Seeing An Chen go to pick up the luggage, Zhao Liying said to Xie Na outside the door, "Brother, let's go."

When Xie Na heard this, he also said, "Okay!"

Hearing that the three of them were about to leave, Huang Lei walked out of the back room and said, "Let's go, we'll see you off."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "They are all from our own family, so there is no need to send them away. Alright, let's go."

Although An Chen said so, He Jiong still said, "It's okay, we'll help you carry the boxes to the car, and that's considered a consummation of merit."

Hearing what He Jiong said, An Chen had no reason to refuse, nodded, and handed the box to Dahua.Then the two women also handed over the boxes to He Jiong and Huang Lei respectively.

An Zhao Li's Chen, who didn't even need to carry luggage, looked at the two daughters and said, "This feeling of being served is the life I yearn for."

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone also laughed, and Zhao Liying said, "Yes, this kind of feeling is the life I yearn for. It would be great if someone always waited on me like this."

Hearing this, Huang Lei said unhappily, "Xiaochen, you are enough. If you give you some sunshine, you will be embarrassed. If you do this again, you can take it yourself!"

"Don't, it's okay if I don't say it?"

Seeing the two playing tricks, everyone laughed again, and finally the three of them also got into the car amidst laughter.

At this time, it is not the sunset, nor the sorrow of parting, but only joy and parting.The car drove away, leaving only three figures walking back. .

Text 0632: Zhao Liying's request

After arriving in Zhejiang, Zhao Liying took An Chen directly to the production set, but she didn't let An Chen show up on the production set. Instead, she directly helped An Chen set up a suite in the hotel where she was staying.

Zhao Liying didn't leave directly, and it was almost time for dinner, so there was no need for Zhao Liying to rush back to the set now.

"What to eat?"

Most of the people who come here are celebrities, and naturally they don't want to be disturbed by others, so the hotel also has a corresponding ordering service, which can be delivered to the room, so that celebrities can eat without leaving home.

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, An Chen walked behind Zhao Liying, wrapped her arms around Zhao Liying's waist, and said, "I want to eat you."

What the hell is it that you want to eat me?Can you still talk properly? Zhao Liying knocked her head back slightly, and then said, "Stop making trouble, and be serious."

"Let's eat western food, the smell is not that strong, or the room will be full of smell after a while."

Hearing what An Chen said, Zhao Liying said, "OK 647, then I'll order for you. Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "Unless you are allergic, have you ever seen the cook eat anything? I don't have any allergies, so you can order whatever you want."

Hearing what An Chen said, Zhao Liying nodded, and ordered a bunch of food on the ordering tablet in one go.French grilled lamb chops, French baked lobster, T-bone and steak, as well as French bouillabaisse and a bottle of red wine.

"Okay, let's see if it's okay?"

At this moment, seeing Zhao Liying's playful look, An Chen directly threw the tablet aside, and then kissed Zhao Liying's mouth.

At this moment, Zhao Liying was a little dazed, why did the painting style change so quickly?But Zhao Liying did not refuse, but accepted it shyly.

After An Chen let go of her mouth, Zhao Liying looked at An Chen and said, "You are very attractive, I admit that within this day, I have been teased by you."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, An Chen smiled, but before An Chen could speak, Zhao Liying continued, "Actually, I know you have a girlfriend, so I want to ask you, how do you plan to handle our relationship? Let's talk first." , I don’t want to spoil other people’s feelings, if that’s the case, I’d rather quit.”

Hearing such a request, An Chen frowned slightly, then pressed the center of his brows, and said, "How do you want me to handle the relationship? Let me also say that it is impossible for me to break up with them."

An Chen's answer made Zhao Liying chuckle, and said, "Who told you to break up? I said I won't destroy your relationship. What I mean is how do you get along? I don't want to fight with others."

Speaking of this, Zhao Liying paused, and continued, "But you seem to have more than one girlfriend, you must be very experienced, right? By the way, were you scared just now? Actually, I am also a woman, and I also have empty moments. Dare to look for it, but I didn’t have any special heartbeat after that, so you just showed up at the right time.”

"That's really an honor, but I'm very domineering. If you follow me, you can only be with me."

Zhao Liying gave An Chen a displeased look, and then said, "Am I the kind of woman who loves someone? Before we broke up, you were the only one."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "Don't go back tonight, okay?"

Zhao Liying's face turned red when she heard the words, but she said, "It's a beautiful thought, I have a night show tonight. All right, get up, the food delivery is coming soon."

Can An Chen wake up?The answer is impossible.Although it seemed that they would not be able to eat today, An Chen took advantage of Zhao Liying's exclamation.

Just then, the doorbell rang.Zhao Liying, who heard the voice, hurriedly said, "Stop making trouble, the delivery man must have arrived."

An Chen stood up when Zhao Liying was speaking, and then said, "Then I'll open the door."

At this moment, Zhao Liying hurriedly said, "Wait for me to tidy up."

An Chen smiled and said, "No, I won't let him in."

An Chen said that he had already walked to the door, then opened the door slightly, and said, "Okay, you can go back, I will do the rest myself."

For such an answer, the waiter was no stranger to it, but he was a little depressed because he didn't give a reward.Especially after he recognized An Chen as a star, he felt that An Chen was stingy.However, there is no mandatory option for food delivery, which depends on the preference of the guests, so he didn't say anything, but smiled and said, "Okay, after the guests have finished eating, they can call the front desk, and someone will come to clean up. Wish Enjoy your meal, bye!"

After the waiter finished speaking, he bowed slightly, took two steps back and turned to leave.Seeing this, An Chen opened the door and pushed the dining car in.

The restaurant is just downstairs so the food is just the right temperature.After Zhao Liying took two bites, she suddenly said, "It's not as delicious as your cooking, but I still want to eat your grilled lamb chops."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "When you're not filming and I'm free, you can come home."

Zhao Liying smiled and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. You and I are both artists. If we want to get together completely, we must have very little time."

When I arrived at the Mushroom House in front of s, He Jiong made a mistake there, sorry.Thanks to the book friend for the reminder, it has been changed, and it will not affect thank you. .

Text 0633: Deer derailment incident

Hearing Zhao Liying's words, An Chen said, "Then you should be less informed, you are not in good health, so don't work so hard."

"You know, we are in this line of work, and if we don't hurry up, we might die in two years."

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