But when An Chen arrived here, he suddenly found that someone was already here, needless to say, it must be the other party's person.It's just that An Chen didn't expect this person to be Xi Mengyao.

An Chen didn't run away anymore, and just waited for Xi Mengyao below. Anyway, killing Xi Mengyao would be very rewarding.As for letting go, it is purely overthinking.

At the same time, Xi Mengyao from above also saw An Chen.

"Hey, you can't do it, I'm a little girl, are you willing to guard Li Dehao?"

Hearing this, An Chen rolled his eyes, and said, "Don't be coquettish and cute, you are not my girlfriend, why am I embarrassed?"

When Xi Mengyao heard the words, she seemed to be very curious and put down the long pole, and asked, "You mean you love your girlfriend very much, so who is your girlfriend?"

Don't you know who my girlfriend is? An Chen, who saw through Xi Mengyao's little trick, said directly, "Hurry up and play wild, it's not without time limit."

Hearing this, Xi Mengyao immediately rolled his eyes, snorted coquettishly and began to perform artificially.For the first time, Xi Mengyao slid without supporting the pole.The second time, well, I can't push the direct performance. .

Text 0607: Canyon of Kings (covered)

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Seeing such a situation, not to mention An Chen, even the wild monsters couldn't stand it anymore.

Without An Chen opening his mouth, the wild monster said directly, "This game is limited to 3 minutes, and you have 1 minute left."

Hearing this, Xi Mengyao hummed unhappily, "Okay, okay, you all bully me."

Because the time is less than a minute, it is better to play wild to earn points than to die in vain.

As the long pole was pushed out, the curling ball slammed straight towards the cylinder with a trajectory. Looking at the speed, An Chen couldn't help but secretly sighed a shit luck.

An Chen didn't expect that Xi Mengyao would be so lucky, and she could still earn 15 points in the end.

"Ye, come in, come in, I'll come in"

Seeing Xi Mengyao's excitement, An Chen suddenly poured cold water on him and shouted, "Come down quickly, it's time."

At this moment, Xi Mengyao was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Chen in disappointment, and shouted, "An Chen, you bastard, it's too bad to pour cold water at a time like this."

"Okay, stop the ink, come down quickly."

Hearing this, Xi Mengyao walked down reluctantly, and then said, "For the competition, you won't bully me, a little girl, let's compete equally, three drops of blood against three drops of blood, are you willing?"

Hearing this, An Chen stretched out his arm and asked Xi Mengyao to pat off two drops of blood.The next second, when Xi Mengyao was about to run, An Chen suddenly grabbed Xi Mengyao's hand, pulled Xi Mengyao into his arms, and slapped Xi Mengyao to death.

At this moment, Xi Mengyao was speechless. Forget it, I didn't pretend to be an honest resurrection.

At the same time, An Chen said into the headset, "The beans should be enough, Wang Bowen, you go and bring a super soldier."

At this time, the opponent's Jingdou must not be enough. They were killed in two waves, and they had already consumed a super soldier. They were destined to have little money.

When Wang Bowen's super bdbb soldiers also appeared on the field, the whole team split into four groups for a while, searching for the last wave of wild.An Chen, on the other hand, stayed in this curling field, waiting for the last wave of refreshing before the second half.

With the combination of three super soldiers and An Chen, the last wave of Yelan Fang was firmly accepted.

It's time to gather here, but Hongfang didn't buy anything. It's not that they don't have Jingdou. In fact, they still have 60 Jingdou, but this has become their only hope to make a comeback.

"The defensive tower is about to start attacking, please enter this issue of King's Canyon."

The shooting has come to an end here, and the scene will be changed to continue.The new scene is the real king's canyon made of snow. When An Chen and the others appeared, even An Chen couldn't help being amazed.

"Great work, real scene Canyon of Kings."

"It's too exaggerated."

Just when everyone was amazed, the voice shouted, "Welcome to the world of the king's attack, and the defense tower attack mode will be activated in five minutes."

Why did the attack mode start after five minutes? This is mainly to let the players understand the rules of attacking the tower.

The two defense towers along the road are guarded by data glasses and energy sources. The defense towers on this road have the function of killing two birds with one stone.If two people break into the tower at the same time, as long as one of them is hit, the blood volume of both will return to zero.

The two towers of the second road are respectively guarded by the Luminous Cup and the Commanding Bell. The snowball in this road has the function of killing with one hit. As long as it is touched by an attack, the blood volume will immediately return to zero.

The two towers on the third road are guarded by Tianshu and Gongsunli's umbrella respectively. One tower is uneven and needs to be passed quickly, and the other tower has a maple leaf trap.If you touch the maple leaf boulder when breaking the tower, the blood volume will immediately return to zero.

After listening to the rules, An Chen said, "All the towers are filled with turrets, they are ours anyway."

It's a pity that there are at most five towers on one side, so the remaining three can only be wasted.

Just then, the voice spoke again.

"After five seconds, turn on the defense tower attack mode."

Hearing this voice, An Chen said, "Zhi Tuan and Bo Wen went to attack the middle lane. Remember that the super soldiers killed them. If you go up again, you must be careful of your own safety."

"Jia Er and Yi Bao go to attack the top lane, the strategy is the same."

"If someone on the other side is holding the Grip of the Ice Mark, Jia Er, you can use your skills. If it is in the middle, then you should give up the stronghold and run. If the other party uses skills, you must be extra careful. The other party still has four hard controls. Pretty bad for us.”

After An Chen's order was given, the four of them nodded.Seeing this, An Chen said again, "Okay, let's go."

After An Chen finished speaking, he ran down the road first. There was no need to defend this place, so An Chen thought that he alone was enough.

When An Chen ran down the road, there was no one there.To be honest, Maple Leaf Man Man is definitely more difficult than soldiers, but the director is determined to embarrass their blue team, so it doesn't matter.

Although there are two Maple Leaf modules to block, for An Chen who is good at parkour, this is not a difficulty.After arriving, An Chen didn't say a word, and rushed up to the checkpoint. In the next second, he passed several modules slowly, and reached the opposite side within a breath.

An Chen didn't stop after passing by. The flag in his hand was instantly planted on the flag platform on the opposite bank, and at the same time, he had already jumped off the high platform.Then he took out the s membership card with his left hand and placed it in front of the defense tower. .

Body 0608: Four Skills

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