That night, everyone returned to the hotel after filming the closing scene.At this time, Xi Mengyao and Na Dou were live broadcasting. After seeing him come back, the two immediately said goodbye to the fans and walked forward.

"Did the filming go well today? Have you eaten yet?"

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Didn't I call you to order dinner just now, didn't you guys not eat?"

Hearing this, Natto hurriedly said, "I've eaten it, so I really like that pig-killing dish, it's delicious."

Hearing Natto finished speaking, iss said, "Then what else do we need to prepare when we enter the mountain?"

Hearing the business, Natto didn't want to interrupt, but after thinking about it, he said pitifully, "Well, can you leave later, it's too cold, I really don't want to get up."

Hearing that both An Chen and iss couldn't help laughing, then only An Chen said, "It won't be too early, we will set off after breakfast at about 10 o'clock, and it's not just the three of us, there are also Xi Mengyao, Yin Zheng, Chen Chi Chi and Wang Bowen come together."

"That's good. I heard that there are many scary animals in the Northeast Mountains. More people will give you a sense of security."

Hearing Natto say this, iss also worried and said, "Have you considered this? It's very dangerous without a weapon, even if you have a weapon, it's not so safe."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and said, "Don't worry. Although 537 doesn't have a gun, I found some friends to get some special compound bows. Even if I run into a bear, it won't be a big problem."

Although there is no gun, it is good to have a bow and arrow, and it is such a powerful bow and arrow. Iss thought so, but never thought that professional athletes might not be able to kill a bear without injury.

Early the next morning, after An Chen woke up the two kittens in her arms, she ate with everyone and went into the mountain.Although it was quite cold, everyone got used to it after two days, not to mention the warm baby.In addition to the necessary bows and arrows, they only carried a bag each.

This time I just went to experience nature, not a permanent residence.So I only prepared a change of clothes, and the rest was for food.

It was late autumn at this time, and it happened that there was another snowfall some time ago, so it was not easy to walk.But after walking for several hours, they still arrived at the intended location.

Although this place is not a development zone, it is also a marginal area. As long as it does not enter the depths of the forest, there is generally no danger. Of course, this is only under normal circumstances. .

Text 0611: Entering the mountain!

There is a mountain wall near the destination, and there is a cave on one of the mountain walls.The cave is very large, and a group of 7 people set up four tents in it. Among them, Xi Mengyao had one tent, An Chen, Natou, and iss had one, Chen Chichi lived in one, and Yin Zheng and Wang Bowen lived in one. .

Although setting up a tent here has the effect of wind protection and drying, it is still too cold. After all, the lowest temperature in the Northeast can reach minus 40 degrees, so firewood must be built.

Although most of the firewood is covered by ice and snow, there are not many frozen tree trunks.Knocking off the snowflakes can basically get relatively dry branches. When the time comes, dry them with charcoal fire for a while, and they will soon be converted into burnable firewood.

After everyone set up the tent and put down their luggage, Chen Chichi said, "Xiaochen, why are we going now?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Let's go hunting, a group of operations, the forest is not safe, and if there is danger, more people will help. I will arrange the entrance of the cave so that nothing will disturb our rest."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said, "Well, let's go outside to practice shooting first, otherwise we won't be able to shoot even if the prey is in front of us."

After hearing the words, An Chen took a glance, and said, "Let's all go, ladies just treat it as a joke."

Hearing this, iss said, "Why don't I stay and help you."

Natto really wanted to play, but when she heard what iss said, she also hesitated, looking at An Chen pitifully, not knowing what to do.

"No, let's go play, I've got some things to deal with"'

Hearing what An Chen said, iss no longer insisted, but said, "Well, you can call me if you need it."

After speaking, iss got up and took Natto out to play.At this time, Chen Chichi had already set up several archery targets, and after he came back, everyone began to get familiar with arrows.

An Chen, on the other hand, came to a rock wall in the cave after finishing the work on the entrance of the cave.The gap in the rock wall was not very narrow, but it was not enough for An Chen to pass through.But An Chen didn't want to go in, but he found a snake here through the cold and heat sensing glasses.

If everyone warmed up to the fire at night, it might make the temperature hotter, causing the snake to wake up and attack them.So An Chen decided to act first and make it into snake soup.

An Chen was still wearing glasses at this time. Although he couldn't get in, he could shoot arrows.Through the cold induction, An Chen aimed at the snake's seven inches, and shot an arrow instantly.

After the whoosh, An Chen waited for a while before using the rope on the arrow tail to pull the snake out.The moment she was pulled out, An Chen was secretly glad.

This is a poisonous snake, a rock-dwelling viper, and it is a rock-dwelling viper with a total length of more than five meters.It is normal for this kind of snake to eat a living person directly, so An Chen secretly praised the decision just now.

Although he didn't know what the rock-dwelling snake ate, An Chen endured his nausea and dissected it. Afterwards, An Chen buried the snake's skin, viscera and the contents of the stomach, and then removed the head. The snake was chopped into several pieces and thrown into the pot.

After packing up, An Chen walked out of the cave.At this moment, Chen Chichi happened to see An Chen, and then said, "Xiaochen, what are you doing, after taking so long, come and try whether the bow and arrow work well."

Chen He who said so suddenly noticed the blood on An Chen's hands, at this moment, his expression changed and he ran over immediately.

Chen Chichi's abnormality attracted the attention of others, and then they all looked at An Chen in unison.The next moment, everyone also noticed An Chen's abnormality, and everyone started running back for a while, and iss and Natto seemed even more anxious.

Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly shouted, "Stop, why are you running back in such a hurry?"

At this time, Chen Chichi had already come to the front, only to hear Chen Chichi said concernedly, "Xiaochen, what's wrong with your hand, are you okay?"

Hearing this, An Chen remembered what was going on, and he suddenly said, "So you guys are worried about this, it's okay, it's just that you got some wild game, so you got some blood, and you're about to get some snow to wash it off. "

While talking, An Chen showed Chen Chichi his hands to confirm that he was really fine.

And Chen Chichi did not see the wound on An Chen's hand, so he breathed a sigh of relief, but then said in doubt, "No, how did you get the game in the cave? What kind of game is there in the cave?"

At the same time, other people also rushed over, Manuohao seemed to know what was going on after hearing Chen Chichi's words, and then they also looked at An Chen curiously, as if curious about the game in the cave.They checked it before setting up the tent, and there were no other animals in it.

"It's nothing, it's just a snake, but it looks like I can eat a whole snake feast today."

Is one snake enough for two people to eat a whole snake feast? There are seven people here, how big is that snake? At this moment, the rational Chen Chichi didn't even dare to think about it.

The others let out an exclamation, and then saw the three girls showing strange and terrified expressions, and finally Natto said in a difficult way, "Can Doudou not eat snakes? It's scary to think about it. I think I Will throw up."

Main body 0612: Preparations before staying overnight

Hearing what Natto said, An Chen smiled, and then said, "Of course, but I think you, a greedy cat, will ask for it yourself."

An Chen's words made Na Dou raise his head, and then said confidently, "No way, how could Doudou eat such a horrible thing?"

Not only Natto did that, but the other two girls also nodded, obviously they had no deep taboo against this horrible creature.On the contrary, the three men seemed eager to try, and Chen Chichi was already drooling.

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