"Honey, you bullied me."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "How did I bully you? Do you see that your food is much better than theirs? My husband has fulfilled his promise to you, baby."

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong opened and closed her mouth, but she couldn't find a suitable language to refute. In the end, she could only turn her anger into appetite and fight to the end with the food in front of her.

Seeing Guan Xiaotong's angry little daughter-in-law, everyone burst out laughing.

We only stayed at An Chen's house for five days during the Spring Festival, and got on the plane on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year to go home to accompany our loved ones.But as soon as a few women left, other women came.Except for a few that have notices, everyone is off during the Spring Festival.So people who have nothing to do will naturally come to accompany their loved ones.In this way, one month later, An Chen finished her vacation and came to work.

Running Man is finally about to start recording again, so Dilijaba and An Chen also boarded the plane to Vienna today. .

Text 0640: Running Men Gather

It was still snowing in Vienna at this time, which was considered a very cold day, but of course it did not fall today.But after they get here, they need to record a promotional video first.

An Chen's promotional video was with Reba. In addition to the manifesto interview, there was also a short sci-fi short film to be shot. No, it wasn't a short film, it only lasted a few seconds.

An Chen's picture is not bad, although it is not the version of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but it is not Ultraman fighting little monsters, but the beautiful girl and masked prince destroying demons.Seeing An Chen in Reba's two-dimensional costume, he suddenly felt that Reba should develop into two-dimensional.

After Deng Chao and Li Chen finished filming, they made the last group of co-productions.After the filming ended, Deng Chao said, "Okay, I have nothing to do today. What are we going to do now? Eat or shop?"

"Go and eat, I haven't tasted Vienna-style food yet."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Deng Chao smiled and said, "What you say doesn't count, you're just a foodie."

Hearing this, Chen Chi said in a serious manner, "Why don't I count what I said? And what's wrong with me being a foodie? Look, there are at least three foodies in this team. We are also a big force, okay? I agree. Let's eat, please raise your hand if you agree."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Reba raised his hand first, and then looked at An Chen.Looking at Reba's pitiful look, An Chen had no choice but to raise his hand.Although their local dishes are not as good as An Chen's, they must have a different taste.Therefore, An Chen just doesn't care, not very reluctantly.In addition to the three of them, Wang Zulan also raised his hand, which surprised An Chen and the other three.

Seeing everyone looking at Wang Zulan, Chen Chichi said, "Is Lanlan going to join our food trio?"

Wang Zulan shrugged when he heard the words, and said, "Don't think too much, I just came here and haven't eaten yet, I'm hungry."

Hearing what Wang Zulan said, Lu Han turned to Deng Chao, and then said, "Then let's go eat, and go shopping after eating."

In this way, it will be 5:2. Besides, Wang Zulan said that, even if Lu Han didn't say it, Deng Chao would agree to eat first.

"Okay, but we don't know Vienna well, where should we go for dinner?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi stood up, raised his eyebrows confidently, and said, "Don't worry, I checked the information before I came, and even reserved a seat, let's go."

Seeing this, Deng Chao stared speechlessly and said, "Are you so sure that we will go? What will you do if we don't?"

"It's okay, if you don't go, I'll go with Xiaochen and Reba. With them two foodies, isn't the minimum consumption 88 euros, we can finish eating."

Hearing this, Deng Chao was convinced, but what else could he say?I can only follow along.

Vienna's 19th district, heurirrerecht, is a Viennese-style tavern.In fact, there are two special taverns here. Although this one is very special in terms of wine, it is not the best among them. But in terms of food, this one is the best among the three, and it is the Vienna that is most suitable for Asian tastes. Good food.

After the 9 people arrived, they ordered the food directly, and then got the wine.When he got here, Deng Chao finally had no complaints, because Deng Chao was tightly controlled by his mother at home, and every time he drank, it was worth remembering.Therefore, the moment Deng Chao saw the wine, his eyes were full of light, especially the wine here is very special.

After drinking and eating, Deng Chao shaved his teeth and said, "Hehe, the place I chose this time is really good."

Upon hearing this, Chen Chichi proudly said, "That is, as a foodie, when did I miss it when choosing a place to eat and drink."

Hearing this, Deng Chao wanted to say one more thing, saying that you are fat, and you are still out of breath.However, before he could say anything, the baby said, "Since we're full, let's go shopping. I just want to buy something."

The focus of shopping men and women is different, but if only girls go shopping, what if something happens?But there are many people who don't want to accompany women to buy things.

Chen Chichi rolled his eyes, then covered his stomach and said 380 times, "Oh, my stomach hurts, it must be because I'm not acclimatized, or if you go, I won't go."

Hearing this, Deng Chao and Zheng Kai said at the same time, "Then I will stay and take care of you."

After the two said this, they looked at each other, and instantly saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.At the same time, Xiaolu also reacted, and immediately said, "Then I will follow. Your English is not good, and it is inconvenient to buy medicine. I will run errands for you."

In this way, there were only three men left, besides An Chen, Wang Zulan and Li Chen.Although Wang Zulan understood what it meant, he didn't avoid it. After all, he was used to shopping with his wife at home, and he wanted to buy something for his wife later.And Li Chen has recently become obsessed with beauty and health care, so he wants to introduce some cosmetics and skin care water to the baby later.

An Chen also said at this time, "Then we won't accompany you, Reba and I will go out for a while.".

Body 0641: Am I not respecting you enough?

Vienna is the capital of music. Since we are here, we should do as the Romans do, and go to the Opera House to listen to music for a romantic moment.At this time, everyone already knew the relationship between An Chen and Reba, no one was surprised, even the baby would not say anything.

"Okay, then go and play, baby, let's go."

In this way, the team was divided into three groups, and each went to the place they wanted to play.We didn't return to the hotel until the evening, waiting for tomorrow's recording to start.

Early the next morning, it was snowing in the sky of Vienna, and then everyone took the umbrellas prepared by the program group and went to the running man stage that had already been set up.

When several people trotted all the way to the front of the stage, Chen Chichi almost slipped and fell.When Xiao Lu was laughing, An Chen said, "Brother Chi Chi, I almost thought I was going to give you a cool song."

When Chen Chichi heard this, he also smiled and said, "I thought it was over too."

Everyone came to the stage while talking. Deng Chao saw this and said, "As soon as we recorded today, it started snowing. We have an old saying in China, what is it called?"

Hearing Deng Chao's inquiry, baby and Reba shouted in unison, "Auspicious snow heralds a good year."

Deng Chao was waiting for this sentence, and only heard him answer immediately, "Happy New Year 2018."

"Happy New Year~"


After everyone's uniform New Year's greetings were over, Zheng Kai said, "It's already April, so happy New Year~¨."

Zheng Kai said this according to the broadcast time, not the shooting time, so there is nothing wrong with it.

After Zheng Kai's words fell, Chen Chichi immediately interjected, "The key is not the time, it's all about the mind, do you understand?"

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