After Deng Ziqi gave An Chen the card, she did not leave, but waited for An Chen there.When the filming ended, An Chencai and Deng Ziqi returned to the hotel.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening at this time, and this was the first time He Chaolian had waited for someone until this time, but the strange thing was that she was not angry.

When An Chen entered the room, he was not surprised when he saw He Chaolian. Instead, he said, "My name is An Chen. I don't know who you are yet. Can you introduce yourself?"

An Chen asked this question in the car, but Deng Ziqi mysteriously said that she wanted the other party to ask herself, so An Chen could only ask herself.

Hearing An Chen's question, He Chaolian first glanced at Deng Ziqi, and when she saw Deng Ziqi's expression of not saying anything, she said, "He Chaolian is your little girl."

ask for flowers

At this moment, Deng Ziqi interjected, "Daughter of the gambling king"

He Chaolian, the daughter of the king of gambling, He Yijun

He Chaolian gave Deng Ziqi a blank look when she heard Deng Ziqi's words, but said nothing else.But she didn't say anything, but An Chen wanted to ask.He only heard him say, "You and He Yijun are"

"My brother. It's because he often whispers about you in my ear that I became your little fan."

Hearing this, An Chen felt a little weird, she was He Yijun's sister.But just being weird for a moment, An Chen was relieved.It doesn't matter who it is, it doesn't matter anyway.Jing Tian still has a red background, so I won it anyway

"Why are you worried? Don't worry, I won't tell my family."

Hearing what He Chaolian said, An Chen just smiled and did not refute, but said, "Then let's have dinner, the spring night is short, and I will fly to the United States tomorrow morning."

He Chaolian was a little confused when she heard the words, and the topic changed too quickly, which was a bit unacceptable for a while.But she immediately noticed the important point in this sentence.

"What's the matter? If you need help, just say it. I have a little relationship with myself these years."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "It's okay, I just went to filming, and there is still a part of the tail that needs to be filmed."

He Chaolian didn't say anything after hearing this.

In the next meal, everyone ate more and more happily. With a little wine, the atmosphere soon became harmonious and comfortable.At night, the three of them naturally had an intimate relationship.Although this is not the first time for the second daughter, it is still quite different from the first time, so both of them are a bit shy.But An Chen is a veteran of all kinds, with him around, he is naturally at ease. .

Body 0589: miss and natto

Early the next morning, An Chen got up and got on the plane to the United States.He didn't say hello to the second daughter, because the two are sleeping soundly now.

It takes fifteen hours to fly to the United States, so An Chen catches up on sleep on the plane.But before reaching the destination, An Chen was woken up by a temporary broadcast.

"There will be a small turbulence ahead of the plane. Passengers please fasten your seat belts."

When the plane passed through the turbulence, An Chen couldn't fall asleep, and it was still four hours away, so An Chen didn't go to sleep anymore, but read a magazine.But at this moment, a female voice came from beside him.

"You, you are An Chen, can you please sign me for "August [-]"?"

Hearing the sound, An Chen turned his head to look, a girl was standing in the aisle looking at An Chen in surprise.This should be a Chinese, not only because the other party called An Chen's name and Asian face, but also because the other party spoke fluent Mandarin.

An Chen smiled when he heard this, and said, "Okay, where is the sign? Are you going on a trip?"

It's normal for An Chen to say that. Now that Chinese people are very wealthy, more and more people are traveling abroad. The famous city of New York has naturally become one of their destinations.

Sure enough, after hearing An Chen's question, the girl quickly said, "Yes, my best friend and I planned to go out for a few days, but we didn't expect to meet you. We really had a surprise before we got off the plane."

Having said this, the woman pointed to the white T-shirt in front of her, and said again, "Is it okay to sign here?"

Is it possible? Of course, although the position is a bit awkward, but the other party likes it, An Chen won't mind.

After finding a marker, An Chen signed his name and said, "Be careful when you go out, especially at night, it's best not to go out. After all, you are not in China, and many foreigners are racist." .”

"Well, I see." At this point, the woman paused, and then said hesitantly, "Would you like to sit with us? There is still a four-hour journey. It is good to have someone to talk to, and my best friend She is a beautiful woman, and she is also very famous."

An Chen looked at the other party, and thought that you are not bad looking.

That's why An Chen agreed without even thinking about it, but when An Chen came to the other party's seat, she was stunned for a moment, this is Miss Miss Iss

"Han Yiying"

Han Yiying, who was watching the video, turned her head when she heard the voice, and then she was taken aback. She didn't expect that her best friend could bring back a big star after going to the bathroom.

Han Yiying, who was stunned for two seconds, immediately got up and said, "Hello, An Chen, I didn't expect you to know a little anchor like me."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, and only heard him say, "iss, are you kidding? As a big sister in the Chinese e-sports world, she actually said that she is a small streamer, so what's worse than us is the roadside What a scumbag." At this point, An Chen blinked and continued, "Maybe you don't know, I'm also an anchor."

Hearing this, Iss is not easy to pick up, but she is an anchor after all, how could she not be able to hod

"There is no priority in learning, and the best is the first. You have taken this step before us. Look at us, and Feng Timo has slowly entered the entertainment industry."

Hearing what iss said, An Chen said, "Maybe you just have no ambitions, otherwise, your resources will not be short."

Hearing this, iss shook her head and smiled, and then said, "That's not the case. Timo was able to transform because she worked harder than us, and the rest of us except Erke, no one has her musical background. As for acting, I'm afraid not. If we pay more, it will be difficult for us to have a chance, and we are wild after all, even if we really appear on the silver screen, we will be easily criticized."

Having said that, iss paused, and continued, "And this is also very good, the money I have earned these years is enough to spend. And I am also investing, and my luck is not bad. If I don't lose money, I can live with peace of mind. I want to live."

Hearing what iss said, An Chen smiled, she really understood it thoroughly.

At this moment, the girl also said, "Let's sit down and talk."

When An Chen sat down, the woman introduced herself.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Douyu Natto, Gou Caiyao." Having said this, Natto made a cute expression, and continued embarrassedly, "The name is a bit ugly, so I usually don't tell them. I like to be called Natto."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Actually, it's okay, but since you like natto more, then I'll think you natto too."

Hearing that Na Dou showed a cute expression again, and then said, "If it's Brother An Chen, you can call me Dou Zi."

Hearing such words, An Chen did not refuse. It seems that this very obi-looking girl has a crush on him.

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