For the next four hours, the three of them talked very happily, and all three of them were born as anchors. It was really a whole day for one person to be self-confident, let alone interacting with others.

After getting off the plane, the three left each other's contact information and parted ways.An Chen was going to film a movie, so An Chen felt that it was better for the other party to go and have fun in such a boring place. .

Text 0590: Starting price on the ground?

After An Chen arrived at the shooting location, everyone was almost ready.This scene was filmed at night, and several actors had a chat before that.This paragraph uses a cohesive method, using a dummy to replace An Chen's bump, so there is no risk.In fact, this scene is very simple, maybe one can pass, and one night is enough.

So after filming the scene and one more reserved scene, An Chen returned to the hotel.Because of the time difference, it was still night, so An Chen was woken up by a phone call within a few hours after falling asleep.

What An Chen didn't expect was that the other party was yesterday's Natto. The two girls recovered from the jet lag so quickly. An Chen smiled wryly. Fortunately, two hours of sleep is enough for his current physique.So An Chen still accepted the invitation of the second daughter, and went to visit this exotic New York together.

When you come to New York, the first stop is naturally to see the Statue of Liberty.Although the temperature is as low as 13 o'clock at this time, it does not affect travel.

After the three came to the port, they rented a boat and drove to the Statue of Liberty.The three of them are not short of money, let alone just for a trip, two or three hours.But on the way back to the ship, there was an accident.

This is New York City, of course there is no danger of pirates, and of course there are no sharks.But what An Chen had made the two of them be careful happened.It turned out that because An Chen and the others were Chinese and they chartered a boat for fun, the other party actually asked for a fare increase on the return voyage, and it was three times the price. If they didn't pay, they would be thrown at sea.

Not only that, but there were also two tall and strong men who looked at iss and natto with colored eyes.

"If you don't have enough money, you can let the two girls play with us, but if you don't have money, just wait and feed the fish."

Iss and Natto were a little scared when they heard this, and couldn't help but grabbed An Chen's cuff.Then Natto whispered, "Why don't we give them money."

iss also said, "Yeah, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Safety is the most important thing when you go out. It's better to call the police when we get to the shore later."

Hearing the second daughter's answer, An Chen shook his head and said, "Do you think it's that simple? If we give the money easily, they will only continue to raise the price. If we talk about the price, it's hard to control the level. As for the police Do you think he will turn towards us? Maybe he will lock us up for disturbing the law and order, and then we will be locked up in a small dark room for more than ten days, and it is not impossible to repatriate him."

When An Chen said that, the two women became even more worried.Seeing this, An Chen came out and said, "Three times is a bit much, and twice as much can be discussed."

Hearing what An Chen said, the captain-like man in the lead said, "No, three times as much is three times, and it won't work if you lose a piece."

Hearing this, An Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said again, "Yes, just three times, but I hope you can keep your word."

"Of course, I, Jack, always keep my word."

When An Chen heard the words, he felt hehe, and the price tripled if he said it, but An Chen didn't care about it, and instead collected the money and paid for it.There's no way, it's impossible for An Chen to carry thousands of dollars in cash with him.He usually only holds about 20 cards for emergency, and the rest can be swiped by card.

Just as the transaction was completed and the ship started, the two previous crew members with colored eyes came up.When seeing the two of them, An Chen was already wary.Sure enough, the two who approached stretched out their hands towards the two women while they were breathing.

At this moment, the two girls let out a scream, and then hid behind An Chen with their eyes closed.The next second, An Chen slapped the hands of the two of them away, and at the same time shouted to the captain Jack, "Captain Jack, is this your credit?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Jack on the side said, "I only said to bring you back alive, did I promise anything else?"

At this moment, An Chen was a little annoyed and laughed. At this moment, a big black man in the lead shouted, "Yellow monkey, get out of the way. Otherwise, I will play with you."

Seeing the hand extended by the big black man again, An Chen reached out without saying a word, and then pushed it aside, and kicked it out suddenly.

"Boom" sounded.

In the next second, the black 470 flew several meters away as if hit by a battering ram, and then hit the railing of the bow, unable to get up again.

At the same time, An Chen said, "You guys hide behind the box over there, I won't be able to take care of you from now on."

Just when the black man spoke, the two had already opened their eyes. After all, An Chen was their only support.They were also afraid that An Chen would run away and sell them.It's not a movie after all, and there aren't that many heroes.

It's just that they didn't expect that they really saw the hero.Hearing An Chen's words at this moment, the two girls quickly hid behind a box beside them.

At the same time, the others also reacted, and they picked up the guys and headed towards An Chen.Seeing this, An Chen was not afraid at all, and said while walking, "I compromised not because I was afraid of you, but because I was afraid of trouble. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

There are quite a lot of sticks and knives on this boat, and it seems that this kind of house robbery business is not uncommon. .

Text 0591: Back to shore

In an instant, An Chen turned sideways abruptly, and while dodging a machete, he suddenly punched sideways. Afterwards, there was a crisp "click", and one of them fell down wailing.As the first sound sounded, wailing sounds and crisp sounds continued to sound.

At some point, the two women were lying on a corner of the wooden box and peeking. The bloody and awkward scene at this moment not only did not make them feel uncomfortable, but they were shocked by An Chen's aura.

At this moment, the captain who had been watching couldn't sit still any longer. When An Chen hit the last crew member, he took out a gun and shouted "Stop".

At this time, if the captain hadn't had a semblance of reason, he would have fired long ago.It's not that he doesn't dare to shoot, but that he loves such a big killer like the Desert Eagle, but this kind of big killer also has a huge disadvantage, it has less ammunition and is louder.At this time, the distance from the shore was not very far. If you shoot, you will inevitably not be heard, and then the police will be attracted.

Captain Jack thought he could scare An Chen away, but he never expected that An Chen would walk over with his gun barrel after looking at him.At this moment, the two girls who were already frightened did not even dare to vent their breath.

At this moment, Captain Jack secretly cursed bad luck.Do you still want to shoot? Although it will cause a lot of trouble, it is better than being broken.

"Stop, bastard, if you don't stop I'm going to shoot."

Hearing Captain Jack's threat, An Chen only showed a slight smile.In the cold wind under the sun, this smile is so strange, like the smile of death.

At this moment, Captain Jack couldn't bear it anymore, and the Desert Eagle in his hand let out tongues of fire.The gunfire of the Desert Eagle was heard far away, even a hundred meters away, the people who heard the gunfire had already started to call the police.

At the same time, An Chen quickly dodged the shooting track before the trajectory turned red, and quickly approached Captain Jack.Successive gunshots passed by An Chen with several tracks, but An Chen shuttled through it like an actor, and within two breaths, he had already arrived in front of Captain Jack, with the sound of "click, click, click". ringing one after another,

The sound of Captain Jack pulling the trigger continued, but he was already cursing God in his heart.This is simply impossible. Someone who can dodge the bullet is still the Desert Eagle.You must know that the initial speed of the Desert Eagle is 402 meters per second, which should not be a speed that people can dodge at all.

At this moment, he didn't even know that what An Chen was avoiding was his shooting speed, not the speed of the bullet.

At this moment, Captain Jack, who didn't want to die, could only do his best, and he quickly smashed An Chen with the butt of his gun.But how could An Chen's skill be the next second that he could come across? An Chen kicked Jack off the small yacht instantly with a side kick.

It was only at this time that An Chen turned around, and then walked in front of the two crew members who had made a move before, and his quick feet brought up two tragic howls again.

At this moment, even the two women without eggs felt a little cold under their bodies, and felt pain for the two of them.However, the two of them didn't have the heart of a saint. If it weren't for An Chen, there would definitely be no good end for the two of them today.

An Chen, who had crippled the two of them, tilted his head at this time, and said, "Go and drive the boat to the shore now, I think you don't want to end up like them."

After An Chen finished speaking, he didn't care about these wounded soldiers anymore, but walked up to the two women, and said, "I hope you are not frightened, where are you going to play now?"

An Chen even kicked Captain Jack off the boat, so naturally there is no possibility of getting the money back, but it's not a lot, so it doesn't matter.

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