Seeing Zheng Kai looking left and right and not speaking, Chen Chichi said, "Zheng Kai took out the quilt and found that there are fewer people there, acting like a wave of blind people. Who is more and who is less?"

Chen Chichi's words made Kun Ling laugh too. You must know that she was full of confidence before, and no one is in vain.

Naturally, Sela won the game. When everyone finished laughing, the director said, "The next group, group and Yingying."

As soon as the director finished speaking, the group shouted nervously, "Wait a minute, this is not fair, her 9 is three-legged. 39, I am 36."

The group made everyone laugh again, and Deng Chao said, "The group has been talking about it today, and just said it was unfair. Lan Yingying's feet are 9's and three-legged, and I am 36's."

Hearing this, Lan Yingying stood up and said, ". `Come on."

The next moment, she stretched out her hand while Song Zu'er was frightened.At this moment Song Zu'er said nervously again, "Wait a minute."

However, Lan Yingying didn't wait for her, what was supposed to come still came.Seeing this, An Chen said, "It's okay, just play casually, if you lose, you lose."

Hearing what An Chen said, Song Zu'er said, "I will work hard."

However, with 3, 2, 1, after the start.Song Zuer shouted in panic before he exerted his strength, "Why did you move? Oops."

Just when Song Zu'er exclaimed, Lan Yingying had already turned his whole body upside down.Immediately afterwards, no matter how hard she exerted, it was of no avail.

Is Deng Chao here?" Zhao said at this moment, "Turn yourself into a piece of paper and stuff it in."

The next moment, there was a loophole in Lan Yingying's defense, but even if there was a loophole, so what?Can she catch the loophole?impossible?Facing Lan Yingying's giant strength, Song Zu'er was defeated like a little chicken.

The next group, baby and Reba.Although Reba is powerful, he has to be compared with others. We Dali Reba have never been inferior to anyone, and maybe we can fight even against Lan Yingying and Zhong Chuxi.

In contrast, baby was a little bit worse, although he worked very hard, but after holding on for more than ten seconds, baby was finally suppressed by Reba.Next, although the baby tried his best to snatch it, it was still not stronger than Reba who grabbed the quilt and hugged him tightly. .

Text 0672: The Ruthlessness of a Female Man (Re-read)

s There was something wrong with yesterday's calculation, so I made some changes, please take a look again if you have already read it.

The last group consisted of Zhong Chuxi and Zheng Min, but An Chen didn't like Zheng Min, how could a character like a little fairy do anything better than a rough guy like Zhong Chuxi?

Sure enough, at the very beginning, Zhong Chuxi suppressed Zheng Min in an instant.But at this moment, Zheng Min's unyielding queenly spirit suddenly exploded, and he even gave it his all.However, it was a pity that she lacked exercise after all. Although she tried her best, she still only caught one-third of the quilt.

Next it was the boy group's turn. The first group in the boy group was Li Chen and Zheng Kai.Although Zheng Kai has fitness, he has tried his best.But after Li Chen stood up and made a sudden effort, all Zheng Kai was left with was air.

Zheng Kai huddled up and lay on the ground, receiving bursts of sympathy from everyone.At this moment, Zheng Kai said, "What happened?"

Encouraged by everyone, Zheng Kai snatched Li Chen's quilt again, but although there was still time, he faced another blow.After losing the quilt again, Zheng Kai said, "The winter in the Alps 140 is really cold."

After the director announced that Zheng Kai had failed, when Zheng Kai walked to his seat, he said, "I have nothing, and those who lose have nothing."

Deng Chao also said in shock at this time, "I practiced for another summer, my friends. Let me tell you, he has changed coaches for two years."

Hearing this, Zheng Kai said, "Tony will go to work tomorrow."

Do you think Tony can save you?He heard Chen Chichi attack immediately, "Tony will be fired again from next year."

At this moment, the director said, "The next group, Bogo and Luhan."

This group is definitely Buddhist, and they have been singing songs since the game started. No matter how everyone reminds them, no matter how much they remind them, they will not compete.However, all of this was an illusion. When half of the time passed, Lu Han made the first effort, followed by Wu Xiubo.

However, the duo's match was too sloppy.Wu Xiubo played even more sloppily. Maybe Wu Xiubo had no intention of competing, and let the deer roll around at will to win the game.

The third group is Chen Chichi and Hou Minghao.The two also wanted to learn Buddhism, but seeing the time passing by, Hou Minghao finally couldn't help exerting his strength, he didn't want to be talked about by Zheng Min, he was also a man, he wanted face.

At this moment, even though he was a rookie, Chen Chichi still used all kinds of big moves.Tickled, hiccupped, but no hair pulling.After all, I'm not very familiar with it, so it's too much to pull my hair.

Chen Chichi used many big moves and finally won the game. At this point, Hou Minghao had nothing to say.Although Chen Chichi used many tricks, he mainly occupied the quilt with his body.Although Hou Minghao lost, Zheng Min didn't say anything this time.

The last group was An Chen and Deng Chao's turn.Although Deng Chao had agreed with An Chen that he wanted to be a Buddhist, but he cheated at the very beginning of the competition.The quilt was held tightly by him, without any relaxation at all.But An Chen is someone who can compete with Li Chen in strength, at least in everyone's opinion.Therefore, An Chen directly hugged the quilt in Deng Chao's arms and began to shake violently.

At this moment, Deng Chao seemed to go through a roller coaster, screaming and couldn't stop at all.His legs landed first, followed by his waist, and then his hands.After Deng Chao landed on the ground, he looked into the distance with a disinterested expression on his face, as if he still didn't understand what happened.

"Okay, time is up, An Chen has won this round. After the quilt grabbing game just now, four boys and four girls won respectively. But in the first round of our game, only two boys and two girls won. So go on After that, the four winners will have to draw two by two."

"Ah? Isn't it? It's even a game? I can't do it anymore." Not only Sela failed, but the others also exhausted a lot of energy.

The next lottery grouping was An Chen and Lu Han, and Li Chen and Chen Chichi. This was a battle without any suspense, so An Chen and Li Chen would naturally win in the end.

The girl group looks much better. Sela got Lan Yingying, while Reba got Zhong Chuxi.

The advantage of Sela and Lan Yingying is weight, but Lan Yingying can definitely compete with Zhong Chuxi in terms of strength.When the game started, the two tugged on the quilt, neither of them relaxed.However, after just a few breaths, Lan Yingying pulled the quilt by nearly a quarter with a sudden force, and also brought Sela out of balance.

The moment Sela lost the opportunity to exert strength, Lan Yingying seized the opportunity instantly and pulled the quilt and Sela over.In the next second, she wrapped most of the quilt, which was obviously a tactic learned from Deng Chao.

When the timer ended, Lan Yingying won with four out of five.

And the battle between Reba and Zhong Chuxi is also very good-looking. Dali Reba faces the black cow sister Zhong Chuxi, and a head-to-head fight begins.Although the two did not directly beat their opponents, their strength and viciousness finally tore apart the quilt that had not been torn apart.

Let alone them in such a scene, even the male compatriots and the director team were surprised and speechless.You know, the quilt they specially selected, the tear resistance of this quilt is absolutely outstanding.Because it had already been torn apart, the result was clear at a glance. In the end, Reba narrowly lost.

When the game was over, the male compatriots applauded dumbfounded, and then began to speak. .

Text 0673: The boys group has been decided

s There was something wrong with yesterday's calculation, so I made some changes. Please read the previous chapter again.

"Wonderful, wonderful, this is more ruthless than us."

"Yeah, I didn't tear it apart after pulling it for a long time, but they actually tore it apart.~"

"I think in the future, don't tear up the name tag, just tear up the quilt."

After everyone made fun of the two girls, the director said at this moment, "The next task we have to do is to break the ankles."

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