Seeing this, the corners of An Chen's mouth twitched. Even though he is considered a rich man at this time, it seems that he can't bear such consumption. how long"

"I don't know, but if it belongs to my role, it will be about a month."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and then said, "Wait a while later, I'll prepare some anti-fetal 13 medicine for you."

Na Ya knew that An Chen was good at medicine, so she didn't have any doubts when she heard such words. As for the abortion pill, Na Ya chose to believe in An Chen.

Naturally, An Chen would not give Na Ja an abortion, it was her own baby.An Chen endured the pain in his heart, and after exchanging a month's Antai pill and a quick-acting birth-saving pill, he was full of heartache when he saw Naga.Ma Dan, [-] points, how many good things can be exchanged, even an S-level skill can be exchanged for one.

An Chen, who was depressed, took Timo into the room to calm his depression after eating Teemo's love lunch.In the end, Feng Shengnan naturally came to the rescue, and at Timo's request, An Chen also gave the essence to Timo.Although my sister-in-law Katsuo was yearning for it, she didn't say anything because of her sister, and she still has a lot of time, so it would be better to enjoy it more.

As for Na Ya, although she wanted it in her heart, she also knew that it was not suitable at this time.In the end, he hid in the hut out of sight and played the movie with his iad.The sound of the movie was loud enough to cover up Timo and Katsunan's shouts, but Na Ya couldn't help but think wildly.

In this way, after getting the medicine, Nazha left early the next morning. She was afraid that she could not help courting if she didn't leave.

And on the third day, Liu Shujie called, saying that Hong Kong was almost ready, and he needed to fly over tomorrow.

Therefore, An Chen got on the plane to Hong Kong the next day.After arriving in Hong Kong, I came to the crew.

This stop in Hong Kong is basically his one-man show. At this time, the director is speaking to the group about some things they should pay attention to.After seeing An Chen, the director obviously recognized him and walked towards him.

This person is actually the assistant director, and the chief director is filming the scenes there in the United States.

"Hello, I'm director Danny Jialong, I'm glad you showed up on time, otherwise I would really curse."

Hearing such words, An Chen was not angry, but replied with a smile, "I have always valued the concept of time, so I will appear on time when I should appear." A little joke. "So I'm sorry, but it's hard to give you the opportunity to scold me."

When An Chen said this, Director Jia Long couldn't help laughing. He patted An Chen's shoulder and said, "Come and read your script. I think you will need some suggestions."

While talking, the two went to discuss the script. Although An Chen is not a rookie in acting anymore, an actor still needs to act according to the director's will, and it is what an actor should do to perform richly based on this will.

After the discussion, An Chen went back to rest. Although Lin Zhiyu was in Hong Kong, An Chen didn't intend to invite her to spend the night together.But it's not good not to say hello when you come, so An Chen called Lin Zhiyu.

Although Lin Zhiyu said that he could come to visit the class, An Chen still declined.The scenes in Hong Kong are all at night, so there is basically nothing to do during the day.After filming the literary drama, it's the turn of the most exciting martial arts drama.It was precisely because of this that An Chen accepted the supporting role.

This is a sprint racing scene, and because of the dense population, they chose to start filming at two o'clock in the morning.Although Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps, there are basically no vehicles at two o'clock in the morning.

The director's initial idea was to use a small battery car for the 480, but after seeing An Chen's driving skills, he readily agreed to An Chen's proposal to sprint.

You must know that filming is not full of special effects, and the explosion scenes that should be there are also indispensable.After understanding the breaking point, An Chen started the most exciting sprint in this scene.

The moment the car started to sprint, An Chen's car accelerated rapidly, and then flew like an arrow off the string.The blasting point close at hand, the collapsed road, everything is so exciting.Because if one gets it wrong, something will really happen.

But when An Chen turned a corner, something really happened.An uninvited guest, a woman, suddenly broke into the street where there should only be vehicles.

At this moment, the woman was also frightened. The speeding car made her unable to move even if she wanted to.At this point her body could no longer keep up with her nervous reactions.

For such an accident, although the field management has a certain responsibility, it is inevitable.After all, this is not a film and television base, but Hong Kong, the city that never sleeps. .

Text 0586: Almost overturned

Through the headlights, An Chen could see the face of this woman, it was Deng could it be her

Just when An Chen was puzzled, Deng Ziqi opened her eyes wide, showing infinite fear in her eyes, but she couldn't run away no matter what.

Are you going to die? At this time, memories of the past appeared in Deng Ziqi's mind.Suddenly she felt a little regretful, regretting some of the things she had done, but unfortunately there was no chance to do it all over again.

At the same time, An Chen did not slow down.If he slows down at this time, he is likely to be hit by the explosion point behind him, and Deng Ziqi at this time also prevents him from slowing down.But not slowing down doesn't mean hitting someone, let alone killing someone.An Chen suddenly braked and turned.At this time, the car was running at a high speed, even if it turned to brake, it would go straight forward, so the car rushed towards Deng Ziqi as well.

At this time, Deng Ziqi had given up hope, she just closed her eyes with a sigh, at least it could relieve some of her fear.But at this moment, suddenly a strong force came from the waist, and then Deng Ziqi flew behind uncontrollably.

Deng Ziqi, who hadn't fully reacted yet, had only one impression left in her mind, is she going to die? So this is the feeling of being hit.Deng Ziqi thought about it, and suddenly realized something was wrong.Why doesn't it hurt? Why hasn't it landed on the ground Thinking of this, Deng Ziqi opened her eyes, but then, she was frightened again.

At this moment, Deng Ziqi, who had just opened her eyes, saw the scenery passing by behind her.But this is not the point, the point is that she is outside the car.

It turned out that just now, when An Chen rushed sideways, the car door was kicked open.When the car was still sliding straight in front of Deng Ziqi while gliding at high speed, An Cheng made a sudden left turn in front of Deng Ziqi, and then wrapped her arms around Deng Ziqi's waist and hugged her.In the end, An Chen's car drove forward without stopping, so the scene at this time was formed

While Deng Ziqi was screaming, An Chen's voice came: "Stop screaming, you might as well think about how to crawl in when you have time."

An Chen's voice instantly awakened Deng Ziqi's mind, but Deng Ziqi immediately shouted, "Then you don't stop, stop!"

"Parking are you crazy, can't you see the danger behind you?"

How could Deng Ziqi fail to see that the explosion point had already reached this street, so she no longer asked to stop, otherwise she might have stepped on near the explosion point.

At this moment, Deng Ziqi couldn't help complaining about how unlucky she was, why did she enter the theater? No wonder there was no one on the road, but why is the factory closed? Is she such an adult that she can't see it? At this moment, Deng Ziqi has already recognized An Chen who is driving.

"Then what should I do?"

Hearing Deng Ziqi's question, An Chen said directly, "Can you hug my leg?"

Deng Ziqi understood An Chen's words when she looked at her legs, and she only heard her say, "Are you stable as long as you are stable, there is no problem."

"Stable, of course. I'm afraid even a strongman who specializes in strength training is not as strong as An Chen."

"Don't worry, I can't break you."

After hearing what An Chen said, Deng Ziqi took a deep breath after looking at her legs.It's not difficult, isn't it, especially with her dancing skills from elementary school.

In the next second, Deng Ziqi made a slight effort, her arms had already grasped her legs, and then she made herself into a straight line.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Keep this posture and don't move around." As soon as An Chen's voice fell, he exerted strength with his arms, and hugged Deng Ziqi back into the car while breathing, but at this moment, he could only hold Deng Ziqi back into the car. Hugged back into the car.

At this time, An Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, and then let Deng Ziqi down.At this moment, unexpected surprises followed.Two oversized projectiles pressed against An Chen's legs with amazing elasticity, and the strength of the elasticity could be felt even through the pants.

At this moment, An Chen took a deep breath and told himself to calm down as there was a camera in the car.After taking two deep breaths in succession, he said, "Sit down quickly, I'm going to drive."

Hearing what An Chen said, Deng Ziqi's mind suddenly brightened, and she said, "What if something happens to me in the past now, why don't I lie down and you go, don't worry, I won't hinder you." Deng Ziqi said, her upper body Already lying on the co-pilot's seat.

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