Today's game took place in the early afternoon, but even that was bone-chillingly cold.They came in a carriage, and the carriage without an air-conditioning system made the cold weather even more severe.

An Chen and the others got off the carriage and arrived at the assembly point, only to hear the director say, "Congratulations on entering the finals."

Then a few people said a few words, and a voice came.

"The real king can control every hero. Your hero of this issue is in the envelope in front of you."

ask for flowers

Hearing this, everyone looked at the envelope on the table, and then Lin Zhiyu opened it first, and said, "It's very good, mine is Athena."

After Lin Zhitun finished speaking, An Chen interjected, "Sister Zhitun, you are stealing the supermodel's wings."

Hearing such words, Xi Mengyao also said, "Yes, sister Zhitu, you stole my wings."

At this moment, Wang Jiaer interjected, "Then you will be called Birdman with Broken Wings from now on."

At this moment, everyone was laughed out loud by Lei, and Xi Mengyao could only feel the word "Birdman" echoing in his ears infinitely.

After laughing, An Chen asked Wang Jiaer, "Does Jiaer have a Chinese girlfriend now?"

Wang Jia couldn't understand what he heard, so he asked, "No, bro."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded in understanding, and said clearly, "This is normal."

Wang Jia was stunned when he heard the words, and asked incomprehensibly, "Brother, what do you mean?"

At this moment, everyone laughed, and Wang Jia was the only one who didn't understand.

Next, Chen Chichi revealed his character, and Chen Chichi said, "I finally got the hero I want the most, the fastest to wear clothes, Luban No. [-]."

As soon as Chen Chichi finished speaking, Wang Yibo said, "Is your IQ 250?"

"Very happy, really happy." At this moment, Chen Chichi felt that he could not continue.

An Chen even said at this time, "Brother He, don't pretend, your face is green. Also, it is understandable and understandable for a genius to call himself 250."

Body 0599: Unfair distribution schemes

Then it was Wang Bowen's turn to reveal his hero. When he opened the envelope, he said, "Beat the Beats, Gao Jianli. To be honest, Gao Jianli and I really have a good destiny."

"Maybe this is your true self, Gao Jianli."

"Haha, maybe."

Next came Yin Zheng. The moment Yin Zheng got the hero, he smiled and said, "I'm Zhang Jike."

In the next second of Zhang Jike, everyone understood Yin Zheng's meaning.Zhang Jike seems to be an assassin from the beginning to the end of the game, and it is very strange that he is the King of Lanling every time, and there is no one else.

The fifth one is An Chen. When An Chen opened the envelope at "[-]", he was stunned for a moment. This is definitely a pitfall.It's impossible for the program group to arrange, and it's impossible for the program group to know his position in advance.

"Cheng Yaojin."

At this moment, the opposite team cheered in unison. Everyone knows how much pressure An Chen's assassins and shooters are under. Even the most useless Zhuge Liang can be threatened by him as much as an assassin.It is conceivable how happy An Chen was to get a good-for-nothing hero.

The next one is the opposite one. When Xi Mengyao opened the envelope, everyone said, "Isn't it Daji again?"

Hearing this, Xi Mengyao turned over the card and said, "I want to too."

When the card was turned over, Xi Mengyao burst into a cry of surprise.

"Yes, it's really Daji, so lucky."

Well, the opponent's lineup seems a bit strong, let's see what happens next.Next is Wang Yibo, and Wang Yibo's hero is Di Renjie.Well, the two shooters are tied.But when he saw the opponent's fourth hero, An Chen frowned again.Arthur, it was Arthur.

In this way, the first four heroes have formed a huge gap, and the frantic beat is only one minute, and they are still dancing.

At this moment, An Chen's fifth hero finally came out, and it turned out to be Monkey King.Seeing this, An Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was a gap, it was okay.At this moment, the last hero the opponent got also came out, another assassin, King Lanling.

Dual Assassins, meaty, dual control, one adc.Look at yourself again, a useless meat, a useless female station, a shooter, a copy, and a one-minute control.

Well, if you don't compare it, you can't tell it. If you compare it, you can't play it.But seeing this, An Chen just frowned and didn't say anything, but he didn't say that someone said it.

I just heard Wang Jiaer say, "Director, you guys are going too far, the opponent's hero is so good, how can you play this?"

"It can only be blamed on your bad luck, but you have an all-around variety show king, so what are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, everyone basically understood that the difference in heroes between the two sides was mainly because of An Chen, a person with the same bug.However, it might not be in the design team's consideration to get the meat for An Chen, and there is indeed a gap between the two sides.

At this time, Chen Chichi suddenly said arrogantly, "Xiaochen, we are going to kill you."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, not caring about strength, and said, "I hope Brother He won't cry and beg for water later."

Now that it has reached this level, what was said before is definitely not counting, so An Chen is ready to snipe the opponent's assassin. The singles score between him and the assassin is definitely 91 points, and 1 vs. 2 is also 64 points.If you can kill the opponent's two assassins, then the chances of winning are not very small.

The next moment, the game started. After arriving at the venue, there was a routine opening speech. Lin Zhiyu was the first to say, "Our opponent this time is very strong, but we are not easy to bully. We only have one goal today, and that is to win and win." "

As soon as Lin Zhiyu finished his inspiration, he immediately withdrew his little hand and said, "Wow, it's really too cold, I feel like I can't even walk."

Hearing what Lin Zhiyu said, An Chen said, "You don't dare to walk, otherwise there will be another beautiful ice sculpture here."

Just as a few people were talking, suddenly the voice of WeChat on the mobile phone rang.After everyone took out their mobile phones, they saw the above content. The content of this stage is divided into the first half and the second half. The first half of the game lasts for one hour.Jingdou in the team can be used interchangeably.

Seeing this, Wang Jiaer said, "The first half is only an hour, which is too little."

"Maybe it's restricting us, after all we are all junglers."

At this moment, the voice suddenly sounded.

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