Could it be that An Chen even doubted life at the moment when he was old.

At this moment, after the two opened the door, they threw themselves on the bed like dumplings. At this moment, iss's high-heeled shoes soared up with the force, and one landed in a circle, and the other was like Ann. Morning fly.

At this moment, An Chen reached out to catch iss's shoes, and the strong fragrance mixed with a faint sour smell made An Chen frowned.

Although An Chen has already been obsessed with feet by Guan Xiaotong, those who have just finished exercising and haven't washed them don't count.Of course, that's not the smell of iss's feet, but the smell of sweat covered in leather that doesn't get emitted.

"Ah, it's so comfortable, it really feels liberating."

Natto looked back after hearing the words, and then saw iss's feet wrapped in stockings.At this moment she understood what she was lacking, and the next second she kicked her little foot and kicked the sneakers to the ground, and then said with the same satisfaction, "Ah, it's so comfortable."

Hearing this, iss didn't know what to think of. After looking at An Chen's eyes, she showed a special look, and then said, "An Chen, can you rub your feet?"

Hearing this, An Chen turned around and opened the door amusedly, before going out, he said, "Let me rub your feet after you wash them."

At this moment, iss blushed when he heard the words, and then whispered to himself, "fake prudence"

It's a pity that An Chen couldn't hear him at this moment, because An Chen had already closed the door.

"Miss Miss, what did you say?"

Natto's sudden question startled iss, and iss hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's okay."

It turned out that just now, when An Chen looked at iss' feet, his focused eyes were caught by iss. The most beautiful part of iss is the lower body, those legs, those feet are all top quality.And she naturally knows her own strengths, so this is one of the reasons why she is now taking the route of sister Yu's dressing.

ask for flowers

After resting for a while, the two took a shower, then lay down on the bed again, and fell asleep after a dozen breaths.As for letting An Chen pinch his feet, that can only be done in a dream.

As for An Chen, of course, he didn't really think that iss would come to pinch his feet, so after taking a shower, he called for a while and fell asleep.

Although he is busier now, An Chen still never misses calling his woman every day.After making the phone call, it was already 12 o'clock at night, and An Chen lay down to rest.

The next day, they went to Times Square, and then went to the amusement park in the United States.During the lunch break, the embassy also called. The matter has been resolved, and they can leave the United States at any time.

Hearing such words, An Chen couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the motherland. Sure enough, it can still protect the people.

After a day of fun, they were about to return to the hotel from the amusement park. Just as the three of them were about to cross the road to take a taxi, a car suddenly passed by quickly.The ear-piercing sound of the horn startled iss and natto, and then there was only one picture left in their minds.Along with waiting to die, feeling the extremely slow car, they can't do anything.

In an instant, a sudden force brought the two of them back.The next moment, time and space suddenly resumed, the car passed by quickly, and the two of them fell into An Chen's arms just now.

Just now, iss's feet twisted slightly. This is the disadvantage of wearing high heels, but it also made her feel a special sense of security.Leaning in An Chen's arms, iss doesn't seem to feel any pain in her feet. .

Text 0594: Helping miss rub her feet

When An Chen turned around, he only saw a pair of eyes full of affection.An Chen smiled, and then said, "Are you all right?" While speaking, An Chen looked at the natto in his arms.

At this time, Natto's eyes also had a special taste, although it was not yet full of affection, but it was almost the same after thinking about it.

That's right, he has strong skills, loves women more, has a sense of security, and is also very handsome. Such a tall, rich and handsome boyfriend can't be found with a lantern.

"Since it's all right, let's go back."

"Okay, but I sprained my ankle."

"Go back and I'll rub it for you."


Saying "May [-]" ss planned to help An Chen walk to the opposite side.But in the next second, iss let out an exclamation, and was picked up by An Chen.

Natto looked at the two of them, then at his own feet, and suddenly sighed why his feet were so competitive.

After returning to the hotel, iss hesitated for a while, and said, "How about I wash my feet first, and then rub it."

Hearing what iss said, An Chen smiled, and then said, "No, I'll wash it for you later."

An Chen said to Natto who had already opened the door, "Doudou, let's take a bath first, let's go to my room first, and come back after you've pinched it."

At this moment, natto does not doubt that there is it. If there is a man outside in the bath by himself, that would be bad.But iss blushed a little. Although she didn't think it was particularly crooked, it was definitely crooked.Especially since she seemed to see through An Chen's essence.

The iss who entered the room seemed a little restrained. Seeing this, An Chen said, "You sit down first, I'll pour some water."

After An Chen poured the water and came in, he squatted down in front of iss and said, "Let me take off the stockings for you."

At this moment, iss blushed again, and she hurriedly said, "No, no, I'll do it myself."

iss spoke in a pitiful low voice, if it wasn't for An Chen's good hearing, she might have been able to hear it by herself.

The next moment, An Chen raised his head and looked at iss fixedly. Just when iss blushed and wanted to find a crack in the ground, An Chen said, "But I want to help you take it off. I don't think you will refuse me." Yes."

At this moment, iss lowered his head, but he didn't refuse again.

An Chen is not the first brother, and he knows that women's silence is the default.The next moment he stretched out his hand and placed it on iss' lap.

Although she was clearly mentally prepared, iss still trembled when An Chen touched her.

At this moment, An Chen didn't stop, feeling the smooth feel of iss stockings, stretched them all the way to the head, and then pulled the edge of the stockings to help iss take off the stockings.

After cleaning, An Chen pinched the bones for iss first, and felt that there was nothing wrong with the bones, and then began to pinch for iss. The special Tai Chi Qi, with a special sense of energy, made iss exclaim in her heart.

Iss asked in a low voice, "Is this qigong so miraculous, I never thought that qigong really exists."

Although iss was asking An Chen, she already had an affirmative answer, so when she said this, iss' tone was extremely firm.

"Well, it's actually not bad, it's just a kind of energy. Now the heaven and earth are scarce, so the inner strength is gradually depleted. In a hundred years, there will be many people with inner strength."

Hearing this, iss said, "Then you are also the one in a million."

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