After getting fifteen Jingdou, An Chen actually got an extra reward, the resurrection card.When he didn't give it to the jungler at the beginning, he thought that others were one step ahead, but he didn't expect it to be here.

At this time, An Chen finally showed his fangs, and said again, "You can still challenge now, right? Then I will do it fifteen more times."


At this moment, An Chen's fangs were so sharp that the wild monster couldn't help feeling guilty.Even the director couldn't sit still. Finally, after An Chen got 225 beans, the wild monster directly blocked the site, saying that it would not be open to An Chen again.

An Chen was not surprised to hear this, but Lin Zhiyu was already so excited that she couldn't help but want to sacrifice herself. If the timing wasn't right, she really wanted to do it right away. .

Main text 0576: A wave of ambushes failed?

"Xiaochen, you are amazing, I love you so much, you earned 5 beans in 225 minutes. Let's go shopping, buy super soldiers."

"Okay, I think we can just hit them until they can't turn over."

"Yes, today we are going to win and win."

The two quickly found a mobile car in the Jingdong Convenience Store, and An Chen directly bought a super soldier, two lollipops and a symbiotic rope.

It's not that An Chen is reluctant to buy it for Lin Zhiyu, but that the director has banned them from circulating coins, and he can only spend his own money.Lin Zhiyu didn't care too much, it would be nice if he could win anyway, let alone his own little man.

The next moment, An Chen said, "Then you can go jungle to earn money, and I will kill people to earn money."

"it is good."

An Chen started to walk around the field, and at this moment, he heard a voice in the distance.In the next second, he said to the super soldier, "Wait a minute, follow me and watch my gestures to attack."

Seeing the super soldier nodding, An Chen walked against the wall in the next second, approaching quietly.Arriving at the corner, An Chen saw it.At this time, the four people on the red side are carefully guarding against the sniper attack from the front.

An Chen saw it, but he didn't expect Wang Jiaer to suppress the firepower of the other four people alone, but he didn't know if there were any other companions.At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Arthur activates the shield of silence. Within ten minutes, a player from the blue team cannot attack a player from the red team."

At this moment, it goes without saying that it is Wang Jiaer.At this moment, the red team began to run out of the cover circle, ready to take down Wang Jiaer.Seeing this, An Chen quickly said to the super soldier, "Now go out and kill anyone, whoever is closer, go ahead〃."

At the same time, An Chen also ran out, and he set his sights on Huang Jingyu.Although Huang Jingyu is an assassin, he also only has one drop of blood. An assassin with one drop of blood is a cash machine for An Chen.

The sound of An Chen's running was so small that Huang Jingyu didn't notice it.Although the super soldier's voice was a little louder than An Chen's, they started slowly, so when the opponent found An Chen and the others, An Chen had already pressed Huang Jingyu from behind.

Accompanied by Didi and static electricity, Huang Jingyu turned around in astonishment, but only saw a figure from the back.At the same time, the super soldier quickly approached Tian Liang, and before Huang Jingyu called the police, the super soldier's ball had already hit Tian Liang.

At this time, the other two naturally saw An Chen and Chaobing.The next moment, they had no desire to fight, they turned around and ran in an instant, but although they ran fast, An Chen's super soldiers also ran fast, although An Chen did not continue to pursue, but his super soldiers still quickly caught up Wang Yanlin was killed, and he was killed in seconds.

At this time Zhang Ciao had already run away, An Chen gave up the pursuit.At this time, Wang Jiaer said loudly, "Brother, you are too powerful. If I don't have you, I will die." But at this point, Wang Jiaer suddenly asked, "But brother, why do you have super soldiers?" It's only five minutes into the game."

An Chen heard the words, and replied, "There is a wild spot ahead, and Jingdou is super easy to farm. As long as you have the capital, you will become rich in minutes."

Wang Jia heard the words, and immediately said, "Then what are we waiting for, brother, take me to brush too, I also want to buy super soldiers. And brother, you have to protect me, now I still have several minutes before I can attack."

"no problem."

After talking, An Chen took Wang Jiaer to the frog camp, as for the remaining two.One is that the two must be on guard, and the other is that in such a big place, if you want to find two people, or two people who want to avoid them, you can only rely on luck.

"Shopkeeper, I want to challenge 15 times."

Toad in the wild twitched his mouth when he heard the words, and then said, "Because the heroes beside you have already blown up our wild area, so we can only buy 5 Jingdou at a time, one challenge, and we can only buy it again after 5 minutes." challenge."

At this moment, Wang Jiaer looked at An Chen resentfully, and then took out 5 Jingdou.I have to say that Wang Jiaer was very lucky. He insisted on using 5 Jingdou to earn 25 Jingdou.

When Wang Jiaer's restricted skills were lifted, An Chen parted ways with Wang Jiaer again.But within 5 minutes of their separation, Wang Bowen's voice came from the microphone.

"Assemble, assemble, in the wild forest area, next to Star Wars. All five of them are here, hurry up, let's make an ambush."

Hearing that An Chen and Lin Zhizun both responded, they quickly rushed to the wild forest area.

When An Chen and the others arrived, the other party was still dancing.At this moment, Wang Bowen said, "Li Lihao, everyone hide first, I will copy Arthur's skills first, and start fighting when they come out."

"it is good."

An Chen and Lin Zhiyu hid in a dark corner, waiting for them to appear.Although this environment can easily make people think of some bad things, but this is a recording, what if it is accidentally photographed, so the two of them are very peaceful, and they don't even hold hands.

Just then, the other party came out.Although several people came out, mentally handicapped 250 carefully scanned every suspicious place.This sweep really made him sweep something, only to hear him shout "There is a person here" before he finished speaking, he suddenly changed his words and said, "No, there are two pillars and there is another one.".

Text 0577: Cracking the gun

Seeing this, An Chen quickly outflanked him from behind.At this moment, Wang Bowen also saw An Chen and his super soldiers.But An Chen's super soldiers had already gone to fight Wang Yanlin, and at this moment, Huang Jingyu, who felt that the opportunity must not be missed, rushed to An Chen to seek revenge.Unfortunately, just as he was fighting with An Chen, he suddenly fell silent with a beeping sound.

It turned out that when the two were entangled, Lin Zhiyu aimed at Huang Jingyu and completed a wave of shooting.At this time, An Chen's super soldiers also killed one, and only four people were exposed at this time, and Lin Zhiyu was still hiding.

At this moment, Tian Liang activated his skills.The next second, the voice came.

"A hero from the blue team is prohibited from attacking the hero from the red team within ten minutes, otherwise he will be eliminated."

Hearing this voice, An Chen guessed that it might be him, but how could he let go of this good opportunity?

"Don't be afraid, Da Da Da, Arthur is silent 487, it should be me. And no matter who is silent, it's worth changing for three."

That's right, anyway, the attack can kill at most one person, but the opponent still has three people, so there is no disadvantage.At this moment, the two shooters opened fire first.

Following Tian Liang's two beeps, An Chen rushed towards the nearest baby.

At this moment, the baby is not afraid of An Chen at all, and seems to know that if An Chen hits her, she will die, but things are often different from what he thinks.

Seeing that the baby didn't run away, An Chen just ignored his continued attack, An Chen was speechless.

The next moment, An Chen also didn't attack, but not attacking didn't mean there was no other way.He came directly behind the baby, hugged the baby in an instant, and shouted, "Hit the others first, and I will control the baby first. After you finish the fight, come and help me."

The baby was also stunned at this moment, and the next second after operating the bdfe, she began to rise up and resist, constantly struggling to break away from An Chen and attack An Chen.

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