At the same time, An Chen glanced at the opposing lineup, but was speechless. The two relatively weak opponents, Sela and Kun Ling, had already finished the competition, and the rest were the elite of the elite.If it's Reba facing each other, even if they can't tie, the difference will not be much, but when it comes to Lan Yingying, the team should be able to fight.If you change the target, can you prevent the opponent from scoring to the greatest extent?

Thinking of this, An Chen finally decided to let Reba fight Zhong Chuxi. Tian 020 Ji's goal in the horse race is to score, but this is the overall length, so he can only increase the score as little as possible.At this time, the four groups of matches had passed, and they were already 22 bottles behind each other.If there is no improvement, it may really be cool.

As the director's 321 started, Reba and Zhong Chuxi exerted their strength suddenly, but Reba's speed seemed to be slightly faster than Zhong Chuxi's. When it was approaching, Reba suddenly stabilized his figure, and then moved towards Huang a little bit. An Muxi from the team walked over.

At the same time, Zhong Chuxi, who was not prepared to brake, was suddenly shaken by the pulling force belt.

Right now, at this moment, Reba grabbed the traction rope with his backhand, and with a sudden force, brought Zhong Chuxi to the ground.Then, taking advantage of Zhong Chuxi's failure to stand up, he quickly moved An Muxi of the yellow team.

However, although Reba took a chance, he still could only take two bottles. When Zhong Chuxi stood up, the real contest began.The strength of the two strong young women is not weak. In the difficult pull, Zhong Chuxi took a bottle more than Reba, but because Reba led by two, the red team took the lead over the yellow team for the first time, although only one bottle.

The sixth group started. This round was Deng Chao vs. Chen Chichi. Originally, Chen Chichi wanted to play against An Chen. If he was hanged and beaten, it would be better to find points here at Deng Chao, what if he wins?

"Brother Chao, this game is up to you. If you win by a big score, we still have a chance to win."

"Really? In that case, let's see mine."

Although Deng Chao made a strong promise, Chen Chichi was not a fuel-efficient lamp, not to mention physical strength, but gravity was a burden.In the end, Deng Chao tried his best and only won four more than Chen Chichi.In this way, there are only 17 people left, and it seems that everything is still hopeful, but this is just an illusion, because the next group is the group, and the group is definitely the target of being hanged.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the game, no matter how hard the team tried, they couldn't grab a bottle of An Muxi. In addition, she struggled for a long time like Zheng Wei, and she couldn't use much strength. Even if she had teammates to help bgdc, she was still caught Lan Yingying got 15 bottles.

Finally it was the last group's turn, An Chen confronted Lu Han, following the director's voice, An Chen quickly rushed to the front of the yellow team's An Muxi, and then pulled Xiao Lu over with his backhand.Just like Li Chen's pulling Hou Minghao, it was completely hanging and beating. After pulling him over, An Chen didn't hold him all the time. Instead, he spared his legs and stepped on the rope under his feet with the power of a heavy weight.

The next second, An Chen quickly picked up a bottle of An Muxi, and threw it into the box opposite.

Team Yellow, who was throwing snowballs, suddenly let out an exclamation, is that okay?Chen Chichi immediately said to the director, "Director, he's cheating."

When the director heard this, he said, "No cheating, there is no way to restrict the handling of bottles one by one, so the score is valid."

This, it seems, can only be a dirty trick, when Chen Chichi was thinking this way, he once again took aim at the snow bucket that had detained several people.

An Chen tried to dodge as much as possible, while quickly throwing An Muxi.In less than 30 seconds, fifteen of them had been thrown in.Then he said, "Please add An Muxi."

When the director heard this, he said, "Only when everything has been transported can it be replenished."

Hearing this, An Chen threw the last five bottles into it.At this moment, Chen Chichi came over with a bucket, but how could Chen Chichi tolerate making trouble at this moment?I saw Wu Xiubo and Deng Chao rushed over, holding snow shovels to change Chen Chi's hard steel.The next moment Li Chen also came out, there was no way, if he didn't come out, he would lose.

At this moment, the program team also replaced An Muxi.One minute left, but enough.Although An Chen was finally succeeded by Chen Chichi and the others, he still threw in fifteen bottles.

When the game was over, the director said, "Okay, now the results of the two teams are announced. Just now the yellow team snatched 51 bottles of An Muxi, and the red team snatched 56 bottles of An Muxi. So congratulations to the red team for being able to win the first round of the competition." A medal. Li Nina please."

When Li Nina came on stage, she began to explain the tradition of snowball fights to everyone.Finally, I finally got to the point, and said, "We are also honored to invite the Austrian National Ski Show Team, let's invite them now."

Text 0683: The most confident person loses

At this time, on the high mountain behind him, 10 people in red clothes slid down from the top of the mountain. The 10 people were divided into three groups, well-proportioned and graceful.I have to say that the performance is very interesting, which cannot be shown by a single person, not even An Chen, so it is quite pleasing to the eye.

As the performance ended, the director said, "We thank the Austrian National Ski Show Team again."

Next is the second project, the second project is skiing, not with skateboards, but with tires.The second game point needs to be reached by cable car, because the function of each venue is different.

When they came to the second mission point, Li Nina said, "Welcome everyone to the second game point. Just now, you have also felt the local people's love for skiing. In fact, skiing is also a big event in the Winter Olympics. , In the just-concluded PyeongChang Winter Olympics, we qualified for the Olympic Games for the first time in many small events such as steel frame snowmobile, women's ski jumping, women's snowboarding, and parallel giant slalom."

"The next competition is related to skiing. Our second event is skiing and pulling the flag. Please receive the task card."

Hearing this, Reba walked up and received the task card.Reba hasn't received a task card this season, and it's time to receive one.

Pulling out the flag in skiing, the two teams send representatives to a 1v1 duel in each round. The person who slides down the snow slope on the tires, climbs out of the sponge pile first, and pulls out the team's flag wins.

It's 1v1 again, the director really took care of our team.An Chen thought so, but he didn't express it. Anyway, try your best, and there is nothing you can do if you lose. After all, it is impossible for one person to participate in several games.

After Chen Chichi glanced at the playing field, he suddenly said, "This feels really scary."

No wonder, with a length of 38 meters and an angle of [-] degrees, people who generally have no guts will be afraid even if they know it is safe.

Li Chen also said at this time, "I think it will be a little scary for you to come down."

Hearing this, Reba said, "Don't talk about Brother He, I think anyone will be horrified. Unless you have played and got used to it."

Is this scary?I dare to jump in a straight line.Although An Chen thought so, she didn't say so.At the same time, Song Zuer said, "I think I miss my mother."

Deng Chao said at this time, "Red team, I will teach you all the skills later, to land smoothly and at the fastest speed."

When Deng Chao said that, everyone felt relieved, and Zheng Min also said, "Brother Chao, have you ever played?"

"Of course, I've played it many times."

At this moment, Zheng Kai opened his mouth to attack and said, "I imagined it well, but after going up, it will be another situation."

"Okay, now please send out our first-round players from the two teams."

Hearing the director's question, Deng Chao was the first to speak, "I'll come first."

He is confident about this, but Chen Chichi is equally confident.I saw Chen Chichi waved his hand casually, and then said, "Let's go."

At this moment, Li Chen shouted, "Our yellow team sent the depth bomb Chen Chichi."

There is a saying that if you lose, you don’t lose. I only heard Zheng Wei shouting, "The depth charges are useless, our brother Chao is a shadow hunter."

"Shadow hunter? I think it's the killer of darkness, right? It's the kind that kills itself when you play."

"See you on the court."

At this moment, the director shouted, "Okay, please take the two teams."

When the two were pulled up the snowy slope, Chen Chichi glanced down, lost his composure for a moment, and said, "Oh my god, Lao Deng, this is too scary."

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