When the two walked out, the director "three" already knew about it.He still recognized An Chen's ability. An Chen had never made a mistake, and he believed that he would not make a mistake in this kind of thing.And he also heard An Chen's previous speech, and there was no problem at all, so he let him go.

But it's inconvenient to broadcast this kind of thing, so An Chen and the others' photography didn't keep up.

After taking a taxi, An Chen and Xu Fei left in front of the city hall.It wasn't until an hour and a half later that the two appeared pinching each other.When An Chen was about to get out of the car, Xu Fei said, "You wait first."

After Xu Fei finished speaking, she took out a tissue from the bag in her hand, and then wiped it on An Chen's lips.After seeing the faint red color disappear, he said, "Well, it's much better this way."

An Chen also knew what was on his mouth. An Chen smiled at Xu Fei's thoughtfulness, and then said, "Thank you, I have the opportunity to treat you to delicious food. Of course, I also treat you to sausage."

Xu Fei blushed when she heard the words, but she did not refuse, but smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when we have a chance, maybe you will forget about me when you go back."

"Just call me when you go back. If I'm not busy, I'll definitely see you."

"It's a deal, then it looks like I'm going to go back to China often."

The two of them came to the study room while they were talking. At this time, everyone was still studying, even Reba was reading repeatedly.

An Chen stepped forward, put the bought snacks, desserts and drinks in front of Reba's table, and then said, "Let's eat something."

After speaking, An Chen put another bag aside, and shouted to the others, "Everyone take what you want."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, Chen Chichi walked over, followed by Baby and Zheng Kai, and in a blink of an eye, only Deng Chao and Li Chen were left.

Reba also said at this time, "Thank you, is the road particularly congested?"

Reba had already helped An Chen find a good reason, so An Chen naturally accepted it with peace of mind.

"Yeah, it's very congested. It's been a long time back and forth."

An Chen was only less than half an hour away from the shopping place, plus the ready-made food, the remaining hour was completely lost.

At this moment, An Chen turned around and came to Deng Chao and Li Chen. The two were still trying to memorize the words, and it seemed that they hadn't completely memorized them.But judging from the progress, the last paragraph was left. Seeing this, An Chen didn't bother the two of them studying.

At this moment, Xu Fei asked, "Do you want to read it again to get familiar with it?"

Although Xu Fei trusts An Chen quite a bit, it's always good to review.

"Okay, let's sit over there."

Then the two sat in their original seats, and then began a seemingly serious speech.The reason why I say it looks serious is because if An Chen's hand wasn't on Xu Fei's lap, if Xu Fei's face wasn't particularly red.

It has to be said that there is no problem with An Chen's reading aloud, and even Xu Fei can't find any shortcomings.But maybe even if there are shortcomings, her attention is hard to find.

By the time An Chen finished reading, Xu Fei's face was already ruddy enough. She resisted giving An Chen a blank look, and then said softly, "Okay, you can see for yourself. I'll go to the bathroom."

Maybe only she knows why Xu Fei went to the bathroom, because Xu Fei's legs were a little weak when she got up.Next was makeup time. An Chen's quiet makeup seemed out of place with the others.

When the make-up was finished and everyone walked the stage once, the time soon reached 8 o'clock.At this time, An Chen and the others were already waiting in the waiting room.

The first one to play was An Chen, because An Chen was alone, and also because An Chen was ranked first.When An Chen was about to go on stage, Deng Chao said, "Come, give us a sample."

An Chen heard the words, and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me. I hope everyone can play their best selves."

After the speeches of the two people in front ended, An Chen walked onto the stage amidst loud applause.The next moment, he started his own performance.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! May I ask 32 for today's development goal No. [-] Thank you all."

After An Chen came down, there were two people in the middle again, and then it was Chen Chichi and Li Chen's turn.The good thing is that Chen Chichi was just acting, not really scum, so even though it was a little early, he still showed it without any problems.

The following brothers performed very well, even Deng Chao did his best.Of course, Deng Chao still had a little problem. Although he missed an 8 during the interaction, everyone didn't care.

Finally, when everyone had finished speaking, 17 speakers stood on the stage and were encouraged by the audience of [-] people. .

Text 0655: United Nations Messenger of Peace?

After the first phase of filming ended, someone from the United Nations Office of War and Peace found the men's running team.After seeing the members of the men's running team, he said directly, "Members of the men's running team, hello, I am here with a mission. According to our discussion, we want one of you to be a peace ambassador , and go to NATO to promote peace, I don’t know if it’s okay?”

At this moment, the director said, "This is the head of the United Nations International Publicity Department, and the next one is the consul of the Chinese embassy in the United Nations."

Following the director's words, the consul of the embassy took a step forward and said, "The country hopes that you will agree to An Chen, and the No. [-] chief has already paid attention to this matter."

So someone is me?Do I look like a nice guy?When An Chen thought about it, he said, "Can't I refuse this? I'm not a good candidate for a peace ambassador. As a half-cook, I've killed many creatures."

"This is not a reason. If there is no reasonable reason, I will assume that you agreed. This is the country's expectation of you. I don't think you want to disappoint the country and your fans' expectations of you, right?"

An Chen couldn't help frowning when he heard such words. This was no longer a discussion, but a threat.If he refuses, is the country going to ban him?Although An Chen had enough ability to protect himself at this time, he didn't want to do that when he could choose.

"Okay, I agree. When will the honor be awarded and when will the speech be given? Please coordinate with my agent. I don't think you will refuse this point?"

"Of course, there will be a peace propaganda in a month's time. The venue will be NATO, and the award will be held in seven days. This is also a test for you. Okay, let's go first."

When the other party left, Reba stepped forward first, and asked, "An Chen, are you okay? Actually, there is nothing wrong with being a peace ambassador. Now there are only a dozen peace ambassadors in total. This is a great honor." .”

"It's okay, I just don't like mandatory things. But you're right, there's nothing wrong with it, I'm fine. Okay, I'll go first, I have a date tonight."

"A date?" Wang Zulan said with a smirk on her face, "Is that the beautiful secretary? She's very pretty."

An Chen was not embarrassed when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "At least I have a partner for this week, otherwise I would be very lonely if you left."

After An Chen finished speaking, she turned to Reba and asked, "Will Reba follow me?"

"No, I'm a little tired. I'm going back to sleep first. Have fun." Reba finished speaking, then leaned closer to An Chen's ear, and continued softly, "Sorry, my relatives will finish in two days, so you Have fun, don't go to my place at night, I will find you when it's over."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded with a smile, and then said, "Okay, then go back to rest early, pay attention to safety, and call me when you arrive."

"Okay, got it, let's go."

Hearing this, An Chen waved his hand and walked out.

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