At this moment, An Chen was speechless. Sitting on me is an obstacle in itself, but this is the end of the matter, and this is the only way to go.

The blasting point was getting closer and closer, An Chen kept avoiding, and the friction between the two became more and more frequent. Not long after, the gear lever hit Deng Ziqi.

Feeling the shift lever under her body, Deng Ziqi subconsciously reached out to touch it, but she suddenly knew what it was just halfway through.The real shift lever can reach her waist at most, so how could it get there.

At this moment, Deng Ziqi blushed and took her hand back without a trace.It only took more than ten minutes to drive at full speed for a short distance. The moment the car stopped, Deng Ziqi felt her face was burning terribly.

An Chen patted Deng Ziqi, and then said, "It's okay." Before Deng Ziqi could reply, An Chen said again, "But next time, don't sit on someone else's lap, if it wasn't for my determination, I might overturn the car. ".

Body 0587: Another person

Just then, the director's cat finally arrived.Only then did An Chen realize that the director hadn't stopped.

The director came over at this moment. Seeing this, An Chen stepped forward and said, "Sorry, something went wrong. It seems that we have to shoot again. I don't know how long it will take to arrange the venue."

Hearing what An Chen said, the director couldn't help but want to tease An Chen.He looked at An Chen in confusion, and asked, "Why do you want to retake the film?"

At this moment, An Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but said, "But" An Chen also realized what he said here, the director wanted to use the scene just now.

Seeing that An Chen was suddenly speechless, the director said, "It seems that you already know what I'm thinking. To be honest, I like dealing with smart people like you."

Hearing what the director said, An Chen just smiled and complimented him casually.At this moment, Deng Ziqi said, "I want to ask you if there is any play in the future?"

Deng Ziqi's words attracted the attention of director 507, but the director immediately had a headache, and there was another trouble waiting for him.

"I'm sorry, lady, I put you in danger. That damn field manager must be slacking off. I'll tell him to get out later."

Speaking of this, before Deng Ziqi could speak, the director had already said again, "Because of your sudden appearance, miss, I specially invite you to be our guest star. By the way, we are from a Hollywood crew, so maybe miss Famous."

Hearing what the director said, An Chen said, "Director, this is one of the most famous stars in China. Director, you may have missed your mark this time."

Hearing what An Chen said, the director was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect such a reward.At this moment, An Chen said to Deng Ziqi, "But I don't think Miss Deng Ziqi would mind being a guest star in bdae."

Deng Ziqi first looked at the two when he heard the words, then suddenly smiled and said, "Of course, if An Chen can send me back to the hotel."

Hearing what Deng Ziqi said, An Chen turned to the director and said, "Director, I think I won't be able to play later."

Although the director is a foreigner, he fully understands what An Chen means, and he just said, "Yes, you can call it a day. So, even if you want to spend a wonderful night with this beautiful girl, that's fine." .”

Hearing the director's joke, Deng Ziqi's face turned red, but An Chen picked up his eyes and responded to the director's joke, "Don't worry, I will not disappoint the director's good intentions, but you are not so lucky as the director It's over."

An Chen said, pulling the blushing Deng Ziqi quickly into the car beside him, leaving only the director's figure who seemed a little angry.

The place where Deng Ziqi lives is the largest hotel in Hong Kong, one of the five-star hotels, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.This place is very close to where An Chen and the others filmed, so it's no wonder that Deng Ziqi appeared here.

When Deng Ziqi got out of the car, An Chen said, "Okay, here we are. I'm very sorry for frightening you. I hope you have a good dream tonight."

Hearing what An Chen said, Deng Ziqi was a little surprised and at the same time a little disappointed.One must know that An Chen saved her life just now, and what An Chen said just now made her somewhat look forward to it, but she couldn't accept that An Chen didn't come at this time.

Although a little aggrieved, Deng Ziqi still impulsively said, "Aren't you going to sit down? I mean you just saved me. Maybe we can have a drink and let me express my gratitude."

It would be fine if Deng Ziqi didn't explain it, but it would really be Sima Zhao's heart to explain it like this.But An Chen didn't refuse. Instead, he got off the driveway and said, "I'm extremely happy."

At this moment, Deng Ziqi finally showed a smile, as expected, she was still very attractive.

Deng Ziqi lives in the presidential suite. Although she can live in such a presidential suite all year round with her net worth, it still seems a bit extravagant.So this presidential suite is not paid by Deng Ziqi, but someone else.

When the two entered the room, Deng Ziqi was about to ask An Chen what wine she wanted to drink, An Chen had already pressed Deng Ziqi against the wall, blocking her next words.

After a long time, Deng Ziqi managed to calm down Chuan, and said, "I can't do it, let me take a rest." Deng Ziqi's eyelids were trembling when he spoke, and within [-] seconds after speaking, he had already closed his eyes.

At the same time, An Chen didn't feel disappointed at all, because just half an hour ago, a person came here, and it was a woman.

This woman came in with her room card, so An Chen didn't stop.But what An Chen didn't expect was that the other party actually walked to the door, and then listened to the corner.

A woman had been messing around outside the door for a long time. If he wasn't satisfied, would he have the nerve to not satisfy each other? The answer was naturally embarrassment, so An Chen went straight out and carried the pretty girl into the room. middle.

At this time, An Chen didn't know that this woman was very important, and she was extremely difficult, but even if she knew, An Chen didn't care much. .

Body 0588: Give him a key card

This woman is Deng Ziqi's best friend He Chaolian. As the daughter of a gambling king, she has never been short of money, so it is very simple to rent a presidential suite all year round.

Of course, this has nothing to do with An Chen, An Chen returned to the set early the next morning.

It wasn't until after An Chen left that the two women woke up one after another.He Chaolian said to Deng Ziqi, "Sister Jinyu, didn't you say that you should bring a man here and why didn't you tell me that you found someone?"

Deng Ziqi heard the words and moved closer to He Chaolian, then put her hand on He Chaolian's fragrant shoulder and said, "Yesterday he saved me. You also know that I don't like men, but I felt shot at that moment, so I invited him on the spur of the moment. Let him come."

Speaking of this, Deng Ziqi paused for a moment, and said, "Just this once, let's not make an example next time, okay?" Deng Ziqi said as she rubbed against He Chaolian's body and acted coquettishly.

He Chaolian didn't care about Deng Ziqi's acting like a baby, but after a moment of silence, she said, "Give him the room card later. And if another man other than him appears again, then you will be very miserable."

At this moment, Deng Ziqi didn't care about the result of her misery, and she also knew that she made He Chaolian lose her innocence and was wronged.But what she was more concerned about was that He Chaolian actually wanted to give An Chen the room card, since it was the first time they met.No, it seemed that it was the first time that she and An Chen met, so Deng Ziqi was not surprised when she thought so.

"Okay, I'll give it to him later. But do you want to have a meal together tonight?"

After He Chaolian heard what Deng Ziqi said, her face turned rosy, and she said, "Okay, let's eat in the room. I will ask the downstairs to prepare the food and wine, but you have to tell me in advance when he will come."

Deng Ziqi smiled when she heard the words, and then said, "Then what are we doing now?"

He Chaolian lay down again after hearing the words, and then said in a very comfortable way, "Sleep, I tossed me for a long time yesterday, I was so sleepy, I still have a lot to do at night."

Deng Ziqi heard the words and followed suit. She didn't sleep much more than He Chaolian, but the two of them had something on their minds to have this conversation. Now that it is clear, it is natural to have a good sleep.

At the same time, An Chen was discussing with the film crew and the director some additional shots that needed to be shot. It was almost done, and the filming should be finished tonight. After that, An Chen would fly to the US to shoot the last scene of being hit.

But An Chen didn't expect that Deng Ziqi would come just after nightfall and gave him a key card for that room.This room card is specially made, golden card, metal feel, no room number and hotel name, only Deng Ziqi's electroplating pattern.If you don't know, even if you get the card, you don't know what to use it for.

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