Before he breathed, Zhang Xuefeng was already caught by An Chen.And because of Zhang Xuefeng's sudden switch from defense to offense, the sudden switch caused an imbalance in his body.

In the next second, Zhang Xuefeng was pushed to the ground by An Chen, and then he was hit continuously with "five seven seven".Although Chen Chichi aimed in every possible way, they all seemed to miss by a tiny bit. For a while, Chen Chichi even thought his weapon was broken.It doesn't make sense to hit so many times and still fail, Zhang Xuefeng died in a blink of an eye, before An Chen came over, Chen Chichi hurriedly said to the director team, "Director team, my weapon is broken, right? With more than a dozen shots aimed at the target, not a single shot was hit.”

The director team also attaches great importance to such problems, and it is always good to delay a little time.

"Then you bring the weapon here, we will check it for you, and the attack is temporarily suspended."

Hearing this, An Chen's whole body was in a bad mood, how could he let the other party's plot succeed, only to hear An Chen say, "Don't be so troublesome, don't you know if you shoot my armband. If it's good, just treat it as if I gave you a drop of blood, if it's not good, then you can change it again."

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi also felt that it made sense. The most important thing was that he really felt that his weapon was broken.Thinking of earning a drop of blood anyway, Chen Chichi nodded, and said, "Okay, if my weapon is not broken, I will earn a drop of your blood too, don't say my brother is taking advantage of you."

"Hurry up, Momojiji, you think you are a Tang monk."

Chen Chichi was extremely speechless when he heard the words, but he still raised his hand cannon and aimed at An Chen. At the moment when the beep sounded, Chen Chichi didn't even think about firing a second shot, but thought in a daze, not bad

At the moment when the static electricity hit, An Chen had already started running quickly.

At the same time, Chen Chichi also reacted, and while aiming his weapon at An Chen, he stepped back.

At this moment, An Chen quickly came to the defense tower after dodging left and right.At this moment, even Chen Chichi couldn't attack anymore, and in the next second Chen Chichi turned around decisively and ran towards the first tower.

An Chen didn't chase Chen Chichi either, it didn't make sense that the tower was in front of him, he should go after him. When An Chen put the s-card on, he also heard that voice.

"The defensive towers of the red side 1 and 2 have been breached."

An Chen, who got the clue, immediately shouted into the microphone, "Go back to Tower 1, I'll find you."

Just a minute after An Chen's voice fell, the voice sounded again.

"The defense tower of the blue team 1 has been breached."

Damn, is there only one tower advantage now? After the voice sounded, An Chen turned around instantly, and quickly shouted into the microphone, "All go to Tower 3. Let's meet up in front of the opponent's Tower 3."

Although Chen Chichi and Zhang Jike are alive at this time, it is not very meaningful to eliminate them. It will be interesting if Yin Zheng is resurrected later and takes down the three towers.

Because An Chen came here very quickly, when Yin Zheng appeared here, he took a look and looked for the organization. Although this resurrection point cannot be attacked by external force, it can attack before entering the attack point.

When the rest of the blue team arrived, An Chen said, "Take out your clues and have a look. As An Chen spoke, he took out two clue cards first."

When the three clue cards appeared, Lin Zhiyu asked, "An Chen, what does this mean?"

Hearing Lin Zhiyu's question, An Chen said, "This should be a sequence diagram. Breaking through the crystal requires the correct arrangement of the seven treasures. The first one has been given, so the rest are these six. I just don't know what it is. From small to large, or from large to small."

"Then let's try them all, anyway, we are more ahead."

Hearing this, An Chen shook his head, and said, "This point is not easy to defend. Although we have snatched back two super soldiers, as long as someone from the opponent rushes to the challenge platform, we will not be able to attack again. So this place cannot be defended unless three Guard above the individual, otherwise they will be attacked soon.”

"Then what do we do"

After thinking about it for a while, An Chen said, "Zhi 13 and I are going to test the order. Jiaer and you have two super soldiers, and with your skills, you can kill at least three opponents. The rest depends on whether you can defend yourself." Yes. The policy I gave is to kill the assassin first, and control an assassin if the situation does not allow."

"it is good."

After assigning the task, An Chen took Lin Zhiling to the red square crystal.At this moment, Chen He also brought his troops to the Three Towers.Although he somewhat guessed An Chen's next move, but at this moment he was at the end of his rope, maybe it would be better to end it sooner.To be honest, playing against An Chen is really tiring.

Text 0610: The End of the King

When Chen Chichi reached the third tower, An Chen had already arrived at the red square crystal.But at this moment, the voice sounded again.

"The red buff has appeared, and the blue buff has appeared."

At this moment, Chen Chichi's eyes sharpened suddenly.A player who doesn't want to win is definitely not a good player, so Chen Chichi said, "Let's fight the red and blue buffs first, Meng Yao, Yin Zheng, and the three of us will check An Chen and the others. After losing two buffs, we still have the power to fight."

At the same time, An Chen seemed to have heard Chen Chichi's heart, and only heard An Chen speak into the microphone and issue a password.

"Jia'er, the ultimate ultimate move is ready to use, let's win in one fell swoop."

Hearing An Chen's order, Wang Jiaer immediately replied, "Okay, brother." After the words fell, Wang Jiaer immediately said to the director team on the side, "I want to use the dragon buff to freeze the opponent for five minutes."

Although the director team was very helpless, they still gave orders.At this moment, Chen Chichi was like a rooster who had been defeated in a fight, and secretly thought it was over.

Although the red team was about to die, Wang Jiaer still didn't relax his vigilance.Instead, he said to the two people beside him, "Let's go buff first. If there is a problem with the crystal, we still have cards. Bowen, you guard the tower here."

"it is good."

"it is good"

At the same time, An Chen started installing the crystal ball.There are no more than two methods of arrangement, one is from large to small, and the other is from small to large.An Chen decided to arrange from big to small, that is, from back to front.

The three games they experienced were the bell in the last game, the data glasses in the penultimate game, and the book in the first game.It happened to have all three, so An Chen placed the bell and the wine glass on the first and second spaces first, followed by the data glasses and the energy source, and then the Tianshu and Gongsunli's umbrella.

After the ball was placed, An Chen said, "Apply for judgment."


Is it wrong? Could it be that An Chen rearranged the crystal balls and said, "Apply for judgment."


At this moment, even An Chen was a little dazed. It was unscientific that they were all wrong. Could it be that they were ranked not by the number of victories they won but by all of them?

Thinking of this, An Chen began to recall that although he didn't watch the sequence of the broadcast, there was a sequence for everyone to film.The first match should be the baby’s Luminous Cup, the second match is the Book of Heaven, the third match is okay, what is the third match important?

In the next moment, An Chen arranged the order again, and then said, "Start judging."

This time, although the director team was helpless, they announced everyone's victory.

"Congratulations to the blue team for winning."

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