At this time, the second daughter was still in the mood to play, so she said directly, "Let's go back to the hotel."

Also, it is also a problem to deal with the aftermath of such a thing, but An Chen is not worried.He only heard him say, "Okay, then I'll take you back to the hotel first."

Hearing what An Chen said, the two girls became nervous again, and Natto asked nervously, "Aren't you with us?"

At the same time, iss also looked at An Chen expectantly.It seems that An Chen can be together.

Seeing this, An Chen showed a wry smile, and then said, "But we're not in the same hotel."

Hearing what An Chen said, Natto heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's easy, just let's move there."

Hearing such an answer, An Chen thought about it and agreed.The filming of the scene is over, so why don't you stay in the hotel booked by the crew and leave? Wang Zhaohao.Originally, An Chen planned to return to China today, but after looking at the second daughter, he was too embarrassed to leave her behind, so he said, "I'd better move there, but I can stay for three days at most, and there will be variety shows in five days." to shoot."

Iss smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "Then let's book a flight back home in three days. To be honest, I might not want to stay for a day if you're not here."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then took a taxi to An Chen's hotel first.

In the car, An Chen made a phone call, and after speaking a few words, he explained to the second daughter's doubts, "The gunshot just now probably attracted the police, so I called the embassy and asked them to send someone to come." solve.".

Text 0592: Loli and Sister Yu in the same frame

Iss and Natto have never encountered this kind of problem, so naturally they never thought of the embassy. Only then did they realize that there is something called the embassy that they can rely on.

Sure enough, not long after they arrived at iss and their hotel, the embassy sent someone over.The person who came over was a female staff member, about [-] years old, Chinese, and looked very capable.

When the visitor introduced his work, An Chen briefly told what happened, then took out a memory card and handed it to the other party, and said, "Here is the evidence of their crimes, for self-protection , I just resisted, I think the country will help me deal with it, right?"

Hearing this, the woman smiled, and she said, "Of course, if the facts are true, the country will guarantee your safety. But until the facts are clear, I hope you don't go out at will." 480

An Chen nodded in understanding, and then said, "Then I hope you can hurry up. In three days, I will return to China to film a variety show. If I can't arrive on time, there may be pressure from public opinion."

Hearing this, the woman looked a little more serious, and then said, "Okay, I will finish it as soon as possible and let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put pressure on it."


Finally, after the staff of the embassy left, Natto asked curiously, "Brother An Chen, when did you take the picture and why didn't we notice?"

Hearing Natto's question, An Chen said, "Maybe you were too nervous at the time and didn't pay attention. I put the phone in a hidden place before."

Although the answer was not true, both of them chose to believe it.

"So that's the case, I said."

Then An Chen set up a regular email in his mailbox. If the embassy failed to solve the problem in time, then he planned to use public opinion to create pressure. The best choice is to leave a way out.

When everything was done, An Chen said to the two little girls who were live broadcasting behind him, "Let's go, let's have lunch first, and then discuss where to go."

Hearing this, Na Dou was not happy at first, and only heard her say, "Still going out, I feel that the United States is very dangerous, and the hotel is safer."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Every place has good and bad. We can't reject a certain place just because of a certain person or something."

After a pause, An Chen continued, "For example, in China, there are also black areas, such as Henan and Northeast, most of them are blacked out. But there are really no good people in these places, not only there are, but there are also many, I will I know a few. So, put aside your prejudices and unhappiness, and just appreciate the good side."

When An Chen said this, the second daughter was a little shaken. After thinking about it, iss hesitated, and said, "You are right, but we are still very scared."

"What are you afraid of? With me here, I won't leave you behind."

After hearing what An Chen said, the already shaken iss looked into An Chen's eyes, then nodded bddc, and said, "Okay, then let's go eat first."

Natto naturally agreed to this. To be honest, she loves to play more than iss, so naturally she wants to go out to play more.I don't want to go out just because it's not safe, but with a reliable person, then everything is not a problem.

At the same time, the two people's live broadcast platform can fry the pan, the voice of a strange man, and everyone who is curious about who the other woman is for a while left messages and swiped the screen.All kinds of props appeared like crazy, with that posture, I was afraid that the two anchors would not see it.

Seeing this, iss said, "Can you join me in my live broadcast? The friends in my live broadcast want to see you."

Hearing what iss said, Na Dou also hurriedly said, "And me, and me, my friends in the live broadcast room also want to watch you."

Uh, at this moment, An Chen was a little speechless, and after opening his live broadcast room, he said, "If that's the case, let's all come together, so that no one will take advantage."

At this time, An Chen's fans were much higher than others. His celebrity status and high-quality live broadcast content brought him tens of millions of fans. When the live broadcast started, they naturally flocked to him.

At one time, the three rooms and the three platforms all exploded.An Chen and the two live-streaming girls appeared in the same room, and what happened was really arousing people's imagination.

Seeing the commotion caused, An Chen said, "Let's take a photo together." As he spoke, An Chen sat between the two of them, and the two of them were upstairs, and asked iss to take a photo.

At this moment, Natto hurried up and shouted, "Show me, show me." That cute look makes people want to turn into a wolf.

Speaking of which, this pair is also very strange, one OI, one Yujie, how did they get together.That's right, iss has become more and more like a royal sister in the past two years, although it has nothing to do with being tall.But that pair of high heels, thin stockings, as well as that one-step skirt and small T-shirt, all have a style of royal sister.But I have to say, it's really tempting.

After taking the photo, the three of them turned off the live broadcast one after another.Although the heated discussions among the fans continued, the two only gave the result of going back and giving them the answer.

s new book, everything in the city is a lie, begging for support.

Text 0593: Prudence

I ate lunch at the hotel. There are only fast food trucks on the side of the road in foreign countries. That thing is really fast food. Although it is necessary to experience real hamburgers and hot dogs, there will be more opportunities in the future. Of course, dinners must be reserved for well-known restaurants. .

And it just so happened that the place where they lived was one of them, and Natto had checked the information before coming here.

After lunch, the three got into a taxi and headed to the famous Empire State Building in New York.The height of the Empire State Building is 444 meters above sea level. It is the tallest building in New York. Standing here, you can see the whole of New York through a telescope, so it is named the Empire State Building.

There are telescopes on all sides of the Empire State Building, which can see different landscapes.Of course, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it would be nice to look at it for a while.As for the scenery at dusk, who has the time to wait for that.

So the three of them entered Fifth Avenue, the rich man's paradise of the United States.Fifth Avenue is too far away from the Empire State Building. There are all kinds of famous brands here. It is even better than Wangfujing. Moreover, there are occasional fakes in Wangfujing, but here, there are absolutely no fakes, otherwise the It's not a matter of fake punishment, it's a direct killing.

Shopping is a woman's nature, even An Chen also spent a lot of money, bringing a luxury item for each of his women, it's not that An Chen is reluctant to buy more, but because he has too many women, two items per person I'm afraid it can fit several boxes.

After being sent to the hotel where they stayed, the three of them didn't carry much.However, after playing for a day, the three of them were still very tired and there was nothing they could do. Even if An Chen's physical fitness had improved, he was still indifferent to activities like shopping.But I didn't expect that iss, who is stepping on high heels, can have such great vitality, and Natto never said a word of tiredness from the beginning to the end.

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