Text 0596: Cold in Harbin

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On the night of the third day, the three boarded the plane back home.After the two of them were recovered by An Chen's massage the day before, they did not escape.The three of them didn't sleep until very late, so naturally they didn't go anywhere today.

Although it was a bit sad to go back, An Chen didn't plan to separate from the two daughters directly, but planned to take them to enjoy the polar scenery.

At least for the second daughter, they have lived in the south all year round, and they don't understand the severe cold in Heilongjiang.

So after getting off the plane, the three of them just took a rest at the airport and flew to Harbin.

The site where the king will attack this time is rushing to work, so it will definitely not be seen now.At this time, Harbin was still icy and snowy. Even at noon, it was minus [-] to [-] degrees, and only the room was warmer.

Although Harbin is a provincial capital, the level of prosperity is not low, but just the distance to the hotel, the two of them can't stand the cold, and they can't go out.

They simply lived on the upper floors of the hotel, and they could see half of Harbin from here. The hotel faces east, with the urban area at its back, and you can see the scenery of Snow Country at a glance.It's a pity that it's not close to nature, but the snow scene still makes people like it, if it's not so cold.

iss had already changed out of her O clothes at this time and put on a down jacket, but even so she still felt cold, she only heard her say, "My God, why is Harbin so cold, I don't know how people in the Northeast live." winter."

Hearing what iss said, Natto said, "I know, I know, they must have stockpiled food. Then they didn't go out for a winter and hibernated. Hehe v"

An Chen laughed and said, "According to what you say, they will be depressed sooner or later. When I finish recording the program tomorrow, I will take you to the mountains to play. I will show you the nature of Snow Country."

Hearing what An Chen said, the two girls shook their heads quickly, only to hear them say, "No, it's too cold, let's go home."

"Yeah, I feel like my nose and ears will be frozen off."

Hearing this, An Chen joked with a smile, "Why do Doudou's noses and ears have plastic surgery? I've heard of nose surgery, but this is the first time I've heard of ear surgery."

Natto also smiled when he heard the words, obviously thinking of the news that the face of a beauty who underwent plastic surgery was exposed on the Internet and her face was frozen when she came to the Northeast.

"Well, to show that I haven't had plastic surgery, it seems that I can only go shopping with brother An Chen, but our clothes are still too cold, so we have to buy a bunch of warm babies for backup."

"I've already bought the warm baby and the polar charge suit, and they should be delivered in a while."

"ah when"

Seeing Natto's cute exclamation, An Chen said, "Of course it was before I came, and with Suning's next-day delivery service, it should be delivered in a while."

While the three of them were talking, An Chen's phone rang, and it turned out to be an unfamiliar number, so it must be the courier.After hanging up the phone, An Chen said, "Isn't it here? I asked the front desk of the hotel to bring it up. You guys will try to see if it fits in a while."

Hearing this, iss suddenly remembered, they didn't mention their size, how did An Chen know

"An Chen, how do you know what size Natto and I are wearing? Don't you think it's fake if you read our profile?"

Hearing this, An Chen said confidently, "It doesn't matter if the information is fake or not, I didn't check it, because I believe in myself more. I have already possessed all of your bodies, so I can understand the size naturally. For example, in front of you, I Catch it and you'll know it has a c."

Speaking of this, An Chen paused for a moment, then continued, "I didn't expect that you are not tall, so it is quite surprising."

Iss's face was flushed by what had been said, and she said in a low voice, "I know there's nothing good to say about it."

Sure enough, the size An Chen bought was just right for the two of them, but at this time they were inside the house, and the clothes were just right, so the two hurriedly took them off, there was no way it was inside the house, it was very hot.

Just then, An Chen's phone rang again.The call was actually made by Chen Chichi. It seems that Chen Chichi and his team won the finals.

After An Chen picked up the phone, he said, "Congratulations Brother He, I didn't expect that the final battle would be between our two groups."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said helplessly, "If possible, I don't want to be on the opposite side with you, but we don't want to lose too embarrassingly. Why don't you let us lose too embarrassingly if we release the water tomorrow?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Okay, but have you discussed with your family? Li Zhao's people won't turn against us when the time comes."

"No, no, we discussed it." At this point, Chen Chichi changed the subject and continued, "By the way, are you here or not? Let's have a meal together."

"Okay, but I don't know if they're here or not. I'll make a phone call later, and I'll bring two friends there."

"Okay, I want to bring a few, but just add a few stools."

"Well, that's it for now."

"Okay, you ask first, and then give me the exact number."


After hanging up the phone, An Chen said to the two women, "Brother He, please eat, you two can go with me later."

Text 0597: How many wives do you have, Xiaochen?

"Chen Chichi"


"Yes, that's great. I really like his performance as Zeng Xiaoxian."

Seeing that Natto was so excited, An Chen had a strange feeling that Chen Chichi's little fan girl was hidden in his feelings.

"what about me"

Seeing An Chen's jealous look, iss spoke first, "Of course you are the one Doudou admires the most. You don't know. In the past, when I came out to play, Doudou would often hear her talk about you."

Natto is only small, but his heart is not a child's, so Natto sat beside An Chen, shook An Chen's arm, and said, "Yes, Doudou likes you the most."

Hearing Natto acting coquettishly, An Chen almost transformed.But he still thought of the business, held back, and said, "Okay, I'll call the others first, and you'll be able to see a lot of celebrities tonight."


The next moment, 470 An Chen started calling his teammates, but only two of them had arrived, and the others would not arrive until late at night.

When An Chen came with the two daughters, Chen Chichi and the others were taken aback for a moment. They were not people in the circle. The next moment, Chen Chichi immediately asked the person on the steps, "Xiaochen, why don't you introduce the two beauties?" "

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