However, at this time, Deng Chao didn't care about Chen He at all, but communicated with the person in charge of pushing the tires at the ski resort.

"Countdown, 3, 2, 1, start."

With the order from the beginning, Chen Chichi was the first to be pushed down. As for Deng Chao, he said he could play, but he lost at the starting point.This t is embarrassing, what about all kinds of hanging and beating?

It's fine if you lose at the starting point, but when you get to the pile of sponges, you actually swim for me. Do you think this is a pool?

An Chen looked at the hopeless Deng Chao, and said to the others, "First of all, you can't lose at the starting point, so you have to be pushed, and secondly, it's useless to swim after getting down. The best thing is to be fast and keep your feet on the ground." , step out."


"it is good."

The others nodded, signaling that they understood.

At this moment, Deng Chao came over and said, "I actually lost to the weight."

Regarding this point, An Chen can only respond with two words, hehe.

"Now invite players from both sides to send out the second player to play."

After the director's words fell, Team Huang already had an answer, only to hear Chen Chichi shout, "We sent Zheng Kai."

Seeing this, An Chen looked at the others, and said, "I'll wait for Li Chen, Boge and Minghao will go."

In fact, these are all spare tires. An Chen has no hope of winning at all, especially Wu Xiubo, who has physical difficulties.

"I'll go."

Although Wu Xiubo's physical strength is weak, he will not back down. Anyway, sooner or later, he will have to go up, and he can't escape even if he backs down.

"Okay, our red side sent Wu Xiubo."

After hearing that the candidates from both sides had been selected, the director shouted again, "Please get ready."

Text 0684: A key scene

When the two went up, the director started the countdown.

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

As the descent began, two kayaks slid down the runway.After falling at high speed, the two crashed into the pile of sponges within a second of each other.

After falling into the pile of sponges, although Wu Xiubo remembered what An Chen said, it was a pity that Zheng Kai also seemed to know what to do. With Zheng Kai's speed and strength, Wu Xiubo only had time to walk halfway, and Zheng Kai had already Out of the pile of sponges, then pulled the flag to win.

"Congratulations to the yellow team for winning the second game. Please assign players to play in the third game."

In the third game, the yellow team dispatched sel "[-]" a first. Seeing this, An Chen said, "Baby or Reba, which one of you will go."

As soon as the two heard it, they knew that An Chen wanted to win, so the baby shouted first, "I'll do it."

Baby's competitive spirit has always been very strong, so before Reba could speak, she had already grabbed the job, and she wanted to score the first victory point for the red team.

When the two got on the top, I heard that Sela was always afraid, while Baby just smiled, showing no fear at all.Seeing this, let's make a judgment.

Just then, the director shouted "OK, 3, 2, 1, let's go."

In an instant, the two broke free from the snow slope, and in an instant, Sela's scream sounded.Then, it was all screams.Yes, Sela did all the voices by herself, until she fell into the sponge, it was her scream.

It's a pity that the loud sound may not be strong, and Sela is like this. She fell into the pile of sponges and couldn't get up for a long time.In the end, the baby stood up quickly, and it took more than ten seconds to complete the journey from crossing the small sponge to pulling out the flag.

When the baby was finished, the red team let out a neat "yeah".It's the third game, and finally scored a point. Although the next game is still not safe, there is hope anyway.

"Okay, the red team won the third game, now please send out the players who will go out in the fourth game."

Hearing what the director said, Captain Huang made a decision and said, "We will select Li Chen."

Hearing that An Chen said, "I'll come."

At this moment, Chen Chichi groaned inwardly, but he said, "Don't think that you will win when you send An Chen. This is a contest of weight and speed. Let me tell you, this link is the home field of our big black cow. Have you seen it?" ? There is also the lo of the big black cow over there, how about it, I will ask if you are afraid."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, An Chen said, "Whatever you say, I'll see you get slapped in the face later."

At this moment, the director also shouted, "Okay, prepare now."

After the two got on the snowmobile and went up the snow slope, An Chen said, "Brother Chen, come on, I won't let the water go."

Hearing this, Li Chen said confidently, "There's no need to turn on the water, I haven't been idle for the past six months, and now I'm not what I used to be."

So, can he be better than him if he exercises again?I'm set on this one.

Thinking of this, An Chen and Li Chen rushed to the little sponge below in the director's 3, 2, 1 after they sat down.Maybe the weight really had a little influence, but it was definitely not that big. An Chen rushed into the sponge only one step behind Li Chen.

With the next breath, An Chen crawled out, but he didn't crawl to the opposite side.Even if there are so many sponges blocking it, even he can't break through it in a breath. What he lays out is the direction before he went in.

After coming out, An Chen didn't stop, and rushed towards the sponge quickly, but at the moment approaching, An Chen suddenly stepped on the tire, and then his body leaped forward. During the forward leap, his body stretched and drew an arc, almost A few centimeters passed the highest point of the little sponge, and then in the process of falling, it retracted, and then rolled to the ground

At this moment, the red team screamed enthusiastically, while the yellow team was dumbfounded and ruthless?

You must know that Li Chen didn't release the water this time, but he didn't even have time to run past the highest point of the sponge.Li Chen looked at An Chen who had pulled out the flag with disbelief, and said, "What the hell? Can't even see the taillights of this car?"

Next came the fifth group, and the opponent in the fifth group was Kun Ling. Seeing this, Reba said, "Let me do it."

This is the only one that Reba is sure of. If he loses again, there will be nothing left to play.

The good thing is that Reba did not live up to everyone's expectations. At the moment he fell into the pile of sponges, Reba quickly turned over and moved forward.

And Kun Ling was similar, but it was a pity that Reba arrived before her and was slightly faster than her, so in the end Reba scored this point when Kun Ling had just left the sponge pile.

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