At this moment, before Zhang Jike's hand could be taken away, An Chen grabbed Zhang Jike's hand with a backhand, then pulled it over suddenly, and then slapped Zhang Jike's siren with one hand.

In the next second, the electrostatic current hit Zhang Jike, and then the beep sounded at the same time.

After killing the two of them, An Chen quickly ran towards the Jingdong Convenience Store, avoiding Chen Chichi's shooting.An Chen waited for the rest of the red team, but after waiting for five minutes, no one came.

Seeing this, An Chen was speechless.After giving the shopkeeper ten Jingdou, he said, "Shopkeeper, return your Jingdou, and find me for the rest."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper opened his small cash box, took out Wujingdou, gave it to An Chen, and said, "I'll charge you one less, and come often when I'm free."

After An Chen waved his hand, he turned around and went after Lin Zhitun, but he remembered that his candied haws were still in Lin Zhitun's hands.

After chasing for ten minutes, An Chen finally caught up with Lin Zhiyu at a jungle spot. When An Chen passed by, Lin Zhitun had just finished playing the jungle.

Seeing An Chen's return, Lin Zhiyu was very happy. After running over quickly, she handed three bunches of candied haws to An Chen, and said happily, "I knew you could solve the trouble just now, this belongs to you." Candied haws.”

An Chen looked at the candied haws and couldn't help smiling. Lin Zhiyu actually ate a bit of every candied haws, and even the candied haws he ate just now were missing a part.

At this moment, Lin Zhiyu seemed to feel that An Chen had seen through her little thoughts, and seemed a little shy.But in such a cold day, she couldn't tell whether she was blushing.

"It's not bad, it's enough for me to replenish my strength." An Chen started to eat after talking.

The two walked and talked and ate, and after a while they had already wiped out the candied haws, and at the same time they came to the second jungle spot.An Chen glanced at this wild area, and then said, "I think this wild area is the most useless wild area. If there is anything that can be completed, it may be done by you and Xi Mengyao. How about you try?"

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyu looked at it, and said firmly, "I'll try."

Looking at Lin Zhiyu's eyes full of fighting desire and self-confidence, An Chen smiled.Sure enough, this wild area seems to be prepared for women.At this time, An Chen only thought about putting it on completely, and didn't think about the occurrence of sleeves at all.

Seeing Lin Zhiyu who was sentenced to victory without even zipping it up, An Chen opened his mouth in surprise.

At this moment, the field guard said, "Congratulations, you are the first person to defeat me. Here is a treasure for you."

At this moment, An Chen knew what it was, Resurrection A.For a moment, An Chen regretted not taking the challenge himself, but it was only for a moment.

"Let's go, let's go to the next wild spot."

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyu came over and said, "Why do you regret having a resurrection armor?"

"Why do you regret it? Aren't you on the same team as us? What's the difference between what you take and what I take."

"Of course there is a difference. Only when you use it can it play a better role."

"But it's yours, isn't it?"

Just when the two were talking and arguing, they came to a wild area again, and this wild area called Dali to perform miracles.It's a curling challenge, An Chen saw this and said, "I'll do it."


After going up, An Chen chose a relatively short shelf, faced the curling iron, took a good look at the hole, and pushed it out.Seeing the course and speed of curling, An Chen confidently turned his head and walked down.

Sure enough, when the curling iron arrived, the opening of the hole turned around, and then fell into it with a bang.

"Ye" This is not An Chen's voice, but Lin Zhiyu, only to hear her continue to shout, "Xiaochen, you are amazing."

Although this game has three point systems, 5, 10, and 15 points, but if you enter the hole, the points will be doubled.Thirty minutes is not a small amount, no wonder Lin Zhixuan was so excited.

At this moment, a cry for help suddenly came from the headsets of the two of them, only Wang Jiaer's voice was heard, and he shouted, "Call for help, call for help, Wang Yibo and I are stuck in a singing and hunting camp. Nuohao. They are ambushing us below." , hurry up and help."

Hearing Wang Jiaer's shout, An Chen and Lin Zhiyu looked at each other, and An Chen shouted, "Jiaer hang on, we'll go there right away."

Hearing An Chen's voice, Wang Jia'er seemed to be much more stable, and immediately said, "Okay brother, Wang Yibo and I will sing a song first."

After the conversation was over, Lin Zhiyu hurriedly said, "Let's go."

An Chen shook his head when he heard this, and said, "Let's go buy an Infinity War Blade first, and wipe them all out."

Hearing what An Chen said, Lin Zhiyu felt that this idea was better and safer. As for consuming 20 Jingdou, it was not a problem at all. .

Text 0602: Endless Blade

An Chen, who was carrying the Endless War Blade, took Lin Zhiyu to the jungle where he was singing, and outside the jungle, four of them had already gathered.

The four of them, except Xi Mengyao, have all the coefficients and are waiting to launch an attack.

Seeing this, An Chen opened his mouth and shouted into the microphone, "Jia Er, are you finished?"

"It will be over soon."

Hearing this, An Chen continued to ask, "Where are you, Bowen?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Bowen replied, "I'm behind the jungler, and I'll outflank them later."

Hearing this, An Chen said again, "No need, you stay and guard Xi Mengyao, if you see her coming, you must block her and kill her."

Although Wang Bowen regretted not being able to participate in the decisive battle when he heard this mission, he still agreed and said, "Okay, I will guard this side of the road, but I will have no choice in the other direction."

"Okay, just stay on your side."

After speaking, An Chen turned off the microphone, and said to Lin Zhiyu, "Wait, you guard our way, and you must block Xi Mengyao, her skills are too powerful for me to kill 460 injuries."

"Okay, I'll definitely kill her."

"You don't need to kill it, just hang on, and we can quickly solve the battle if you hang on to us."

"it is good."

At this moment, Wang Jiaer's voice came from the microphone.

"We are ready to go down. Brother, you are ready."

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