An Chen looked at the group of four who were playing wild, and said to the super soldiers behind him, "Let's go around in a moment, you follow me, and then I give you a sign and you rush. Remember, the first one to kill Tian amount, and then hit the nearest one."

The super soldier nodded upon hearing this.Under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to speak, and it is the maximum to show that they know. .

Text 0579: Group Destruction

Seeing the super soldiers nodding, An Chen led the super soldiers to outflank them from behind the jungler.From the way he came just now, he can predict the opponent's next route, and now he just tries to get as close to the opponent as possible.

After about five minutes, the opponent finally finished playing wild, and came towards him as An Chen expected.Seeing this, An Chen adjusted his breathing, then raised his hand.

Seeing An Chen raised his hand, An Chen's super soldiers were also ready.Just as the opponent was getting closer, An Chen waved his upright hand forward.

The next moment, the super soldiers rushed forward quickly. Although the lights in the amusement park were brightly lit, the places that were not illuminated were still dark.In addition, the super "[-]" soldier itself is black, so it can play a certain role in hiding.

The sudden appearance of super soldiers caught the four members of the red team by surprise.But after a short period of astonishment, they quickly guarded before the arrival of the super soldiers, and scattered in the next second.

After all, super soldiers can only attack one person, as long as they disperse, they will not be able to kill the person with super soldiers.And this is what they discussed just now.

At this time, they haven't thought of using skills, they just want to exchange one for one, or two for one.At this time, their thoughts gave the super soldier an opportunity, and the super soldier quickly ran towards Tian Liang.

Seeing this, Tian Liang screamed in his heart that it was not good, but at this moment he only wanted to avoid, but forgot his skills.Although he is an athlete, he is a diver, not a runner.yeah, how can he outrun a parkour master

Not surprisingly, after two breaths, Tian Liang was caught up and fell in seconds.At the same time, they also found An Chen and were preparing to attack.But the distance between them is so wide, how can they be surrounded in an instant?

The next moment, An Chen quickly adjusted, and before the opponent launched an attack, he took the initiative to go towards Huang Jingyu.When Huang Jingyu saw An Chen coming to him, he was unconvinced for a moment.Is this when I'm a soft persimmon?

Huang Jingyu thought so, but he approached An Chen cautiously.In any case, despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically.

However, although Huang Jingyu's various abilities are good, how can he beat An Chen, a newly promoted ability user? An Chen instantly grabbed Huang Jingyu's waving hand, and suddenly yanked it when he screamed in his heart that it was terrible.Although this pulling force was not enough to make Huang Jingyu completely lose his resistance, it produced an imbalance between breathing.

Although breathing time is nothing to others, it is a golden opportunity for An Chen. In the next second, his hand was on Huang Jingyu's arm.

With the sound of beeps and electricity coming out, Huang Jingyu looked at it in disbelief, and then said in disbelief, "I'm cold again."

An Chen didn't have time to talk to him, so An Chen quickly turned around in the next second to defend himself.At the same time, the two quickly surrounded An Chen, intending to avenge their blood feud.But at this moment, An Chen's super soldiers also returned.

An Chen remained calm, shouting and ordering that kind of thing would only be done by a fool.The next moment, An Chen rushed towards Wang Yanlin.Wang Yanlin is a shooter, it is not easy to attack melee with a weapon, and he only has three drops of blood.As for Zhang Cricket, let the super soldiers deal with it.

The super soldier lived up to expectations, and killed Zhang Ciao with one blow after getting close.At this moment, An Chen and Wang Yanlin also entered into hand-to-hand combat. Neither of them had the ability to kill with one blow. In addition, Wang Yanlin only had one hand. The next moment, he was hit twice in a row.

At the same time, An Chen was also hit.It's not that An Chen can't dodge it, it's that An Chen has 3 blood points, it doesn't matter at all, killing the opponent quickly is the last word

At this moment, a ballistic trajectory aimed at An Chen, which made An Chen stunned, and then brought an electric pulse.What's the situation? But then An Chen realized that the baby had been resurrected.

In the next second, An Chen quickly killed Wang Yanlin, but was also terminated by the baby because of a momentary pause.Even so, this round is still profitable.Although he lost 10 Jingdou on the super pawns, he was able to delay the opponent's four players for 5 minutes, which was a huge advantage.

An Chen looked in the direction of the baby, waved his hand, turned on the microphone, and said, "Just now I took away four opponents in a wave, and now there is only one baby on the court. Go and kill her, both of you, on the way The wild spots, and the rest continue to develop.”

When the four people who were returning to Easter with An Chen heard this, they were all in a bad mood.Huang Jingyu said, "An Chen, you are so ruthless, I'm not afraid that the baby will wear small shoes for you in the future."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "No way, sister baby is having a lot of fun."

Tian Liang 56 also said with a smile when he heard the words, "But we can't play well, you are so easy to attract hatred."

"That's okay, anyway, you can't beat me."

Ma Dan, is it really good for you to say that, but at this moment the four of them couldn't refute it.

At this moment, the four of them were taken aback for a moment, and then said helplessly to An Chen, "The baby is also dead, you really are merciless."

Is the baby also dead? This is the end of the group, it is worth celebrating.But An Chen couldn't speak like that, but said, "Look at how pitiful you are, at worst I'll let Sister Baby kill me again.".

Body 0580: Premeditated death

At this moment, Wang Yanlin, who heard what An Chen said, asked curiously, "Why is it different to let the baby kill and let us kill?"

Hearing this, An Chen took it for granted and said, "Because you are men, do you need me to let you go?"

Heh, at this moment, there are two people who really wish they were women.

After the five returned to the resurrection area, An Chen said, "Is there anyone who wants to play the jumping machine? If not, then I will jump."

Hearing this, the faces of the four of them turned pale, but let them play fools.You must know that Wang Yanlin and Huang Jingyu didn't get over that kind of weakness after playing for five minutes.It takes two or three minutes to adjust the field quantity, which is completely worth the candle.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and then got on the jumping machine alone.But at this moment, the baby came, and An Chen said as usual, "Sister baby, come up to play?"

Baby heard the words and said without thinking, "Okay, I haven't played for a long time."

At this 13th moment, the four members of the red team actually felt like they were being compared to female men, but this did not affect their decision.It's just a game, don't work so hard.

After An Chen and the baby got on the jumping machine, the baby said excitedly, "Hey, it's still turning. It's the first time I've played this. I don't know if it's exciting or not."

, well, at this moment, even An Chen, the female man baby, looks at him with admiration.

As the jumping machine ascended, the baby let out bursts of screams at this moment, but these were not screams of fear, but screams of excitement.

The next moment, the jumping machine landed, screaming one after another, and then the two fell to the ground, the excited baby's legs were still weak.She tilted her whole body and hung into An Chen's arms, a little shy.

The baby looked at An Chen with a blushing face, hesitant to speak in his big eyes.

Seeing this, An Chen's heart skipped a beat, and after pinching the baby's hand, he said, "It's okay, you're quite courageous just now, why are your legs weak?"

Feeling An Chen's movements, the baby also rolled his eyes, and said, "You think everyone is as perverted as you, so you're not afraid of anything."

Naturally, it is impossible for the baby to expose An Chen. One is that this thing is unclear, and the other is that she has a high opinion of An Chen. Although it is inconvenient for something to happen, she doesn't think it is worthwhile to take advantage of this kind of thing. what.

At this moment, when the baby said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Your technical term is called stupid and bold, hahaha."

Am I stupid, you are stupid, your whole family is stupid.But An Chen naturally didn't say it, but pinched the baby again, and said, "It's good that baby sister is happy, then I'll take a step ahead if you feel better or not."

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