An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and accepted the compliment frankly. His situation is not only one in a million, but even one in a million.

While talking to iss, An Chen stimulated iss's hidden acupoint.There are many functions of hidden points, one of which is to deepen people's needs in certain aspects, and the hidden point stimulated by An Chen is just one of them.

As a medical doctor, these acupoints are like an undefended back door to him.

Feeling the strangeness in her body, iss was a little at a loss, and wanted to tell An Chen to stop, but this comfortable feeling made her not want to speak.

At this moment, iss lied to himself and thought, well, he hasn't finished kneading, if he interrupts it in the middle, maybe it won't be effective.Yes, it is like that.

Just when iss was lying to herself, An Chen said, "If you are bored, why not watch TV, the remote control is right behind you."

Yes, watch TV as a distraction so it's not embarrassing.Thinking so, iss turned around and saw the remote control, the TV was turned on, it was a boring news broadcast, and it was still in English.

After listening to a few words, iss felt bored, and was about to turn off the TV, but suddenly pressed a 34 button.The next moment, the voice of the love action movie came through the speaker, and the content of the love action movie appeared on the TV.

At this moment, iss was startled suddenly, then embarrassed, embarrassing emotions emerged.She wanted to turn off the TV, but her hand couldn't move at all as if she didn't obey the command.She peeked at An Chen, but found that An Chen hadn't changed in any way and was still pinching her feet.

Seeing this, iss breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes were attracted by the TV again.The action movie is still going on, but iss is getting more and more sad.

Just then, a hand slid into her skirt, and the last protection of her sanctuary was ripped off.


Text 0595: Natto also wants to rub feet

After a long time, when Natto was bored and puzzled after taking a shower, there was a knock on the door.Hearing the voice, Natto finally showed a smile, and the two of them didn't know why they went, they made themselves wait for so long.

But when Natto opened the door, she was stunned for a moment, and she said curiously, "Sister iss, why is brother alone."

"Iss might be too comfortable and fell asleep. I'm afraid you'll be in a hurry, so I'll come here and tell you."

Natto didn't suspect him when she heard the words, she thought it was because she pinched her feet so comfortably that she fell asleep, she absolutely didn't know that iss fell asleep because of being made too comfortable and tired.

Natto said excitedly and anticipatingly, "Then Anchen, can you pinch my feet too?" Natto just took a bath, so it doesn't smell bad."

Hearing what Natto said, An Chen laughed, isn't that why he came here.As for pinching your feet, giving your women some care and benefits in advance is what a good man should do.

"Okay, then go to bed and lie down."

At this moment, Na Dou obediently lay on the bed, not feeling any danger coming.

At the same time, An Chen knelt down on the couch, and then grabbed Natto's little feet.

Natto likes to wear cute shoes, usually this kind of shoes will protect the feet very well.So natto's feet are white and tender, without even a little blemish.

But this is not the key point, the key point is that Natto is wearing a cute pajamas like a nightgown.When An Chen grabbed Natto's little feet and stretched them up, the hem of the nightgown suddenly parted.

At this moment, An Chen almost had a nosebleed, and he didn't even wear a small underwear inside the natto.

At this moment, An Chen paused, and Na Dou also felt the embarrassment of his hem.In the next moment, Na Dou didn't care whether An Chen saw it or not, blushing, he pinched the hem of the skirt between his legs.

Although it is covered up a bit, this half-covered half-disclosure can arouse people's curiosity even more.An Chen felt his own excitement and didn't hold back anymore, using his true energy to stimulate the needs of Natto with different strengths.

After a few breaths, Natto was already short of breath, but it was so comfortable that Natto didn't think much about it.But when her first special sound came out, Natto couldn't control it anymore.

She looked at An Chen's eyes as if overflowing with infinite tenderness. In the end, she couldn't hold back and begged, "Brother An Chen, love me."

An Chen can just wait for this sentence. Hearing this, he will naturally not wait any longer.

After a long time, An Chen finally felt comfortable, and Na Dou naturally fell asleep.After An Chen wrapped the natto and took it back to her room, she also slept for a while with her second daughter in her arms.

After an unknown amount of time, the movement beside her woke An Chen up.An Chen turned her head and said to iss, "Why, why don't you sleep a little longer after you wake up?"

"Well, sleep well, what time is it?"

When iss said this, she suddenly saw natto beside An Chen. At this moment, iss froze, then smiled wryly in her heart, and asked, "why is there natto?"

An Chen didn't have any embarrassment when he heard the words, and said, "Well, I'm not satisfied with you, so I went to eat the little guy."

When iss heard this, she suddenly remembered the previous scene, and then her face turned red, and she didn't know what to say.

At the same time, Natto heard the voice, sat up slowly, rubbed his eyes, opened his big watery eyes, and said in a daze, "Sister iss, when did you come back?"

Speaking of which, when she saw An Chen, she suddenly recalled something.The next second, she hurriedly covered the front of her body, but at this moment she suddenly felt something, and then looked down.

Huh, when did she put on her pajamas? The next moment, she seemed to understand something, and looked at An Chen with a blushing face.

Seeing Natto's gaze, An Chen said, "Nei Nei didn't see it, so I didn't wear it for you. But you can rest assured that when I bring you here, I will wrap you tightly, and you will never be naked." question."

Hearing this, Natto heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at iss.After a pause, he opened his mouth and said, "It turns out that Miss Iss fell asleep so comfortably, and suddenly I felt like I was luring a wolf into my room."

Natto's words made iss blush with embarrassment, and the next moment she wanted to get up and clean up the natto, but when she exerted a little force, her lower part hurt badly.

At this moment, An Chen chuckled and said, "Yes, didn't Doudou also fall asleep comfortably?"

Natto turned her head and snorted coquettishly when she heard the words, and then said, "I'll ignore you."

As Natto said, he turned around and wanted to stay on the bed, but he moved too much and sat down with the same pain.It's the first time for both of them, and it hasn't been long, and the big moves are purely to blame.

Seeing the movements of the two girls, An Chen said, "Lie down, let me give you a massage."

At this moment, the two girls seemed to have thought of something, their faces turned red, and they hurriedly said "no need"

In the next second, the two girls looked at each other, and they seemed to understand that the massage was not a good thing.

"What are you thinking? It's to help you relieve pain and swelling, otherwise you may be in pain for two or three days."

Hearing what An Chen said, the two girls felt a little embarrassed, but then they remembered who was the culprit.But the second daughter was naturally embarrassed to argue, so she just lay down obediently. .

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