An Chen smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Why are you so pessimistic? Sister Bingbing is 37 this year, isn't she still in a mess~?"

"Is that an example?"

Hearing this, An Chen still smiled, and said, "Then invest, sign a new artist, or invest in a listed company."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and then said depressedly, "You think I didn't sign it, but the result is not satisfactory. And now one of the two still has a problem with me, dislikes me for giving more resources to the other .I was rough with them too, but my kindness was not rewarded. I don't want to sign anyone again."

"It seems that you don't have a good eye for Mimi. You can see that among the ten people she signed, at least five or more are popular."

Hearing this, Zhao Liying put down the food in her hands, and then asked, "Your name is Yang Mimi? What's your relationship?"

An Chen squinted slightly when he heard this, and then asked curiously, "Is this your woman's intuition? If so, then you should guess right, she is also my woman."

At this moment, Zhao Liying still couldn't believe it, even Yang Mi?Finally she asked the question she hadn't asked all along.

"Can you tell me how many girlfriends you have?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "I didn't count them carefully, it should be less than 20."

"Less than 20, you are really amazing, I suddenly feel that I have fallen into a fire pit."

"Although I don't want you to jump out of the fire pit, I still have to say, it's too late to withdraw now. If you regret it, then withdraw now."

"No need, there is no difference between a few and a dozen, the most important thing is that being with you is very relaxing and happy."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, An Chen smiled and said, "Your thinking is really special. There is someone who should be very suitable to be your friend."


"Tang Yixin, when she was with me, she also said that it's good to be happy."

"Then it seems that our ideas are very compatible. Let's get to know each other when we have time."

"Okay, when you give yourself to me, I'll pull you into the family group."

Zhao Liying didn't answer, but said, "What do you think about Li Xiaolu's derailment recently?"

At this moment, An Chen was taken aback. He and Li Xiaolu were found cheating?

But before An Chen could ask, Zhao Liying had already said, "I didn't expect Li Xiaolu to talk to Jia Nailiang about getting his hair done, and at the same time to have an affair with someone. He is still such a scumbag, and I don't know what he thinks."

At this moment, An Chen finally knew that the person Zhao Liying was talking about was not him.

"Brother He and I have been in Harbin for the past two days, and then went to participate in the life I yearn for, but I didn't pay much attention to it. What kind of scum did she cheat on?"

"One is called Pi Ten Wan, and the entertainment headlines are basically like this now. He has a very bad reputation, and everyone doesn't understand why Li Xiaolu cheated on such a person."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "So it was him. Li Xiaolu kept saying that he was his younger brother, and he was very protective. But maybe it was because he was bad that Li Xiaolu liked it. Didn't it mean that men are not bad and women don't love them?" ? But there may be problems with Li Xiaolu himself, who knows." At this point, An Chen paused, and continued, "But we have filmed a variety show together, so I don't know if I should say something for her talk."

0 Seeking flowers

Hearing this, Zhao Liying hurriedly said, "Don't meddle in this matter. This kind of matter is the easiest to cause trouble, and if one is not good, it will implicate the upper body. Don't you see that everyone is silent now? The only perjury is Ma Su. A pig teammate."

"Pig teammates?"

"Yes, Ma Su said that she had dinner with Li Xiaolu, and then went to Pi Tenwan's house at one o'clock. Then she watched a movie, drank some wine by herself, and fell asleep in the end. A proof is full of loopholes, and she has no one. Go in, how could it be possible to fall asleep at one o'clock? Anyway, this matter is full of loopholes, and a fool can see it at a glance."


Well, it seems that this time, even if you want to save it, you can't save it, but An Chen thought about it, and said, "Although what you said is right, it's not good to keep silent."

An Chen thought for a while, took out his phone, and typed a message on Weibo.

Regarding the Xiaolu incident, who is right and who is wrong, true or false, I will not say anything.I don't know the specific situation, and I don't want to know, but please don't pay too much attention to their family members.Sweetheart and the parents of both parties are innocent, please keep a kind heart, don't say too much, don't ask too much, thank you.

After An Chen finished typing, he handed the phone to Zhao Liying, and said, "Do you see if this is appropriate? If it is appropriate, press the send button for me."

What An Chen wrote didn't have any practical support, but starting from the elderly and children, it was enough to help him win the gratitude of the two and the touch of fans.Therefore, Zhao Liying glanced at it, not only clicked send, but reposted this Weibo, and added a sentence on it, hoping that Liangliang can adjust his status and bring you better works as soon as possible. .

Body 0634: Family group chat

"You, I don't know whether to say that you are kind or stupid. No one else wants to come forward, but you just want to go forward. Although there is no problem with what you say, if someone wants to hype it, you can still hype it. For example You put on airs, let’s say you join in the heat. Fortunately, our reputation should be under control, so we should pay more attention next time.”

An Chen's natural way, Zhao Liying, did it for his own good, so she just smiled and nodded. As for whether she will do it again, who knows?

Just after An Chen's Weibo was posted, the members of the family group suddenly buzzed non-stop.An Chen picked up his phone and looked at it, then roughly asked him what's the matter?Need to forward it?Or whitewash.

Seeing this, An "[-]" Chen smiled, and then replied on WeChat, "Don't forward it, don't worry about it, just leave it like this, if you jump out, you will only get burned."

Well, this matter is over, then the rest is family issues.I saw Yang Mi was the first to attack.

"Husband, you just posted a Weibo, and a beautiful woman immediately forwarded it, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, An Chen replied without the slightest blush or guilt, "How about the new sister I found for you? Are you satisfied?"

Seeing An Chen's shameless face, the women in the family were no strangers to it, and then they responded one after another.

"It's okay, as long as my husband likes it."

"That knife mouth, won't hurt us?"

"Haha, Xiaotong, you are overthinking. Besides, there is still a husband here. If she bullies you, we won't make money with her. Let her alone be favored by her husband."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, Tangtang, you think so well."

Looking at the women frying pots at home, An Chen was helpless. At this moment, Zhao Liying came up and said, "What are you talking about? It's so lively, are they them? Can you show me?"

An Chen didn't speak when he heard the words, and handed the phone to Zhao Liying.Seeing that the group was getting more and more dirty, Zhao Liying blushed and raised her head to ask, "What does it mean to make up the bill? Why do I feel that they said that being the only one you love is not a reward, but a punishment?"

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