But at this moment, An Chen had already locked the baby's wrists behind her back, and she had no choice but to wriggle in her struggle and resistance.But this twisting is awkward, An Chen's position is right behind the baby, this position is something anyone can imagine.Following the violent rubbing, the baby gradually became quiet, and turned to tell An Chen what to do.

At this time, the baby's face was rosy, and it was not known whether it was because of struggling and resisting, or because of rubbing.

An Chen was also very embarrassed, no one could bear to let a little demon girl hang around, but this is not the time, so An Chen forced himself to calm down, and suddenly pulled the baby, causing the baby to fall into his arms middle.The next second, a beep sounded, and An Chen was eliminated.

"Baby sister, you are amazing, you can think of such tricks, and you have played a lot of variety shows."

"That's right, I'm also the queen of variety shows now, don't underestimate my sister."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I'm still the king of variety shows, I was killed by you. Well, sister, if you don't run away, my accomplices will come to kill you. Besides, even if you are not afraid of death, I want to Quietly come and comfort me."

Hearing what An Chen said, the baby also knew that An Chen had calmed down, but she still blushed for a while, and said, "I don't have any more love, and now I'm so forced to talk to my sister, it's just too much for you. Forget it, I'm leaving, Go grieve yourself."

After speaking, the baby turned around and left, but before she left, she still glanced at An Chen intentionally or unintentionally.

After the baby left, An Chen completely calmed down, and then went to the resurrection point.

This issue has added a quick resurrection setting, as long as you take the jumping machine once, you can be resurrected immediately in the resurrection area.Therefore, after An Chen arrived, he didn't care about the teasing and exclamation of the red team, but asked, "Would you like to sit up with me?"

Hearing that Huang Jingyu and the others stopped talking for a moment, they pretended not to hear or know each other.That's right, few people can stand the jumping machine.

After An Chen sat up, the red team was waiting to see the show.But seeing this, An Chen said again, "If you really don't come, you are so far behind us. If you don't come, you won't have a chance. Don't say we won't give you a chance."

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone hesitated for a moment.In the end the three men came up, and just as everyone was seated, Zhang Ciao also came.Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "Your house lacks one of three, so I'll wait for you."

Seeing this, Zhang Ciao was in a bad mood, and then said, "No, I'm allergic to this, and I'm afraid of heights."

Hearing what Zhang Ciao said, An Chen didn't say any more. At this moment, the turntable started to spin.At this moment, Wang Yanlin shouted in a fuss, "It's actually spinning, my god, I knew I wouldn't come up."

Hearing Wang Yanlin's words, Huang Jingyu said, "I can't do it, I can't do it, my God, why did I listen to you and come to play with this." At this point, Huang Jingyu paused, and said again, "I It was me on a pirate ship."

Hearing this, An Chen just smiled.And Tian Liang was fine, he was a diver after all, but when the turntable reached the top, even Tian Liang couldn't hold it anymore.For a while there were constant screams, only An Chen was the exception.

At this moment, An Chen was still in the mood to pose for the camera, as if this exciting game was just a play to him. .

Body 0578: Shoot you to death in return

The moment everyone came down, the three of Wang Yanlin's legs were weak, and even Tian Liang, who was of better quality, had his heart beating faster.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "If you want to take it easy, I'll take a step first."

Hearing this, the three of them were very powerless, and An Chen just ran away.

Five minutes later, An Chen found the last fish that slipped through the net, baby.Although An Chen is not an assassin, he doesn't have to be an assassin to deal with a person, let alone a woman.

The next moment, An Chen rushed out quickly, blocking the baby in minutes.At this moment, the baby was startled, and then quickly adjusted his defensive posture.

I just heard the baby say, "Xiao Chen, why are you always staring at me? Do you like me, or why would you come to me again?" At this point, the baby paused, and joked again, "No, you Xiao Ming Brother will be jealous."

An Chen heard this and hurriedly said, "No, Miss Baby is not my type, and I have a good relationship with Brother Xiaoming. Brother Xiaoming and I can't get along anymore"

Baby hears this, my heart is darkened, it is not the one you like, you are still hard, you are lying

Although the baby was thinking wildly in his heart, he said, "Then you let me go, let me go, naturally there will be no problem."

The two of them moved while talking, and it was obvious that neither of them planned to surrender.And the baby even backed away while shooting.Only when An Chen can feel the ballistic trajectory can he dodge safely.

The next second, An Chen rushed up.At this moment, the baby who had been prepared for a long time was still startled, and quickly backed up.However, because of the momentary fright, the baby's footsteps became disordered, and the next second his left foot stepped on his right foot, and the whole person fell backwards with an unstable center of gravity.

You must know that this is all a concrete floor, and it hurts to fall, not to mention that the baby still falls backwards. If the head hits the ground first, I don't know what will happen.

At this moment, even An Chen was startled. In the next 01 seconds, An Chen suddenly accelerated and ran fast.Although the time cannot prevent the baby from falling, it is enough to arrive.

While breathing, An Chen lunged forward, and finally hugged the baby's back before the baby hit the ground, and then supported the ground with his right hand.

Although An Chen made the baby's front tightly stick to An Chen, at this moment An Chen didn't have any thoughts, but said with a little concern, "Baby sister, are you okay, why did you suddenly step on yourself. "

Baby's face turned red when he heard this, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm his heartbeat.But at this moment, her attention was attracted by the front of her.This made the baby's face even more rosy, but she didn't say anything, but said, "It's okay, it's just an accident."

Hearing this, An Chen let go of the baby, then patted the baby's arms three times, and said in her shock, "Sister baby, you see, I have protected you from pain, just let me slap you to death." Pay me back."

, you shot it all, now say this

"Forget it, let's take it as your reward for saving me. Now my family is completely ruined."

Hearing what the baby said, An Chen said, "No, they're all resurrected too."

Hearing this, the baby asked with a vigilant look, "You don't want to ambush the rest of my family, do you? You're going too far."

An Chen laughed and said nothing when he heard the words, at this moment, the mobile car of Jingdong Convenience Store drove over.Seeing this, when An Chen hurried over, he said, "Sister baby, hurry back to the resurrection point, I'll go first."

ask for flowers

Seeing this, the baby walked towards the resurrection point and shouted into the microphone, "Everyone, be careful, Xiaochen seems to have gone to buy super soldiers, and most likely wants to ambush you."

"Okay, I got it."


"This custody made him come and go." This is what 250 Wang Yanlin said, and everyone has no opinion on this, after all, it is 4 vs 1

At the same time, An Chen, who changed into a super soldier, once again embarked on the journey of seconds.The red team is in groups of four and cooperates at the same time.There is no way, if there are only two people, it is probably impossible to escape the fate of giving points.But if there were four of them, An Chen would be able to take the blame if they died.

With this in mind, the four of them came together.While An Chen was looking for the jungler, he finally saw four of them.But at this moment, he was not afraid, but was thinking about how to kill the four of them.

First of all, Huang Jingyu was the most threatening one-hit kill, but if Huang Jingyu had no one to help, then he would also be a one-hit kill for Huang Jingyu.Followed by 250, a shooter's bonus in the dark is infinitely high.Finally, the meat shield Zhang Cricket and Tian Liang's Arthur.Two meats, and one limit.It can be said that Tian Liang is the most depressing thing for An Chen.

So either kill Tian Liang quickly and ruthlessly, or kill more than two opponents quickly, making Tian Liang feel that the skill release is not worth it.But considering the changes in people's hearts, An Chen still decided to get rid of Tian Liang first.

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