At this moment, everyone thought they hadn't heard clearly.Ankle-wrestling?What the hell is that?How does this work?

Deng Chao asked this sentence for everyone, only to hear him say, "I don't know where the ankle is."

"So as you can see, the sock our referee wears"

Before the director finished speaking, Li Chen said in a dazed expression, "What are we going to wear?!"

At this moment, Lan Yingying let out an exclamation.Just when they were making fun of it, they had no idea that it was something they would wear too.

"Oh my God."

Hearing this voice, An Chen said, "Yingying, don't be afraid, your feet are so big, I don't think there are many girls who can beat you."

At this moment, Zheng Kai said, "Is this toe breaking?"

While talking, everyone began to change socks.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Then can those of us who have won also participate?"

Hearing this, the director said, "Whoever wins, don't participate. You should give everyone a chance. You all have rooms, so don't earn money."

It seems that I don't need to wear them anymore, but I feel inexplicably happy after watching Reba put on the five-finger socks.And Zheng Min's flushed face, coupled with that girlish look, is simply sultry.

After everyone was dressed, the director said, "Okay, next we will have a toe-breaking competition. Let's invite the boys to rock-paper-scissors first, and the winners can choose first."

"Director, you are too hasty, six of us, you say playing rock-paper-scissors? How do you judge?"

"Then palms and backs."

This?This is also very sloppy, right?But the good thing is that this method can really be selected.In the end, after several rounds, Lu Han won first.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi and the others booed and shouted, "Lu Han, compete with old Deng, let's have a father-son game."

"That's right, this one looks good."

Zheng Kai also said at this time, "Xiaolu, you may not lose to him if you have feet."

When Lu Han heard this, he felt very reasonable, he is a good player in football, so it is unreasonable to lose to Deng Chao.

"Then give it a shot."

Even Lu Han opened his mouth, so the challenge is naturally a certainty.When the two were ready, the director reconfirmed and said, "Are you ready?"

"All right."

After the two confirmed, the director shouted, "OK, 3, 2, 1, let's start."

To be honest, toe breaking mainly depends on the strength of the legs and the hardness of the toes.If it was before the Martial God skills, even An Chen might lose.So it's not at all a question of whether you play football or not.When Lu Han's toes crossed Deng Chao's, Lu Han was about to lose.

No way, if you compare a 40 foot with a 43 foot, there is a difference in the length of the gap between the toes, not to mention that Deng Chao was born in a hard life, and his big toe is even thicker.

When the game started, both of them were ready for battle without any slack.But the strength from Deng Chao's feet made Xiao Lu's toes hurt. Even if he tried to endure it, he was still brought into rhythm by Deng Chao.

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As Deng Chao increased his strength, Lu Han's feet moved forward a little bit. It seemed that Deng Chao was saving face for Xiao Lu.In the end, Lu Han still failed to come back against the wind, and Brother Chao won the round very safely.

"Congratulations to Deng Chao for winning. The next group is Chen Chichi."

The person Chen Chichi chose was Wu Xiubo. Wu Xiubo's previous battles could make people see that he was a Buddhist, and he didn't want to show it at all.Therefore, Chen Chichi, who could win while lying down, would never choose to win standing up.


Sure enough, Wu Xiubo just struggled a little, and ended the game under Chen Chichi's ridicule.The result of the match was not unexpected at all, Chen Chichi won against Wu Xiubo.

In the last group, Zheng Kai and Hou Minghao began to compete. The competition between Zheng Kai and Hou Minghao was completely about adults bullying children.Although Zheng Kai couldn't handle Li Chen, it was because Li Chen didn't relax when he was exercising.But for a Hou Minghao who didn't exercise much all the year round, Hou Minghao, who used his breastfeeding strength, was still easily defeated by Zheng Kai.

Next is a three-person round-robin match, two games per person, and the person with the fewest points will be out.When he got here, Chen Chichi's brain didn't work anymore, and he needed one-on-one hard steel.Although Chen Chichi couldn't handle Zheng Kai, he was absolutely on par with Deng Chao.But Wu Xiubo lost too easily before and did not consume Chen Chichi's strength, so in the end Zheng Kai and Chen Chichi won the two male places in this competition.

After the boys group finished, it was the girl group's turn.In the first round of the girl group, Reba played against the group. The two had nothing to fight with each other, so the group, which had no strength at all, was easily KO'd by Reba on the premise that they had no intention of fighting. .

Text 0674: Let's sleep next door

The second group is Kun Ling and Baby, these two talents are truly evenly matched, even the previous energy consumption is similar.Therefore, at this moment, the two of them went all out, and even their facial features were slightly deformed.

In the end, Kunling had the advantage of Bigfoot, slightly overtook baby, and won the first round.

The third group is Zheng Wei and Sela. At this moment, Sela once again performed the stunt of the golden lion king Xie Xun, and Zheng Wei, who was frightened by the lion's roar, was KO.But her good luck seems to have come to an end here, and the next competition, whether Reba or Kunling, will be suppressed by strength.

At this point, the winners of four men and four women finally came out.An Chen "[-]", Li Chen, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Reba, Kun Ling, Lan Yingying, Zhong Chuxi.

"Now the room selection in the homestay has been completed, now let's announce the r coins obtained by each group."

Among the 8 groups, the Li Chen group had the most r coins, a full 40 r coins, the An Chen group and the Deng Chao group had 32, Zheng Kai and Kun Ling had 30, Hou Minghao and Zheng Min had 24, and Lu Han had 22. The group and Chen Chichi's group had 14 r-coins, and the baby group had the least, with only [-] r-coins.

After seeing this, Chen Chichi said, "My room is given to Sela, and my teammates must live in the best room."

Chen Chichi's words fell, and he won the favor of many girls. Such a warm man is rare.At this time, Wu Xiubo regretted it a little. He should have won a room for the baby just now.

As for An Chen's disrespectful behavior, everyone didn't say much, but the women felt that An Chen was not as gentleman as they thought.

"Everyone has seen that here is a foreign goods store of our Netease Kaola Haigou. Now we want to use your r coins to exchange for the goods of Netease Kaola Haigou. The exchanged goods will be very important tomorrow. Function. Now let's go to the goods area to choose the items you want to exchange."

Li Chen and Zhong Chuxi walked over first, and said as they walked, "Is it easy? It's all spelled out."

As the two passed by, the second group, An Chen Group and Deng Chao Group also got up and walked over. There were many items inside, with different prices.The cheapest 2 r coins and the most expensive 20 r coins, but they are all even numbers, not odd numbers.

The team arrived here, looked at it for a long time and suddenly said, "Brother An Chen, this is 20 r coins, should we buy this? It must be very useful."

"No, no, no, the program group is the best at playing tricks. I don't think it is very likely to be used."

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