Although Zhang Dada never left the sight from An Chen's sensor from the beginning to the end, An Chen's speed was too fast, so he could only rely on his feeling.

However, An Chen, who had a ballistic speech, never aimed his weapon at the sensor from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, An Chen came to the tower and did not attack the tower, but stretched out his hand to Zhang who had no time to escape.

With the sound of beeps and a shock of static electricity, Zhang Dasheng looked up at the sky helplessly. After this round, he ran to the resurrection point.

Seeing this, An Chen stopped behind He Yujun, and said, "If we kill you, we will forcefully push Yita. That identification system is your lip print, right?"

"An Chen, aren't you going too fast like this

An Chen heard the words, and said directly, "This is so exciting, isn't it?"

Anyway, as long as it is exciting enough, there should be no shortage of broadcast volume, and the clipping is enough.

Without waiting for He Chief Jun to refute, An Chen continued, "And you have to die, otherwise how can I get your lip print?"

Hearing that Mr. He Emirates didn't know how to refute it, it seems that the next step is to fight hard.

1 minute passed quickly, and at this second, the two who had already prepared had directly started the game.

At this moment, He Yijun turned around in a flash, and was about to block An Chen's attack.But what he didn't expect was that the moment he turned around, the sensor on his right hand was exposed to the opponent's hand.

It turned out that An Chen had already planned it out, and just waited for him to take the bait. .

Text 0568: Be an inspirational goddess

The sound of beeps, accompanied by static electricity, made He Qiujun relax.Then he smiled wryly and said, "An Chen, you are too strong, we have no chance at all."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "It's good that you know."

When he heard that the lip marks had to be printed on the other person's face, An Chen was in a bad mood, and he just said, "Can you wait, I'll call Wang Yibo over here"

Hearing this, the director said in the headset, "Whoever buys the lip gloss will use it."

After a moment of silence, An Chen shouted into the headset, "Wang Yibo, are you finished? Go to Jingdong Convenience Store and buy some lip gloss. Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you."

What the hell is there lip gloss? But Wang Yibo, who was puzzled, did not refute, but followed suit.

Seeing this, An Chen thought for a while, and took He Yijun directly to the Jingdong Convenience Store, since they were on the way to the resurrection point anyway, so it was completely on the way.When Wang Yibo ran into the two with lip gloss, An Chen hurriedly said, "Give it a go, you collect lip prints first, and I'll go and see Miss Zhiyu."


Wang Yibo stepped up and down in a daze, and He Yijun said, "You have been tricked by him, and the lip print must be printed on the face, so why don't you let me go?"

At this moment Wang Yibo finally knew why An Chen ran away with a "guilty heart", it turned out to be like this.But isn't that a bit too contrived?

"Think beautifully, don't try to provoke our relationship. Hurry up, I'm waiting for your loving kiss."

At this moment, He Yijun was speechless, he smiled helplessly, and kissed Wang Yibo after Wang Yibo covered him with lipstick.

Seeing Wang Yibo run away excitedly, He Qiujun went to the resurrection point at a disadvantage.

When Wang Yibo got the lip print and just unlocked the opponent's electronic face recognition system, the sound of red and blue buffs suddenly appeared.

At this moment, An Chen immediately said, "Give it a go, Bowen and Jiaer, you three kings are going to grab the red and blue buffs, and sister Zhiyu is guarding the tower."

At the same time, the other party also heard the news that the red and blue buffs appeared, and at this moment, the teammates of the blue team also just revived.

I only heard Jia Huan shouting in the microphone, "All the resurrected ones go to get the red and blue buffs, and Sha Yi, you go grab them too. If necessary, guard the stairs and don't let them go downstairs."

Because Sha Yi hadn't been taken to the tower before, Sha Yi's super soldiers are still there.At this time, the super soldiers on the field were An Chen, Sha Yi, and Jia Tuan. No matter who appeared, they could bring bloody storms.

Just when Sha Yi went to fight the red and blue buffs, he happened to see the Wang family trio.After all, it came from the first tower, and the distance on both sides was similar.

Seeing the trio, Sha Yi directly shouted, "Kill them, hurry up, kill all three of them."

Similarly, Wang Bowen, who saw all this, yelled directly, "Sha Yi, fanatical beat. Hold your super soldier and do a pole dance."

What kind of pole dance, what the hell is that, I can't dance around.The next moment, Sha Yi danced to the old disco.

Taking advantage of a minute, the three hurried on their way, and finally grabbed the blue buff.And the red buff was taken by a sneak attack by He Yijun who came quickly.He directly dropped Wang Bowen from behind, and then slammed Wang Jia'er at close range.At this time, Wang Yibo is playing the blue buff, and the rest of the time is for everyone from the blue team to arrive.

In the end, Wang Yibo was also taken down by the three who rushed over, but the good thing is that he took down the blue buff, and the red buff naturally belonged to the blue side.

At this time, An Chen also crossed the laser array and stood outside the line, ready to attack the tower.As for the super soldiers, naturally stay behind.Super soldiers in this place are not convenient to use.

ask for flowers

The next moment, An Chen said in the headset, "If I die later, sister Zhiyu will take super soldiers and guard the tower."

"it is good."

As An Chen's good words fell, he had already launched a charge.At this moment, Jia Tuan's super soldiers wanted to attack An Chen, but An Chen chose a place so good that Jia Tuan's obese body blocked her super soldiers' attack route.

The battlefield is often decided in an instant, so the super soldiers dare not neglect, standing behind Jia Huan, he suddenly jumped up and threw the ball.At the same time, Jia Huan also stretched out his hand fiercely, ready to attack An Chen.

But at this moment, An Chen suddenly leaned down and slanted, not to mention avoiding the ball coming from a high place, and even came to Jia Tuan's inconvenient left hand.The next moment, static pulses and beeps sounded.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "Sister Jia Tuan, let me go."

At this moment, Jia Huan started to play wildly, only to hear Jia Huan shouting, "Smelly man, when you love someone, you call him Xiao Tiantian, and hold what you say in the palm of your hand, and put it in your mouth. As a result, as soon as you change your mind, you call him Xiao Tiantian." Killed without hesitation. An Chen, you have changed, you are no longer the second dog I love."

At this moment, An Chen's mouth was twitching, and in the next second, he hurriedly said, "Sister Jia, it's not me who hit you, I don't want anything like yours for free. I like girls with a charming and slender figure like Sister Zhi. Why don't you encourage yourself to lose 50 pounds and become a goddess."

"Hmph, if I lose 50 catties, can I get you again? If you don't cherish it now, you won't have a chance if I lose weight."

"Forget it, let's give the opportunity to young people, I'm old."

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