"Welcome to the world of the king's attack. The enemy army has 5 seconds to reach the battlefield. Please be ready."


After the voice fell, a group of people went to the battlefield in two waves.There are two routes up and down, An Chen and Lin Zhiyu are in a group.

An Chen and Lin Zhiyu walked around and chatted casually after they came all the way, and soon came to Jingdong Convenience Store.After the two looked at each other, they said tacitly, "Go and see what gifts are there."

"it is good."

When the two arrived at the Jingdong Convenience Store, the shopkeeper said, "Welcome to both of you, what would you like to see?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Shopkeeper, what's in stock, let us see and let me know how much it costs, so we can shop in time."

Text 0600: Ambushed

"Come on, let me introduce to you our strongest weapon in this issue. The first one is our Infinity Blade. As long as you touch other heroes with Infinity Blade, other heroes will die. It takes ten minutes to use and the price is 20 Jingdou."

"The second one is the Pao Shou roll. There are 8 Pao Shou rolls in total, first come, first served, each priced at 30 Jingdou."

"The third one, we still have super soldiers in this issue, and they are still 50 Jingdou."

"The fourth one is the Grip of Ice Mark. It can resist the opponent's physical attack for ten minutes, and the price is twenty Jingdou."

In addition to these four pieces of equipment, there were candied haws and other things to eat, but An Chen and Lin Zhiyu, who didn't have Jingdou, could only stare blankly.

Suddenly Lin Zhiyu turned his head to An Chenjiao and said angrily, "I really want to eat candied haws."

An Chen was also very helpless when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he still said to the boss, "Boss, we are all old acquaintances13, and the three Jingdou things on credit will be paid back to you soon."

Two Jingdou can't buy anything good, just buy something to eat, so the boss thought for a while and said, "Yes, three Jingdou, but you have to double it."

"Okay, here are three candied haws."

"Um, you two, how do you divide the three candied haws?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "Take two normal candied haws and get a flat one."

As An Chen said, he gave Lin Zhiyu both the normal candied haws and the flat one, and then said, "Try each of them, I'll just eat this."

An Chen's gentlemanly demeanor made Lin Zhiyu's unhappiness from last night disappear. A woman's anger comes and goes quickly, so just coax her.

"What if I can't finish two?"

"It's okay, I'll eat the rest, don't waste it."

Hearing what An Chen said, Lin Zhiyu smiled even more happily, and then the two walked and ate candied haws.

At this moment, An Chen suddenly sensed a ballistic trajectory. Before the color of the ballistic trajectory turned red, An Chen pretended to turn his head inadvertently. The next moment, he hurriedly protected Lin Zhiyu, and said, "Let's go, let's go, the opponent Sniping us."

Lin Zhiyu turned his head when he heard the words, and the moment he saw a group of people, he panicked instantly.The next moment she ran forward without thinking about fighting back.

At the same time, An Chen quickly caught up with Lin Zhiyu.At this time, An Chen wanted to drag Lin Zhitun to run, but seeing Lin Zhitun holding candied haws with both hands, An Chen thought about it and gave up.

At this moment, the opponent's two killers quickly ran towards here.Although An Chen wasn't worried about the speed of the two of them, but Lin Zhizun couldn't do it, An Chen couldn't possibly leave Lin Zhizun and run away by himself.So An Chen thought about it, and said to Lin Zhiyu, "Zhiyu, help me run with candied haws, I'll block them."

"It's not good"

"There's nothing wrong with it. If I die, you'll still be sending food if you stay. Remember to save the candied haws for me."

Hearing what An Chen said, Lin Zhiyu gave An Chen a white look, and then said, "Got it, foodies."

After An Chen handed the candied haws to Lin Zhiyu, he turned around instantly and greeted the two assassins who were running towards him.

At the same time, Chen Chichi hid behind and supported the two killers with hand cannons.

Although the enemy's firepower was unprecedentedly strong, An Chen was not afraid. Hand cannons meant nothing to him, and the only remaining shooters were two.The moment An Chen approached the two killers with an irregular route, he rushed to the left and rushed towards Zhang Jike.

At this moment, Zhang Jike seemed to have expected it a long time ago. When he secretly said that it was true, he quickly stepped back and launched a defensive mode.

Zhang Jike had a feud with An Chen, so he naturally thought that he was the first target. In fact, he thought the answer was true.

Everyone recognized An Chen's strength, even Zhang Jike would not deny it.So at this moment, the three of them took the strongest offensive.

But at the moment Zhang Jike backed away, An Chen suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Yin Zheng in an instant.

At this time, Yin Zheng was accelerating with all his strength, and Zhang Jike was just retreating with all his strength. It was impossible for the two of them to complete that instant change of direction.

At this moment, An Chen accelerated towards Yi Zheng, and he was infinitely close to Yin Zheng.But at this moment, Chen Chichi's laser gun was aimed at An Chen's sensor. Whether to let go or attack, 467 and the two of them had an answer in an instant.

It's not a real death, it's naturally an attack.The next moment, An Chen grabbed Yin Zheng instantly.At the same time, he was also sniped by Chen Chichi.

But it doesn't matter, An Chen is not an assassin with only one drop of blood, the next second he suddenly threw Yin Zheng away.

At this moment, although Yin Zheng tried his best to adjust his posture, he still tilted to the side uncontrollably. The next second, a static current took him away with the sound of "didi".

At this moment, it is undeniable that Yin Zheng felt extremely frustrated.When the three of them beat An Chen, one of them was taken away by the other party, and the one who died was himself.

While Yin Zheng was in a daze, An Chen turned around again, aiming at Zhang Jike who was coming.Zhang Jike, who rushed over, saw that he still couldn't save Yin Zheng, and turned from offense to defense.

If someone else had encountered such a situation, it might not be possible to win it quickly, but An Chen who didn't have a good impression of Zhang Jike made the move in an instant.

s was sick two days ago, just ordered. .

Text 0601: Anchen's Candied Haws

At this moment, Zhang Jike quickly waved his hand, and suddenly patted An Chen's attacking hand.But at this moment, when the two hands collided, An Chen's hand didn't even move.

At this moment, Zhang Jike felt that his hand was about to break. If he hadn't held back, he would have almost cried out.

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