At the same time, Zheng Min turned his head to Hou Minghao and asked, "How much can you eat?" Having said this, before Hou Minghao could speak, Zheng Min's eyes changed, and he continued with a hint of threat, "Don't tell me you can't eat."

At this moment, Hou Minghao bit the bullet and said, "Sister, I'm very afraid of sour. I can only eat two at most."

"Two, one has 4 petals, so it's 8 petals?"

Seeing Hou Minghao nodding his head bravely, Zheng Min had the answer in his heart.But at this time, Hou Minghao really wanted to tell her that he was talking about two petals.

But at this moment, a strange girl appeared.After Lan Yingying looked at the lemons on the table, she suddenly said, "I think I can eat them all."

As soon as Lan Yingying finished speaking, Lu Han stood up in fright.The group even said from the side, "I heard it, I heard it."

Seeing what Song Zu'er said, Lu Han also said to the other people who came to pay attention, "Yingying told me that she can eat them all."

Just when everyone was surprised, Lan Yingying said, "I think it's okay."

At this moment, Reba looked at Lan Yingying in shock, with a big mouth, as if he didn't believe that someone could eat so many lemons.There are about 4 lemons in a plate, and 5 plates are 20 lemons.

At this moment, Jin Ling said, "Now the auction begins."

Text 0668: Kind Reba, Strong Chu Xi

Song Zuer completed the bidding first

"6 petals."

"Twenty dollars."

As soon as Kunling finished adding, she heard Lan Yingying shout "16."

At this moment, Song Zu'er raised his hand again, but before she could quote, An Chen had already grabbed her and said, "Wait, I'm not particularly picky~"

Although An Chen is a cook, he is also a doctor. Although his physical fitness is preferred, it is absolutely impossible for him to lose his sense of taste.Although he could eat some, he definitely didn't want to suffer for it.

But hearing what An Chen said, Song Zu'er smiled, and said to An Chen, "Brother An Chen, don't worry, I will cover you this time, if you can't eat it, I will eat it."

Hearing what Song Zuer said, what else could he say.At this time, because of the conversation between the two, the asking price of the lemon has reached 38 yuan.

At this time, Lan Yingying shouted "40"

40 is already a very high number, but what An Chen didn't expect was that Song Tuer beside him actually shouted "42."

However, it's not over yet.At this moment, Reba suddenly shouted "46", making Deng Chao's face twitch.

Zheng Min also shouted at this time that the number "48" was the bottom line in Zheng Min's heart. Throwing aside the 8 yuan that Hou Minghao wanted to eat, she needed to challenge 40 yuan by herself.

Everyone thought it was over at this time, but at this moment, Zhong Chuxi suddenly called out "55"

Li Chen, who had just opened his mouth to say something, felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and was on the spot in a daze. 55?How did you shout it?

"Zhong Chuxi Quote 55"

At this moment, Li Chen stood up and said, "I'm telling you the truth now. Really, I have three false teeth in my mouth. Let me show you, over here."

Deng Chao also said at this time, "This dentist will melt your glue."

Hearing this, everyone showed signs of enjoying the show.Only Reba couldn't bear it, and the hammer was about to fall.Reba suddenly shouted, "56."

At this moment, Deng Chao was stunned, and then he looked at Reba and shouted in a daze, "Reba, what have you done?"

Hearing this, Reba said with some embarrassment, "Brother Chen has bad teeth, so I want to try it."

At this moment, Da Hei Niu knelt down on one knee, raised his hands exaggeratedly, and said, "Reba, no matter whether you have passed through or not, you are my reborn parents."

Deng Chao said at this time, "Reba, you can't just care about the big black cow, I also have three false teeth! Look here, here, here." Deng Chao said, pointing with his teeth bared. It was excruciatingly painful.

Seeing this, Reba was also a little embarrassed, but the price had already been asked at this time, and it was impossible to go back on his word.

"Congratulations to Reba and Deng Chao."

At this moment, Deng Chao was in a bad mood, and he seemed to fully understand Li Chen's feelings just now.

So Reba and Deng Chao finally walked up, but at this moment Deng Chao refused.As the game started, Reba started to eat first, and he was eating eagerly.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Reba, don't be in a hurry, eat slowly and pay attention to your expression."

Reba was eating expressionlessly at first, but immediately smiled after hearing An Chen's words.At this time, Deng Chao hadn't eaten yet, and Li Chen said at this moment, "You've been holding it for an hour, you're just a lemon."

Hearing what Li Chen said, Deng Chao said honestly, "I think Reba is fine, I'm just a companion."

0 ask for flowers 0  

"Is it good to be alive?" Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Zheng Kai and Chen Chichi walked up, and then forced Deng Chao to start eating.

However, after eating one piece, the two let go of Deng Chao. After all, this is a process of eating by themselves.

Then Deng Chao took another bite out of everyone's squeeze, but at that moment his expression was painful, and he happened to be spotted by Chen Chichi who was staring at him.

Chen Chichi paused with a smile, and after watching Deng Chao take a few bites, he opened his mouth and said, "Old Deng's expression just now was painful."

At this moment, Reba raised his head in disbelief, frowned slightly, and said, "Impossible, I didn't let him eat, how could he be in pain."

Yes, this is only the second petal that Deng Chao ate, but the fact is that he is in pain.

The director said at this time, "Really, he is in pain, and his expression just now is also in pain."

Hearing what the director said, Deng Chao said, "Actually, I don't want to give up. If you want to give up, Reba, just give up."

Hearing what Deng Chao said, Reba opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Brother Chao, why are you doing this? I didn't even let you eat it. If you want to eat it yourself, don't tell me it's painful, so give me a pot. After Reba finished speaking, she pursed her lips angrily, fully expressing her dissatisfaction, but she didn't know how cute she was at this moment.

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