, Zhao Hao."

When the two were discussing the jungle, An Chen ran to the Jingdong Convenience Store. He had to figure out what was going on with the super soldiers. Why did the other party have two super soldiers? And it looked like they were still squatting there. A super soldier.It seems that this must be related to the new equipment that appeared in the text message just now.

When he rushed to the Jingdong convenience store, he saw the super soldier belt and understood what was going on.An Chen said directly, "Boss, how much is your super soldier bracelet selling for?"

"One of 40 Jingdou, as long as you bring it to the super soldier, then it will be yours."

40 jingdou

"Come on. What equipment does that have?"

Text 0567: Tower Jumping Attack

The wealthy An Chen directly asked for two, and also asked about other equipment by the way.

Hearing An Chen's question, the boss said, "There are also lipsticks and eye masks. This is the only way to open the other party's face recognition system. As long as you kill the person who uses face recognition on the other party, you can print the other party's eyes or lip prints." .”

Hearing the boss's introduction, An Chen directly said, "Let's get one of the same."

The opponent hasn't placed it yet, so it won't be missed.

After buying the equipment, An Chen went directly to get the remaining super soldiers, otherwise, who knows if his teammates would be one step faster.

When An Chen got the super pawn, he said, "I'll meet you later, don't hesitate to hit the nearest one."

Hearing this, the super soldier nodded, indicating that he understood.Because the blue team took two super soldiers, even An Chen couldn't kill five of them at once after they got together.For a while, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides became less obvious.

I don't know how long it took, but 517 only heard the voice on the radio shouting, "There are still five minutes to start the defense tower attack mode."

Hearing this, An Chen also activated the defense tower, and then shouted into the headset, "I already have the lip gloss and eye mask, and I also bought the face recognition system. Now let's gather together and discuss how to defend and how to push forward." Tower."

"it is good."

Three minutes later, after everyone gathered at the crystal, An Chen said straightforwardly, "The next thing we will do is to attack the tower and defend the tower. If we want to attack the tower, Wang Yibo and Wang Bowen and I can go. Sister Zhiyu and Jiaer are the main ones." Responsible for defense, so you have one tower and two towers."

Speaking of this, An Chen paused for a moment, and continued, "Currently, the 1st route needs face recognition, so we will attack the 2nd route first. So wait until you can stand it, but don't use skills yet."

"it is good."

"Turret attack mode will be activated after 5bdee seconds"

Hearing this, An Chen said, ",,, move, let's destroy the tower."

The 2-way tower needs to answer questions, and the tower can only be broken if the answer is correct, but it is not difficult for An Chen. How 8888888 is equal to 1000 is less than 1 minute, An Chen has the answer.

Looking at the two guarding the tower, An Chen said, "Wait a minute, Wang Bowen, you control He Chief Jun."

"What about super soldiers? Sha Yi has super soldiers with him."

"So wait for you to control Sha Yi. After shouting the skill, run to the attack range under our tower and let him pat your hand. It would be even better if it was a laser tower. Just stand inside and wait for him to pat. "

Hearing that Wang Yibo was stunned, there was still this operation, but he still agreed, "Okay."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the two of them, and said, "I'll count to three and I'll do it. Bo Wen, you'll retreat to our tower after you've released your skills."

"OK, 3, 2, 1"

As the word 1 fell, Wang Bowen yelled "He Chief, Fanatic Beat." Wang Bowen turned and ran after shouting, without delay.

At the same time, Wang Yibo yelled, "Sha Yi, come and hit me." Similarly, Wang Yibo left quickly after yelling, although it was only five minutes, it might not be able to be brought to the tower, but you have to give it a try.Moreover, even if it is taken away, it is good.

At this moment, An Chen started running, and two balls hit him while he was breathing. In addition, there were obstacles in front of him, so it was hard to dodge for a while.But that's for others, An Chen is a parkour master, how could he make such a mistake.An Chen supported the obstacle with his hand, then jumped over it, and quickly attacked the opponent's tower.

At this time, the opponent was also surprised. With such a high-speed impact, what if you make a mistake and get injured? At this moment, two more balls were fired, but just as the balls passed the muzzle, An Chen had already jumped over the tower.

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