Song Zuer heard the words, and said as a matter of course, "No, but Brother An Chen is the best, no one can compare with him."

Hearing what Song Zuer said, Zheng Kai was speechless, so he turned to Kun Ling and said, "Kun Ling, can you give me the picture you drew? I really like this idea."

When Kun Ling heard this, she smiled sweetly and said, "Of course."

At this moment, Song Zu'er also immediately said, "Sister Kun Ling, I also want Brother An Chen's painting."

Hearing what Song Zuer said, Kun Ling looked at An Chen, and after An Chen nodded, she said, "Okay, here you are." Speaking of this, Kun Ling looked at An Chen, and said, "Then An Chen Can you give me my drawing?"

Hearing that An Chen directly gave Kun Ling's portrait to Kun Ling.In the portrait, Kun Ling is looking forward on a desk, resting her chin on one hand, her eyes are quiet and focused.The essence of this painting is in the eyes. An Chen made Kun Ling's tranquility and concentration float on the paper.

As soon as they finished here, the train slowly pulled into the station.But at this time, An Chen and Zheng Kai already had their own partners, so they were not in a hurry.

"Let's walk slowly, don't worry, they are playing games."

"it is good."

When the four came down, Zheng Kai said, "What happened? The four of us have already had afternoon tea."

Hearing this, An Chen was the first to say, "Don't count me in, I'm drinking morning tea. However, the refreshments are good."

refreshments?How can there be refreshments?It was purely An Chen's nonsense.But after An Chen finished speaking, Reba was hooked.Reba squinted his eyes at An Chen, swallowed, and asked, "Is there any refreshment, is there any more? Oh, I really want to join the team soon."

At this time, Chen Chichi forced himself to be on camera and said, "887, don't forget to count me in."

At this moment, the baby suddenly said, "Kunling, do you want to choose him? I see you also mentioned Xiaochen just now."

Kun Ling said without hesitation after hearing the words, "Well, because I know him very well."

Very familiar?How ripe?

But as soon as Kun Ling finished speaking, Chen Chichi said, "Because we've formed a team, we don't have a choice. She's actually very passive, so I don't have a choice."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Kun Ling hurriedly said, "No, it's true."

What Kun Ling said was true, she liked An Chen and Zheng Kai a little more, but compared to An Chen, she was more familiar with Zheng Kai.

But even if she said that, there was a troublemaker.Only Chen Chichi said again, "But your expression is very painful, no, it's true." Chen Chichi frowned while speaking, restoring Kunling's expression a second ago.

At this moment, everyone was amused by Chen Chichi and laughed, even though they clearly knew that Kun Ling was illuminated by the sun. .

Text 0661: Who is girl b

In order to avoid embarrassment, Zheng Kai said, "So what? Who did sela choose?"

At this moment, Sela's eyes turned slightly, and then pointed to Zheng Kai. Sela's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Didn't you say that you have already formed a team and you can't choose?So this is something to do?

Just listening to the little deer, baby and Reba immediately let out a surprised "ohhh".

Making trouble, this is making trouble, I saw Chen Chichi walking aside with a look of surprise and anger, even if he didn't open his mouth like that, it could be seen that he was very angry.

At this moment, Chen Chichi was pulled back by Sela, who pointed to his forehead and said, "His hairline is here."

Hearing Chen Chichi teasing himself like this, Zheng Kai kicked him up.And An Chen also said at this time, "Does this have anything to do with the hairline?"

"Luck breaks through the sky."

Following Chen Chichi's words, Deng Chao said, "Fate directly collapsed."

"It has collapsed, and the mentality has collapsed."

Reba also lagged behind Lu Han's words, and said, "Suddenly I feel sorry for Brother He." At this point, Reba smiled and expressed his heart to Chen Chichi, and said, "Brother He, I will call you . Come on, take Sela's heart back."

Chen Chichi heard the words, but asked, "Can I change teammates?"

Sela heard the words and immediately said, "Don't change."

Chen Chichi felt that he was finally able to breathe again, and only heard him say, "I was a teammate with el."

However, before Chen Chichi could finish speaking, Zheng Kai had already interrupted, "The one standing here today is sela, what el are you talking about, come here, come here~."

When Chen Chichi was still in a daze, Sela had already been taken aside by Zheng Kai.At this moment, Sela added fuel to the fire and said, "Even if I stand here, I am beside you."

At this moment, Chen Chichi said directly, "Let them both, let them both."

Hearing what Chen He said, Zheng Kai said, "Sela, you join the fan team, this one is for you."

"When did I join the fan team?"

"Right now."


At this moment, Chen Chichi finally lost his temper, and only heard him shout, "Can you bear it? I'll give you three seconds to take it off immediately."

At this moment, An Chen suddenly said, "Brother He, if it were me, I would give up, and then directly resist and take Kunling as a partner. After all, the teammates are all in Cao Ying's heart, how can you win the next competition?" ?”

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi walked up to Kun Ling, and said to Kun Ling, "Kun Ling, would you like to be my teammate?"

However, after hearing Chen Chichi's question, Kunling said with a delicate face, "It's not good, I still want to be with Kaikai. Of course, if An Chen invites me, I will think about it." .”

When the baby heard this, he immediately interjected, "My heart is pierced, my heart is pierced, hehe, I feel sorry for you for a second."

At this moment, Sela also took off Zheng Kai's clothes, and said, "Okay, okay, I can take it off."

Seeing this, Chen Chichi also took off his clothes and put them on for Sela.

"Wow, it's warm!"

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