Just as Di Lieba said this, the door suddenly opened.You must know that An Chen's house is locked with a fingerprint and combination, so this person must be one of his own. Just when they were curious about who came, Guan Xiaotong came in.That's right, her parents are both in Beijing, so they can come over after dinner.

After entering the door, Guan Xiaotong said hello to the sisters, then immediately rushed into An Chen's arms, raised her face and asked, "Honey, do you miss me?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled, and said, "There are so many beauties, I'm afraid I'm already too happy to leave, how can I have time to miss you?"

Guan Xiaotong rolled her eyes at Yang Mi when she heard the words, and then said coquettishly, "I hate it, Sister Mi, you bully me. But what are you doing? Don't sleep."

"Isn't this what we're discussing? I was full just now, who can sleep?"

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at An Chen and asked, "Husband, what did you cook?"

An Chen heard this, nodded in Guan Xiaotong's despair, and said, "I came back earlier, so I made a meal for everyone."

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong was in a bad mood, and she said insistently, "Honey, you didn't ask me to cook, and you didn't wait for me, I don't care, I don't care, I want to eat too, husband Now go do it for me."

"" At this moment, An Chen wanted to say, I'm full too, okay?I don't want to move now.

"Baby, can I make it for you tomorrow morning? Didn't you eat before you came?"

How could Guan Xiaotong not eat, after all, he was celebrating the New Year with his family.

"Okay then, my husband will make me something delicious to make up for me tomorrow morning. It must be something they don't have."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Hearing this, An Chen scratched Guan Xiaotong's nose speechlessly, and then teased, "Why are you acting like a child?"

Guan Xiaotong immediately said, "I'm just a kid, I haven't graduated yet."

Hearing Guan Xiaotong say this confidently, An Chen really wanted to hit someone.Are you 20 after Chinese New Year?

At this moment, Reba also came up and said coquettishly with her unique milky voice, "Brother, brother, I am also a child, and I also want to eat delicious food. Okay!" Reba said while Shaking An Chen's arm, even his expression was slightly aggrieved, as if An Chen would cry whenever he disagreed.

Just when An Chen was in a daze, Song Zu'er came forward, the index fingers of his two small hands lightly bumped into each other, and then said shyly, "Brother An Chen, the group also wants to eat something delicious."

Yang Mi didn't come over, but said at this moment, "I'm not a child, but I'm your wife, so you can figure it out."

When Liu Shishi heard the words, he just said something indifferently.

"Don't forget mine."

Only Jiang Shuying and Na Ya did not speak, but they seemed to speak with their eyes.

"All, all, okay?"

After hearing what An Chen said, Guan Xiaotong quit.

"No, no, they ate today, and tomorrow they will eat the same amount as me. I will feel unbalanced."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do more for you than them."

"Brother An Chen, you don't love us anymore."

Look at Reba and Group who said this and expressed sadness.An Chen said directly, "I guarantee that all of you are satisfied."

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help being curious for a while, how could everyone be satisfied with such a proposition?This is obviously unlikely. .

Text 0639: The Way to Satisfy Everyone

Although the girls were very curious and asked, but An Chen only gave an answer that you will know tomorrow.

Then back to the present question, why?Guan Xiaotong said, "Why don't we do something we love? So far we haven't won once. This time we have so many people, we will definitely win against him."

Guan Xiaotong's proposal aroused everyone's heartbeat, but now the stomach is still so uncomfortable, how can I be in the mood to do that?

After a moment of hesitation, everyone rejected this tempting proposal.In the end, the few people who had nothing to do could only choose to watch a movie.The entertainment room has everything that should be there, "[-]" and there is floor heating in the house, even if you sleep on the floor, you won't catch cold, on the contrary, you may get hot.So the proposal was finally passed.

Because Na Ya was pregnant, horror movies were not suitable for her to watch, so everyone chose a sci-fi movie.As for the romance?There are so many women in the family who more or less starred, so no one chose to watch domestic romance films for a while.It's just too boring.

After watching a movie, An Chen looked back and saw that three girls had fallen asleep.Seeing this, An Chen carefully carried Song Zu'er, Gu Li Naga and Liu Shishi back to the bedroom first.Then he came back and said to the other four girls, "Then shall we continue watching or sleep? Or do some exercise before going to bed?"

Hearing An Chen's words, Guan Xiaotong regained his energy in an instant, and said, "Let's go, let's go, let's do some exercise before going to bed first."

Seeing Guan Xiaotong's extraordinarily bright eyes, An Chen was also speechless, this little pervert, why didn't I see that she was so perverted before?No, it seems that she has always been so perverted, it seems that this girl took the initiative from the beginning.

"Then let's go, what are you waiting for?" An Chen glanced at the three girls who were moved but did not speak, and said so.

Hearing what An Chen said, the three girls stopped coddling, and the next moment the five of them returned to An Chen's master bedroom.Before An Chen could speak, Guan Xiaotong said, "Sisters, let me come first, I haven't seen my husband for a long time."

Seeing Guan Xiaotong's hungry appearance, the three girls smiled and agreed.

Early the next morning, only three girls woke up, and the remaining four girls still lost.I thought that more people are stronger, but I didn't expect that An Chen seemed to be stronger.Of course, this is just a few women's illusions. He didn't take it seriously in the past, but now if he is serious, he has to be caught without a fight.

The three girls were sitting at the dining table eating the breakfast prepared by An Chen for them. There were 30 dishes without repeating them.

Of course there is only one of each, yes, you read that right, one for the same, one for each.For example, a fried dumpling, a steamed stuffed bun, or a piece of pastry, if there is anything that is not the same?Yes, there are wontons, but there are not many, there are only five wontons, and the rest is soup.In addition, there are tofu nao and soy milk, all in a small bowl.

The three girls finally understood why An Chen said that he could guarantee everyone's satisfaction. No one could finish the meal.Looking at the ten extra small dishes on Guan Xiaotong's side, the three girls giggled.They were not envious at all, since she couldn't eat anyway.As for the special taste?Which one does your husband make that doesn't taste special?And they couldn't finish eating what was in front of them.

In the end, the three girls lay down on the sofa touching their bellies, only to hear Song Zuer say, "I feel like I've lost weight again. After a few days with Brother An Chen, I'm sure I'll eat it again. It's a pity, there are still a few things I want I didn't even have time to eat, brother An Chen, you are too disgusting."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I didn't tell you not to eat. If you want to eat, keep eating."

Well, this is the most disgusting thing, okay?Obviously food comes first, obviously he is a foodie, and no one cares about him, but he just can't eat anymore.

Just when Song Zu'er was full of entanglements, the four girls who had fought all night also walked out of the room one after another.The next moment, the four girls rushed to the dining table, exhausted all night and starved to death.

When the four girls got to the table, all four of them realized the trickiness of the meal. The next second, the three girls looked at Guan Xiaotong with playfulness in their eyes.

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