When the baby heard what An Chen said, he immediately hugged An Chen and said, "My legs are still weak, you support me."

, looking at the baby's sly look, An Chen knew that there was something wrong with it, she just wanted to hold him back.So An Chen said directly, "Sister baby, let's resurrect that. Anyway, I promised your family to let you kill me once. When I am resurrected, you can just kill me. There is no need to do that."

Hearing this, the baby turned to look at the four of them, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Huang Jingyu immediately said, "Yes, so baby, don't let him go, wait until he is resurrected, and kill him again."

An Chen didn't expect such a result. For a moment, he felt that Huang Jingyu's conscience was greatly broken.After hearing this, the baby hugged An Chen tightly, and said, "You can't leave me, me."

An Chen didn't wait for the baby to finish speaking, directly picked up the baby, walked to the resurrection point and said, "Sister baby, don't you resurrect if you don't resurrect, I will resurrect and leave."

In the next second, An Chen didn't wait for the baby to answer, and shouted, "If IQ is too low, it will be contagious, stay away from me. Resurrection"

This resurrection line sounds so special in such a specific environment.The one who complained the most was the baby. What does it mean to have a low IQ? What does it mean to stay away from you? But at this moment, the baby doesn't have the time to think about it. When she heard An Chen's resurrection, the baby knew that she couldn't hold on anymore, and then she hurriedly shouted, " Purify the mind, purify yourself. Resurrection"

The next moment, before An Chen could escape, the baby smirked and said 520, "Xiao Chen, don't play tricks."

This is simply one of his premeditated plans, okay? Although An Chen agreed to let them kill once out of embarrassment, it would be too deadly if it was a team fight.Taking advantage of the fact that the other party is in the resurrection zone, it doesn't matter if he dies again, otherwise he won't do it directly, and he doesn't even have time for the baby to think.

When people are in a hurry, they will make mistakes. At this time, the baby is obviously doing wrong.

"Don't worry, don't play tricks."

In the next breath, An Chen stood there and was shot to death by the baby, then turned around and quickly got on the jumping machine.

At the moment when they jumped off the building again, the red team was powerless to complain, but then Tian Liang suddenly said, "It's broken, it's a waste for us to fight him now, and it will definitely play a key role in a team battle."

At this time, the baby has already run away, otherwise this would really make her blame herself.

It takes another one and a half minutes to go up and down, plus the previous resurrection and conversation.For a while, the five of them rushed together to resurrect. .

Text 0581: Extreme Speed ​​War

After Huang Jingyu hung up, that voice sounded.

"If any of you attacks, he will be eliminated."

Hearing this voice, An Chen knew that 9% of this skill would be used on him, so An Chen stopped without any hesitation.But at this moment, An Chen was shocked by static electricity.

It turned out that just now, two shooters aimed at An Chen one after another.Although An Chen was able to dodge at this time, one was that the other party attacked in an instant, and the other was that An Chen was thinking about whether he should be hit or not.At this moment of hesitation, An Chen was attacked.

Although An Chen was surprised by being attacked for a while, An Chen still reacted quickly and avoided the second attack.

At the same time, the super soldiers of the other two have also harvested successively.An Chen has the greatest possibility of being banned, and the possibility of others is relatively small. Even if he dies, it will be more than one exchange for three, and he can also destroy the opponent to buy defensive equipment. No matter how you look at it, it is a profit.

Although death is death, but no one wants to die if you can not die. It is not when two people take the other two away, but the moment they find that they are not dead, it seems that the situation has become clear.

At this moment, only the baby and Wang Yanlin are left, and the baby begged for mercy and said, "It's not good for everyone, everyone is evenly matched, so it's exciting. If you do this, we must lose. How can we play this?"

Hearing what the baby said, everyone looked at An Chen. At this moment, only An Chen was the backbone of the team.And An Chen lived up to everyone's expectations and walked out.

The next moment, An Chen said, "That's what I said, but occasionally there will be an abusive tailwind, I believe the audience will also like it very much. Besides, a show is only 90 minutes long, so it's no problem at all."

"" An Chen said that, even the baby couldn't refute it.

Seeing that the situation was extremely unfavorable, Wang Yanlin picked up his weapon without saying a word and directly attacked from a long distance. The target he chose was none other than An Chen who stood up.At this time, An Chen was the closest, and he couldn't attack alone, so he was definitely the best target.However, he forgot about the human shield.

That's right, it's true that An Chen can't attack, but he didn't say he couldn't defend.So An Chen quickly stood behind the super soldiers, using the super soldiers as cover, and shouted, "Kill them, don't be soft."

Following An Chen's order, the other four people started to move.Especially the two super soldiers, they came very quickly.

When the baby saw this, he quickly dodged to the side and started to attack as well, but because everyone was moving, it was really difficult to attack accurately.But even so, the baby wiped a drop of Wang Yibo's blood while fighting back.

It's a pity that the baby is not as fast as the super soldier after all. Although the approach is correct, it ends here.As for Wang Yanlin, he didn't play the role of a shooter at all, and he didn't wipe out An Chen with a single drop of blood.

In this way, the five members of the red team were directly wiped out. As for buying equipment, it was completely a dream.

Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the voice shouted, "Turret attack mode will be turned on in 5 seconds, 54321, the whole army will attack."

Hearing this voice, An Chen immediately shouted, "Start attacking according to the plan just now."

At the last time, everyone needs to buy equipment and return to the crystal to wait for the start.Of course, this time was not within the resurrection time, so An Chen planned to seize the two or three minutes to see if he could catch the opponent by surprise.In a group of three, attack the opponent's top turret defense tower, and the other An Chen attacks the opponent's bottom defense tower in a team of one person.The last one is to defend the next wave lollipop defense tower.

The reason why An Chen arranged this was because the opponent had no guns or sweets, so one person in the bottom lane was enough.As for why the three of them attacked the tower together, it was because the opponent could defend even without guns, so An Chen assigned two accomplices of super soldiers and a shooter.If you can't win this combination, then you can really eat Xiangxiang.

An Chen was running fast, coupled with the opponent's resurrection time and defensive weapons, An Chen was not worried.Sure enough, when he came to the red square lollipop defense tower, there was no one here.

The next moment, An Chen challenged directly, stood under the stage and got in but didn't come out. After 30 seconds passed, the voice said, "The red team's bot lane defense tower was destroyed, and the red team's Huang Jingyu line was cut."

The reason why Huang Jingyu was cut off was because an assassin who lost the ability to move is useless.For the most threatening melee combat, don't let Li Zhao cut who he cuts

An Chen, who had killed the opponent's bot lane defense tower, released his first skill without any hesitation as he took the item.His skill is peerless ingenuity. This skill is nothing to say, but it may not be impossible to overshadow the opponent.

Following An Chen's order, everyone's mobile phones rang, and then a message appeared.

"Find the constellations of the captains of both sides, go to the wild area and press the constellation logo according to the instructions, then you can attack the red buff."

When this message was sent, An Chen was already hiding in the dark.All he has to do now is to wait for the prey, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

s has just been busy recently, and resumed updating today.

Body 0582: Accidental death

Just five minutes after An Chen's message was sent, when a person ran over, the voice sounded.

"The defense tower on the red side was destroyed, and Wang Yanlin's line was cut off from the red side."

The person who came was Tian Liang, who was startled when he heard the voice, but he couldn't give up the red buff already here.Therefore, Tian Liang rushed into the red buff's wild area quickly, hoping to kill the red buff as quickly as possible and win a small hope for the red team.

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