As a standard foodie, how could it be possible that Chen Chichi has never eaten snake meat? How can anyone who has eaten snake meat not be greedy? I can't bear it anymore.

"Xiaochen, I can do it for you anytime."

An Chen heard the words and said, "Then I'll go catch two fish first, get some water and wash the meat, that's no problem, right? I've already cut the meat, put it there after washing, and fetch a few more buckets of water. .”

An Chen fished for the three girls. Since the three girls were very resistant to eating snake meat, he naturally had to consider the three girls' dinner.

Therefore, An Chen brought a few people to the river. Because of the water flow, the river was not completely frozen, only the edge area had a part of the ice edge.So fishing here is not a problem at all.

The reason why so many people are called here is that one is to let the people they like experience fishing, and the other is to let Wang Bowen, who has nothing to do, to escort Chen Chichi. After all, it is very dangerous to hold a pot of meat in the wild.

When An Chen was fishing, iss said, "This is the first time I have experienced fishing in such a cold environment. Oh, no, this is my first time fishing, but this experience is really bad."

But Natto said at this moment, "It's very fun, it's just a little cold." At this point, Natto turned his head and continued to An Chen, "Brother An Chen, can you play with me in the future?"

"Okay, whenever we want to play, we will come out."

When An Chen spoke, the fishing rod moved slightly, but An Chen did not pull the line in a hurry, but waited until the fluctuation was greater, and when the fish floated down, An Chen suddenly lifted the fishing rod.A big fish flew up along the fishing line, and it looked like it was a small three catties.

At this moment, Natto screamed instantly, "Ah, I caught it, I caught it, what a big fish."

Iss pursed her lips and chuckled lightly when she heard the words, and Xi Mengyao also had bright eyes, looking at An Chen with admiration.Yin Zheng complained and said, "Miss, don't call, you scare me away when you call Yuer."

Hearing this, Natto turned his head quickly, and said pitifully to Yin Zheng, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't drop it on purpose."

Natto's pitiful appearance seemed to be about to cry, Yin Zheng panicked for a while, and hurriedly said, "Don't cry, don't cry, and don't be wronged, it's all my fault. Don't dare to cry, or I will I'm going to be kicked into the river by your Brother An Chen to feed the fish."

Na Dou laughed and said, "You're talking nonsense, my brother An Chen is not that kind of person." Na Dou was pretending to be bd, so naturally his face changed even faster.

The next moment, after An Chen put the fish away, he said, "I'll go fishing for another half an hour. I hope I'll be lucky enough to catch one, otherwise the ladies will definitely have to eat some dry food."

"it is good"



The harvest in half an hour was bigger than what An Chen thought, they actually caught 6 fish, and even natto caught one, which made her very happy. Although iss also caught one and was very happy, she didn't shout.

After the group slaughtered three fish, they raised three in buckets to eat tomorrow, and then returned to the cave with the fruits of victory.At this time, Chen Chichi and the others had already packed a large bag of firewood, and depending on the situation, it would be enough to burn it for two days, but An Chen still said, "To prevent accidents, let's prepare more firewood. Ladies, Yin Zheng is still here." Here it is. Yin Zheng, you have to protect them well."

"Don't worry, I'm also a man, if you want to hurt them, you have to step on my dead body."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then took Chen Chichi and the others out.Of course, Chen Chichi and the others did the job of collecting firewood, and An Chen still had other things to do.

Seeing An Chen only watching them work, the big brother Chen Chichi said, "Xiao Chen, you can't supervise our work if you don't help, you make me feel like a supervisor."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "I have my work to do, you pick yours, why don't you cook for yourself later?"

Hearing about the cooking, Chen Chichi fell silent. An Chen's delicious food had already won him over, not to mention the serving size for 7 people.Just cooking is not an easy task, let alone super delicious food.

At this moment, An Chen began to knock on the trees beside him one by one. Suddenly, he stopped and stopped in front of a tree.Then he tapped up and down, and he had a draft in his heart.

An Chen's actions also attracted the other two, and Wang Bowen asked, "An Chen, what are you doing?"

Body 0613: Wolves

"Pull out some chestnuts." After speaking, An Chen started drilling the drill bit in the middle of the tree trunk without looking back. After a three-finger round hole was drilled, he took away the manual drill bit.In the next second, chestnuts kept falling out of the hole, thirty or forty chestnuts made An Chen smile with satisfaction.

"Okay, are you alright? I'll make you a sweet chestnut snake soup tonight, and some grilled snake meat on a slate."

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi felt that he couldn't stop his saliva. While swallowing non-stop, he speeded up his hands, and then said, "Okay, okay, let's go."

When An Chen and the others went back, it was getting dark gradually. It was already winter, so it was naturally getting dark quickly.Heilongjiang is located in the north and naturally gets darker faster.Therefore, it was completely dark before 6 o'clock.

The fire in front of the cave was burning vigorously, and a wooden frame supported a pot on it. Bubbles were bubbling inside, and the enticing aroma of snake soup was accompanied by the bursting of the bubbles.The sweetness of chestnuts and the deliciousness of snake soup are perfectly combined at this time, and the unique spices are spreading.

There is also a small stove next to it. There is a clean stone slab on top of this stove. At this time, the sound of "呲呲" is being emitted, and pieces of snake meat are curly and white on the stone slab, swaying tempting fragrance.

"Can I eat it?" Chen Chichi stared at the barbecue on the stone slab, and there was nothing else in his eyes.Not only him, but also Yin Zheng and the others.

The three girls have long been fascinated by the alluring aroma. Fortunately, their fish has already been prepared, and they are taking small bites at this time, but in front of the snake soup, everything seems to be a little bit worse.

"It's ok. You can eat the snake meat when it's hot and slightly burnt. Although it's fine when it's just turned white, you'd better be careful when eating snake meat."

Hearing that An Chen said yes, Chen Chichi had already stretched out his chopsticks, and he ignored what he said later.Although the stone slab was huge, it couldn't stand four big men eating it. After eating it with only a few chopsticks, the snake meat was gone for the first time.The good thing is that the firepower of the stove is strong, and the snake meat just put on it can be eaten in less than ten seconds.

Chen Chichi was quite satisfied with the seasoning powder given by An Chen, then he took a sip of the wine, suddenly looked at the bottle, and said, "It's just that this wine is a bit downgraded, but it's a pity that Xiao Chen doesn't know how to make wine. "

Hearing this, An Chen chuckled in his heart, Brother Brewer naturally already knew it, but how could he do such a thing that digs his own grave.So An Chen picked up the wine glass and said to Chen Chichi, "You just order it, you brought the wine, I heard it costs several thousand dollars."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi smiled helplessly, and said, "Drinking is appropriate, not the price. Naturally, you should drink beer when eating barbecue. It's a pity that I only brought some sake. I knew it would be good to bring some Moutai." what."

"It's good. It's dangerous to get drunk in the wilderness." Before Chen Chichi could speak, An Chen had already turned around and started serving a bowl of snake soup, and then said, "The snake soup is ready, serve it yourself if you want to eat."

As soon as An Chen's words fell, Chen Chichi had strode over to the pot and filled a bowl in an instant.Then he took a breath of hot air and took a sip.

At this moment, Chen Chichi narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"I rub it, this is too delicious, it is the best in the world."

As soon as Chen Chichi's words fell, Yin Zheng, who was the second to drink, also said, "It's not just the best, it's absolutely delicious."

ask for flowers

After Wang Bowen heard what the two said, he also took a sip, and then said, "I can't describe how delicious it is."

Hearing what the three of them said, the three women who were already full couldn't help but shake, especially the snack natto.I saw Natto hesitated for a long time, and finally became ruthless, isn't it just a snake.

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