Hearing Wang Jiaer's words, An Chen shouted into the microphone, "Action, action,,,."

In the next second, An Chen rushed out first. His place was still some distance away from the opponent, so he came out early to coincide with the inside and outside.

Before An Chen came out, he had put his hands behind his back, trying to hide the Endless Blade as much as possible, otherwise he would be silenced by Arthur's skills the moment he came out.

At this moment, the other party also saw An Chen.The next moment, the four ambushed people came towards An Chen one after another.They knew that if An Chen couldn't be killed, An Chen would probably complete a wave of counter-kills if he joined the two above.

At this moment, Chen Chichi, who knew An Chen best, was ready to let Zhang Xuefeng silence An Chen.But at this moment, Wang Jiaer activated his skills first.

"The blue team members activate the shield of silence, and a certain red team member is prohibited from using skills, otherwise they will be eliminated."

This is the Shield of Silence copied by Wang Jiaer, and it was used first when Chen Chichi was about to speak out.But this skill is simply too restrictive for the red team, and the skill is not allowed to be used.In the red team, only Arthur and Daji have skills, and Daji is not here yet, so it is too clear who it is.

While aiming at An Chen, Chen Chichi said, "Xue Feng, the skill is aimed at you, don't use it."


At the same time, An Chen approached quickly, Chen Chichi fired several shots but failed to hit An Chen.

The next moment, a confrontation was about to begin, Zhang Xuefeng was only three steps away from An Chen, and An Chen finally showed his fangs when he was extremely close to the opponent.

The moment An Chen's Endless War Blade appeared, Chen Chichi's face changed, and while running to the distance, he shouted, "Run, run, run, run quickly."


A warrior with a fatal blow is already terrifying, but a warrior with a fatal blow was even more terrifying when he was An Chen.In the next second, Zhang Xuefeng died directly.

An Chen didn't stop, and immediately went to chase Zhang Jike who was close at hand. As for Yin Zheng, he handed it over to Wang Yibo who just came down.And Wang Jiaer went to intercept Chen Chichi who wanted to escape.Wang Jiaer's speed, Chen Chichi's speed, even if Chen Chichi ran for a few seconds first, he would definitely not be as fast as Wang Jiaer.

At this moment, An Chen had already chased after Zhang Jike, and instantly killed Zhang Jike with the endless sword in his hand.Then An Chen ran to Yin Zheng, but when An Chen ran to Yin Zheng, Yin Zheng had already died with the sound of beeping.Seeing this, An Chen turned quickly and followed Wang Jiaer towards Chen Chichi.

Although Chen Chichi's speed was slow, his fighting power was definitely not weak, so Wang Jiaer was threatening Chen Chichi at this moment, delaying his speed, and incidentally stalemate.

Therefore, within two minutes of chasing An Chen, he had already caught up with the two of them, and then An Chen quickly stepped forward, killing Chen Chichi in an instant.

This endless warblade is much better than an assassin. No matter which part of the body it touches, it will be considered dead. It is simply a murderous weapon.The only pity is that it only lasts ten minutes.

At this moment, a dejected voice came from Wang Bowen, and Wang Bowen said despondently, "I'm under control."

Hearing the voice in the headset, An Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately yelled into the microphone, "Bowen, go slowly, Zhiyu hasten to buy all the Jingdou into gunner rolls."

At this moment, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter. All the Jingdou in the team are shared. If Wang Bowen spent all the Jingdou, then their half-time efforts would not be in vain at this moment. People's hearts were raised, for fear that Lin Zhizun would be slower than Xi Mengyao.

At this time, Wang Bowen naturally heard An Chen's words, so he naturally started to delay the Dafa, acting like a baby, acting cute in various ways, just trying to delay it.But at this time, Xi Mengyao, who was thinking about consumption, simply ignored Wang Bowen's acting like a baby, and urged Wang Bowen to leave quickly. .

Text 0603: Regiment destroying the red team

An Chen also quickly ran to the Jingdong Convenience Store at this time, ready to see if he could intercept each other before the two arrived at the Jingdong Convenience Store.

Yeah, they can still intercept each other.With the speed of Xi Mengyao leading a person, unless that person fully cooperates, it is absolutely impossible not to catch up.

Although An Chen's speed can't be said to be at its maximum, it can't be said to be slow either.So just when Lin Zhiyu said that she had bought the cannon roll, An Chen saw Xi Mengyao and Wang Bowen.

In the next second, he quickly approached.At this time, he was very upset, and he was unhappy with the arrangement of the director team.Not only is there a disparity in the lineup, but the arrangement is also so unreasonable. Even if he is perverted, he can't bully people like this.

The next moment, An Chen's running sound startled Xi Mengyao.Seeing that Xi Mengyao turned around and showed a surprised face, and then quickly backed away, exclaiming, "Wang Bowen, stop him quickly, hurry up."

Hearing this, Wang Bowen instinctively turned to An Chen, and stretched out his arms to embrace An Chen.But at this moment, when An Chen reached the front of Wang Bowen's tattoo, he suddenly shortened his body, spun around in an instant, and passed under Wang Bowen's arm.

At this moment, Wang Bowen was stunned, unable to realize what happened.After a long time, he suddenly figured out something, and hurriedly looked behind him.

At the same time, An Chen had turned over and passed through Wang Bowen, and quickly caught up with Xi Mengyao.At this moment, Xi Mengyao lost her balance and fell backwards.This is a world of ice and snow, and the ground is not ice, so An Chen didn't care at all, and knocked on Xi Mengyao's arm casually.

Although Xi Mengyao died at this moment, because of the fall, Xi Mengyao was dragged to the Endless Battle Blade in panic.

At this moment, although An Chen had the ability to pull back the endless blade, he was afraid that the endless blade would scratch Xi Mengyao.After such a delay, An Chen was pulled sideways and fell towards Xi Mengyao.

Time seemed to be frozen at some point, and the place where An Chen fell was pointed directly at Xi Mengyao.Although An Chen had already pressed one side, but that direction could not stabilize his figure, so he still fell over at an unpleasant speed.

In the next second, the mouths of the two kissed together.For a moment, both of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, Wang Bowen came over, tilted his head to look at the two people who were still in a daze, and asked, "Are you planning to stay here for a day?"

At this moment, An Chen got up in a hurry, and at the same time, Xi Mengyao also sat up in a hurry.In fact, such a scene is difficult for people who are not involved in the incident to understand.But such a wonderful scene is completely full of the feeling of an idol drama.Therefore, An Chen didn't react for a while.

"Sorry, I didn't expect such a coincidence."

Hearing what An Chen said, Xi Mengyao said shyly, "I know you didn't do it on purpose, please stop talking."

An Chen heard the words and said, "Okay, but it's time for you to recover."

At this moment, Xi Mengyao remembered that she had just been hung up, and saw Xi Mengyao stomped her feet, and said angrily, "An Chen, you are simply too annoying."

An Chen laughed and said nothing, thinking to himself that if you want to blame you, then blame the program crew, who made them so unfair and offend me.

At this moment, An Chen no longer intends to hold back, and intends to ruin the game.

After Xi Mengyao left, An Chen also went to the Jingdong Convenience Store, looked at Lin Zhiyu and asked, "Is it all spent?"

ask for flowers

"There are still 10 Jingdou. I listen to you and bought five gunner rolls."

Hearing this, An Chen continued to shout into the headset, "Jiaer will copy Xi Mengyao's skills, and the rest will go to Jingdou."

After finishing speaking, An Chen said to Lin Zhiyu, "Zhiyu, you wait here, buy the cannon roll first and then talk. We will go to the jungle first, and you will come after buying the cannon roll. When someone comes, you run in, two people I should be able to come back in a few minutes. And you don’t have to hold on for long, we wiped them all out just now, and it’s enough for two cannons just now.”

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyu nodded his head, only thirty Jingdou, five minutes at most.Then Lin Zhiyu said, "Then what should I do after I buy the gunner roll?"

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