At this time, Zoriana was already waiting. When she saw An Chen, Zoriana said, "You are earlier than I thought. I thought you would have to wait a while before coming out."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "It's impolite to keep a beautiful woman waiting. Maybe sometimes it's difficult to arrive as scheduled, but if you can be on time, naturally you can't be late."

Zoriana smiled and said, "You are a gentleman, so let's go, I will take you to try the fruity wine that is characteristic of Vienna, it is great."

"Yes, then I must have a good taste."

Early the next morning, An Chen looked at the long-legged beauty beside him and smiled, it tasted even better than he thought.

When An Chen got up, Zoriana woke up too.She yawned sleepily, then closed her eyes again, and said, "Chen, why did you get up so early? Have you had enough rest?"

At this time, Zuoliana's still awake mind was still full of disbelief, how could An Chen recover so quickly after being crazy for so long last night.She doesn't even think about moving now, her whole body is still sore and swollen, at this moment, she just wants to sleep for a while.

Hearing this, An Chen kissed Zuoliana's ear, but woke her up instantly.She quickly stopped An Chen, and said, "No, no, no, I really need to rest, I'll be broken if I do that."

An Chen was taken aback by Zuoliana's behavior, then shook his head after hearing what Zuoliana said, and said with a smile, "You are wrong, we will continue to record the program later, so we can't accompany you, you Get up later and order something to eat yourself. If possible, I hope you can accompany me during the seven days I stay in Vienna."

Hearing such a question, Zoriana became entangled instead.It's true that she likes An Chen quite a lot, so it's okay to take a leave of absence and transfer to another class, but she really can't handle it alone.

In the end, Zoriana hesitated and said, "Although I really want to accompany you, but you are so powerful, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for too long.".

Body 0656: Huge Lineup

At first, An Chen thought that Zoriana was not happy, but after hearing this, he suddenly understood Zoriana's worry, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, if you don't mind, I will bring a lady with me tonight .”

Zoriana breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and said with a smile, "This is the best, then it's settled like this, now you can go to your work, I need to rest!"

"Okay, but remember to contact me when you wake up, the place we are going to live tonight is under the Alps."

"Okay!" After saying that, Zuoliana kissed An Chen and lay down again.

Seeing this, An Chen didn't take it seriously, and walked out of the room directly.Through the release on Zoriana last night, he really released the anger in his heart.

When An Chen came to the restaurant, except for Zulan, Lu Han, and Chen Chichi, everyone else was already eating.Seeing An Chen, Reba said, "An Chen, this way."

The place where they gathered today is the West Railway Station of Vienna.After breakfast, everyone was here except Zulan. At this time, An Chen didn't know that Zulan flew back to Hong Kong last night, and he might have already arrived at this time.

"Where's Team Blue?"

"Zulan should be holding a concert in Hung Hom right now. Last time you left suddenly, he asked us to tell you."

As soon as Zheng Kai finished speaking, Deng Chao also said, "Then he thought all of us could sing better than him, so he didn't dare to let us share the stage."

"Yeah, but Brother Chao, you are dressed very formally today, and Kaikai, are you too grand? Didn't the clothing team say that you don't need to be too formal today〃‖?"

Li Chen and Zheng Kai also said at this time, "Don't be too casual."

"You see, we're fine like this, it's you two, what are you doing? Are you using too much force?"

After Chen Chichi finished speaking, Deng Chao interjected, "Is there any?"

"Even if there are not too many stalks in the show, don't do this?"

When Zheng Kai heard what Chen Chichi said, he smiled confidently and said, "Because we think there are many female guests in the second episode of every season."

As soon as Zheng Kai's words fell, Chen Chichi was stunned, did he miscalculate?At this moment, the baby said, "Then there must be female guests who like your style."

An Chen also said at this time, "Kaikai is okay, it's British style, it fits the scene. What the hell is Brother Chao? Brother Xiaoma? God of Gamblers?"

Reba smiled and said, "I thought I was the only one who felt like the God of Gamblers."

Deng Chao heard the words and said, "That's better than Kaikai! Let me tell you a small detail. He couldn't get off in the car just now. He squatted all the way, kept, kept turning upside down like this."

"The two of you are laughing at fifty steps and laughing at one hundred steps now, so don't talk about anyone else."

Li Chen's words fell, and the director also interrupted at this time.

"Good morning everyone, we are now at the West Railway Station in Vienna. Today we will go to Innsbruck, a world-class ski resort in Austria, to start an ice and snow trip."

"But before we start, we will have 8 partners to join you. These 8 partners will team up with you in two groups, and cultivate your tacit understanding through a day's mission in Vienna."

Hearing the content of this mission, Li Chen only asked, "Let me ask first, are the 8 partners today all girls?"

"Six women and two men."

Hearing this, Deng Chao and Zheng Kai immediately became excited.

"What did I say?"

"The opportunity to come back has come."

Zheng Kai, who had been talking about making a comeback, suddenly said, "I just hope this time I don't choose people like last time, okay?"

Zheng Kai was scared, if it was the same as last time, how embarrassing would it be?

"Zheng Kai experienced the attack from the female guest last time, so this time he will exert more force, right?"

As soon as Chen Chichi finished speaking, An Chen also said at this moment, ".' That's right, last time Brother Kai looked so pitiful when no one wanted him."

Zheng Kai heard the words and said, "So when I come up today, I have to leave a very formal and very British impression on people."

At this moment, the director interjected, "Among you, only baby has already confirmed his partner."

Hearing this, Deng Chao and the others immediately shouted hypocritically.

"The baby was given to someone else again."

"Did I lose the chance to partner with the baby?"

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