"Brother Chao has already failed the challenge, and Reba has already eaten more than [-], and there are still [-] left. The second bidders are Chu Xi and Brother Chen. Chu Xi and Brother Chen, you can choose to give up, or you can choose to challenge .”

Hearing this, Li Chen looked at Zhong Chuxi and said, "Why don't we give up."

Hearing this, Zhong Chuxi shook his head and said, "No, don't give up, just wait until I eat it, eat it if you can, and forget it if you can't, as long as you don't show me a sad expression.".

Text 0669: Endorsement?think too much

Zhong Chuxi has said that, what else can Li Chen say?He said stiffly, "Then eat."

After the two played, Zhong Chuxi really became the main force, eating lemons one after another with a face full of enjoyment.Just when others teased Li Chen and asked Li Chen to eat it, Zhong Chuxi turned his head while eating the lemon, and said, "If you can't eat it, don't eat it. If you show a painful expression, you will be finished."

Hearing this, Li Chen, who was almost provoked and succeeded, nodded obediently, and then divided a lemon into more than twenty bites, and ate it until Chu Xi finished the last one.

In the end, Zhong Chuxi ate fifty-three lemons by himself, while Li Chen only ate two lemons.

"Okay, congratulations to Chu Xi and Brother Chen for successfully challenging the challenge. Congratulations to the winning team just now, and each team received 10 r coins."

At this moment, when Chen Chichi and Sela promised to make a comeback, the director said again, "Next, we will enjoy the delicious food that everyone has won through hard work. If music is the food of love, then let's keep playing."

After listening to the director's nonsense, let's eat while enjoying the music.It is worthy of the city hall restaurant, and today is a private room, so every food is exquisite and delicious.

After dinner, the director said again, "Next we will go to Innsbruck."

He was finally about to leave, and he had already received a call from Zoriana before, and he had already told her to wait at the airport.

There were only fifteen people going to the airport. Wu Xiubo had already boarded the special car to Innsbruck while they were eating, but Lu Han didn't leave.That's right, Lu Han's fear of heights is actually not that serious, otherwise how did he record so many episodes of Running Man?Are you going to Korea on foot?drive to?

When everyone arrived at the airport, An Chen picked up Zoriana and boarded the plane.The plane they took was a chartered plane. There were 16 people from the men's team plus dozens of people from the photography team and director team, and half the plane was full.

An hour later, they arrived in Innsbruck.When you get off the plane, you will be greeted with fresh air and coolness.At this moment, everyone, regardless of gender, exclaimed in amazement. The Alps are really beautiful from this angle.

At this moment, the director said, "Welcome everyone to Innsbruck. Behind us is the famous Alps. This mountain is also the birthplace of the Danube, the Rhine and other big rivers. And Innsbruck where we are located is in the Alps. The heartland of the mountains is known as the heart of the Alps. Now we will go to a homestay with very Tyrolean national characteristics, please go.”

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly said, "I don't know why I really want to eat lollipops here."

After An Chen's words fell, Song Zu'er said, "Brother An Chen, are you advertising for Alpine lollipops?"

"Think too much, don't come to me if you have a problem eating it, I'm not advertising." I still remember the news that Alpine lollipops ate cockroaches, and want An Chen to speak for you, are you stupid?

An Chen walked with everyone to the car while talking, and then Reba felt something was in his pocket.Puzzled, Reba reached into his pocket, but suddenly touched something.Reba turned his head to look, but saw An Chen blinking at her.

Then An Chen followed suit and stuffed another piece of candy into Zheng Min's pocket.Maybe An Chen was so fast that Zheng Min didn't even have a reaction, but An Chen didn't bother to remind him.

After another half an hour, everyone came to the accommodation point of the B&B. At this time, Wu Xiubo had already come here to wait. After all, it took them a lot of time to eat and catch the plane.

When they arrived, there were already many people waiting for them at the door.In addition to the person in charge of the homestay, there is also a performance team invited by the boss.

"Welcome everyone to the homestay we will be staying in tonight. These two are the people in charge of the homestay."

Following the director's introduction, a woman who is one of the person in charge of the homestay said, "Hello, welcome to our homestay."

Just when everyone was surprised that the other party spoke Chinese so well, the other party said, "I am Chinese, and my name is Long Dian'er."

It turned out to be Chinese, which is no wonder.

At this time, the director continued, "To express our welcome, the boss and his girlfriend also invited a very famous Austrian folk performance team. This performance team is from Tyrol, a very unique filming team." The folk dance team of the leg dance. Please ask them to bring us this very distinctive dance."

The rhythm of the leg-clapping dance 24 is very cheerful. In such an atmosphere, people feel eager to try, so under the leadership of Li Chen, everyone joined in and had a great time.When the dance was over, the screaming still couldn't stop.

At this moment, the director said, "Now, everyone, please stay at the homestay."

When everyone enters, they don't just choose a room to check in, but there are still things waiting for them.

Zheng Kai was the first to go in. After entering, the director suddenly said, "Take off your shoes."

Zheng Kai was stunned for a moment, do you want to take off your shoes?Then he started to take it off, and said, "It might stink.".

Text 0670: How big are the feet?


As soon as the director said it's okay, the baby said, "So many people take off their shoes, is this room ventilated?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "If I sit down later, can there be women on both sides of me? I'm afraid I'll be smoked."

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi laughed, and then said, "Xiaochen, aren't you too funny? Is there a difference between men and women with foot odor?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "Brother He, you don't know that. Although there is no distinction between men and women, women eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, so they generally don't smell bad. And girls like to spray some perfume in their shoes." Generally speaking, they are quite fragrant. So although it cannot be said that ten out of ten are fragrant, nine out of ten are definitely fragrant."

Hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi asked in disbelief, "Is it true?"

Hearing what Chen Chichi said 10, the baby was the first to say, "I can prove this, I will spray a little perfume before going out. But if it is really smelly, even perfume can't cover it up, but for most girls, They are very fragrant."

Just then, the baby sat down.At this moment, Sela, who noticed her, said, "baby, why did you go downstairs?"

Hearing this, Deng Chao immediately added, "As soon as the baby takes off his shoes, he walks on his knees."

Although the baby wears a booster pad, it is not that exaggerated, but it is indeed not as tall as her online report.Just like that, everyone sat down, and it was really two women who sandwiched An Chen in between.On the left is Zuer, and on the right is Zheng Mi.Bursts of fragrance came from the side, it's still a good smell.

At this moment, Zheng Kai looked at Kun Ling's feet and said, "Your feet are so big."

Kun Ling nodded and said, "Yes."

However, at this moment, Lan Yingying said with a self-deprecating attribute, "Her feet are definitely not as big as mine. I'm 39."

At this moment, all the people who eat melons are watching, and among the girls who can reach 39, they are considered big.

"I'm only 40."

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