However, as soon as Sela's words fell, Reba said, "I feel sorry for Brother He, it's too miserable. Fortunately, Sister Sela is very kind, so I chose Brother He in the end."

It's okay if Reba doesn't say anything, but Chen Chichi's whole body is even worse when he talks about it.Fortunately, at this moment, the director spoke.

"Congratulations to Chen Chichi and Sela for becoming partners. Next, we will have a second game. The winner can become a partner with Miss B."

This is a long spoon challenge. Hold the handle of the long spoon with your hands and eat the candy into your mouth. The person who takes the shortest time wins.

Just when Deng Chao read out the rules of the game, the director added, "There is only one piece of candy, and if you drop the candy, pick it up and eat it."

At this moment, Zheng Kai seemed to disbelieve the rules a little, and added, "If it falls on the ground, do you have to pick it up and eat it?"

"Is this too cruel?"

At this moment, Deng Chao said, "Please give me a chance."

"Let's see how you behave."

Hearing what Li Chen said, Deng Chao cupped his hands and said, "I'll bring you tea and water later."

Hearing this, An Chen immediately interjected, "Is there ours?"

"There are, there are, there are."

At this time Li Chen said, "You really want this girl b, right?"

"I really want it."

"Okay, then you go first."

At this time, An Chen suddenly noticed the wicked smile on Reba's face, and then had a guess in his heart.At this moment, Reba seemed to feel An Chen's gaze, and blinked his eyes when he met his gaze.

The director also shouted at this time, "Okay, get ready. 3, 2, 1, start!"

As the director began to fall, Deng Chao also moved, but he might have been so nervous that his hands trembled for a while.Just at this moment, the candy fell from the side in an instant.

The moment the candy fell to the ground, Li Chen immediately said, "It fell, there is only one bean."

At this moment, Chen Chichi stepped forward gloatingly, pinched the candy on the ground, and said, "You must use this, let me tell you."

At this moment, Deng Chao refused. Fortunately, he said "don't pinch" in time, preventing Chen Chichi from touching his candy. .

Text 0662: Zheng Min is here

Deng Chao's ideas are good, but sometimes you can't die if you don't work, and many crises come from within.For example, he dropped the sugar on the ground again.Yes, Deng Chao had just put the candy away, before he could eat it, the candy fell to the ground again.

However, this was not the end, the next moment Deng Chao threw the candy out of the carpet, and even got two small stones on it.

When we got here, we couldn't really let Deng Chao eat candy with stones. The director team still secretly exchanged a candy for Deng Chao.The fourth time Deng Chao seemed to be serious, at least it made people think he was serious when he saw it, but unfortunately he still didn't connect well, the candy directly stuck to Deng Chao's eyebrows, and he forced a burst of laughter.

Although Deng Chao knew that the sugar hit the brow bone, he searched around but couldn't find where the sugar went.

"Where did this go?"

At this time, Di Lieba had already laughed like a pig, and she said out of breath, "Brother Chao, it's on your eyebrows."

Deng Chao was taken aback when he heard the words. After all, it is very rare for this kind of situation to stick directly without rebounding.The next moment he started winking, and Deng Chao, who couldn't get it down in the end, had to start again.The good thing is that this 283 times he finally succeeded.

"Okay, the next Li Chen starts."

At this moment, Chen Chichi was the first to speak and said, "Chen must win."

Following Chen Chichi's words, Lu Han also encouraged him, and Li Chen also said to Deng Chao, "Your wish, there is no way to satisfy you."

Hearing what Li Chen said, Deng Chao also said, "It's over, it's a missed opportunity."

But after hearing what Deng Chao said, An Chen said, "Brother Chao, don't be discouraged, don't forget that you still have a trump card, and perform well when the time comes."

At this time, everyone immediately thought of Wu Xiubo from An Chen's words, but Li Chen didn't believe that he would lose.Sure enough, even though he passed the sticky candy once, Li Chen still ate the candy into his mouth the second time.

Then it was Lu Han's turn. Unfortunately, Lu Han's challenge failed, and it was almost Deng Chao's turn.

Teacher Wu Xiubo did not disappoint Deng Chao's hope, he succeeded only once, and no accident happened.Speaking of this, it is actually unfair to the big black cow, because the first time the big black cow was an accident.Especially when Wu Xiubo finally chose Deng Chao.

"Okay, congratulations to brother Chao and girl b for forming a partner. Girl b is far away in the sky and right in front of you."

Hearing what the director said, everyone seemed to know what was going on, and all looked at Di Lieba for a while.Di Lieba also took a step forward at this time, showing a slightly shy smile.

Seeing this, Deng Chaosheng said helplessly, "What are you doing, what are you doing, it's our own people who have been doing it for a long time?"

At this moment, everyone laughed out loud, it was too much fun, especially Li Chen.A second ago, Li Chen had an expression of displeasure and grievance, but at this moment he seemed to be revived with full blood.

Seeing such a situation, An Chen directly said, "If Brother Chao doesn't like it, then come to our team, as we have team uniforms."

Hearing this, Deng Chao immediately shook his face and said, "No, this is my teammate. We have team uniforms."

"Okay, congratulations to the two groups again, now we will go to the next stop."

When everyone in Badg returned to the carriage again, the four groups started eating and drinking after ordering directly. After a large wave of delicious food came, everyone started to eat.

When everyone was eating, they just came to the next stop.At this moment, Sela said, "Hey, they are selecting someone."

Deng Chao looked out the window, and the next second he had stood up, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "It's so high!" Then Deng Chao paused, and then said to the camera, "Will there be another chance to choose?" ?”

As soon as Deng Chao's words fell, Reba said behind him, "Brother Chao, why don't you go on your own team, I'm in a good team with An Chen and the others."

At this moment, Zheng Kai also said, "It's good to be in our group."

Deng Chao also looked at Reba at this second, and said awkwardly, "Reba, why are you here?"

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