At the same time, Yin Zheng, who didn't understand what was going on, was still standing stupidly, and turned his head to ask, "What's the situation? Why did I hit him but he died by himself? Is this a reflex attack?"

After Yin Zheng's words fell, the director team said, "He wears the Ice Mark Grip, which is immune to physical attacks for ten minutes, and the shells of super soldiers are also physical attacks."

After Yin Zheng heard this, he understood why An Chen didn't die, it was just that he hid it so deeply.At this moment, he really wanted to express the pain in the baby's heart.

At the same time, Chen Chichi shouted into the microphone, "Xue Feng, use your skills to silence An Chen, hurry up!"

Within three seconds of Chen Chichi's voice falling, he really heard the sound of restriction coming from that voice.

"A member of the blue team is prohibited from attacking within ten minutes, otherwise he will be eliminated."

Hearing this, An Chen rushed forward.At this moment, even with Chen Chichi's IQ, he fell into a daze.In the next second, Chen Chichi seemed to understand, but because he was stunned for a moment, he had already missed the opportunity to escape, and then Chen Chichi was caught by An Chen in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Chichi said hopefully, "Xiaochen, it's not good for you, and you can't attack, let me go."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, An Chen said to Chen Chichi, "Yes, I can't attack you, but look behind you."

Chen Chichi looked back, at this time Lin Zhiyu was coming with super soldiers, seeing this, Chen Chichi smiled wryly, and then shouted to the sky, "Zhang Xuefeng, are you a pig?"

When Chen Chichi finished shouting, less than ten seconds later, he was out.When An Chen released Chen Chichi, Chen Chichi said, "That pig Zhang Xuefeng didn't restrict your movement, but actually restricted your attack. I'm drunk too. Let's go, let's go."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, An Chen said, "It's okay, Brother Chichi, I'll send Zhang Xuefeng back to see you later, and ask him to apologize to you in person."

After this wave of attacks, An Chen and the others didn't earn Jingdou, but they crippled a super pawn of the opponent, which was extremely cost-effective.

At this time, the Infinity Shield still has six minutes to use, but An Chen has no room to use it. After all, he still has a skill for him.

At this moment, the voice suddenly sounded.

"The master has awakened."

At this time, before the first half, Juggernaut woke up, this was the first time.But this is a broadcast, and without Zhuge Liang, it is impossible to deceive people.

"Let's go, fight the big dragon. The opponent has two less people. The situation is very favorable to us."

When they arrived at Juggernaut, all personnel from both sides had already arrived.The rules of the game are also known to everyone in the process of waiting for others.

The dragon messenger stands on the top of the snow slope and reads a spell and turns back. If any hero shakes or touches the railing, he will be eliminated, and he needs to start over from the bottom. The first team to capture the dragon messenger wins.

When everyone was assembled, the dragon messenger started shouting spells to 527 people with 8 behind his back.

"I'm here to arrest someone."

Because it was the first call, the recitation was relatively slow. At this moment, the eight members of the red and blue sides began to exert their strength. Unfortunately, both Chen Chichi and Yin Zheng were eliminated and were not here at this time.

Zhang Jike provoked the leader alone, but in front of the red team, he rushed to the second position alone.As for the number one position, it was naturally An Chen's classmate who took the lead.At this moment, An Chen was already standing under the ice slope, waiting to rush up in one go.

Seeing that An Chen was likely to reach the finish line, the red team was anxious at this moment, especially Xi Mengyao.In the next second, Xi Mengyao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a good idea.

The next moment, the dragon messenger yelled the spell again, this time the spell was very fast, An Chen took half a step and then retracted it.

You must know that ice is not conducive to friction, so An Chen took back the foot he stepped out at the moment he heard the speed of speech. .

Text 0606: Domination Buff

An Chen didn't move, but someone moved when he didn't move, Zhang Jike quickly took two steps forward and caught up with An Chen.

At the same time, Xi Mengyao also quickly approached An Chen, only two steps away from An Chen.But Xi Mengyao didn't stop. When the spell of the dragon envoy ended, Xi Mengyao flew up and flew towards An Chen, and then hugged An Chen and swayed An Chen at the same time.

At this moment, An Chen could no longer control his balance, and at the moment Xi Mengyao dragged An Chen down, he rode sideways on Xi Mengyao's body.It wasn't that An Chen rode on Xi Mengyao deliberately, but if he didn't ride, his legs would be on Xi Mengyao's body, and if any damage was caused, it might not be a simple injury.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and then the dragon messenger said, "You two have been eliminated."

Although Xi Mengyao died at this moment, she still showed the joy of victory.Seeing this, An Chen said to Wang Bowen, "You kill Zhang Jike in a moment, and you kill Zhang Xuefeng in a single stroke. Jia Er, the victory is up to you."

After the task was assigned, An Chen and Xi Mengyao came down below. Although they had little hope, they still had to fight. If Chen Chichi and the others came later, it would be difficult to fight.

The dragon messenger turned his head at this moment, and then began to chant the spell.The Dragon Envoy had the director's order, so he recited the spell very slowly this time, but Wang Bowen's mobility was among the top three in the team, and he was only one step away from Zhang Jike, so even if the Dragon Envoy chanted It was very slow, Zhang Jike was given enough time, but Zhang Jike still couldn't go up.

At the same time, An Chen quickly jumped over the first railing and ran towards the second railing, but Xi Mengyao, who was staring at him, jumped again.At this time, An Chen had already seen the dragon envoy turning back, so he couldn't cross the second railing in an instant.

Just when An Chen stopped and looked back, Xi Mengyao, who had already fouled, suddenly pressed heavily on An Chen's body.An Chen, who had just stood firm, was instantly overwhelmed by the last straw.At this moment, An Chen only had time to remove the railing in front of him, and then fell down on the snow.

At this moment, An Chen felt a sweet and clear taste coming from his mouth, and couldn't help sticking out his nose.The entrance is delicate, cold, with a fragrance of orchid.Seeing Xi Mengyao's wide eyes, An Chen remembered what was going on.In the next second, he withdrew his shovel calmly.

At this moment, the dragon messenger said, "Zhang Jike and Wang Bowen are eliminated, Wang Yibo and Zhang Xuefeng are eliminated, An Chen and Xi Mengyao are eliminated."

The elimination of three groups in a row seems to have made the scene clear, but whether Wang Jiaer can make it is still unknown.

In the next password, the eliminated people from the three groups were wasted fighting each other, and after three failures, it was Lin Zhiyu who finally stood at the top.She was stepping on the peak on Wang Jiaer, but it was not as simple as being pushed up, she was stepping on Wang Jiaer's waist and shoulders, and then completed a sprint, barely holding onto the edge of the peak.

"Congratulations on getting the Mastery buff."

When Lin Zhixuan came down with the Juggernaut Buff, Chen Chichi and Zhang Xuefeng had just arrived.Although there can be a wave of team battles at this time, the red team will never dare to start a team.

After An Chen looked at the Master buff, he smiled, and all of them were frozen for five minutes. It's a very useful skill.

Just when the two teams were considering whether to do a game or what to do, the tower attack phase began ten minutes after the text message rang, and all heroes were invited to gather and return to the initial point.

Seeing the message, An Chen said, "We almost have super soldiers now, so Jia Er and I went to the jungle, and the three of you went to guard the Jingdong Convenience Store. When there are enough Jingdou, quickly grab the third one." A super soldier."

"it is good."

"it is good"


Seeing this, An Chen quickly ran to the curling point, which was very close to here, and with An Chen's ability, he could get the desired score with just one stroke.

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