Seeing this, the baby opened his mouth to 06 and shouted, "Reba, great job."

After the match between baby and Kunling, it was already 3:2 Anchen and the others took the lead.But their good luck is likely to end here. In the next two girls' groups, both the group'er and Zheng Wei were hanged and beaten. When the two were still a while away from the sponge, Lan Yingying and Zhong Chuxi had already ended the battle.

As a result, the score became 3:4, and we only looked at the last group of Hou Minghao vs. Luhan.If Hou Minghao wins, at least it will be a tie. If there is overtime, it will be beneficial to An Chen.If it loses, then the second event is the victory of the yellow team. .

Text 0685: Minghao, it's time for you to play

Hou Minghao and Lu Han fell into the pile of sponges at different speeds, and the next moment, both of them were also running towards the outside of the sponge.However, sometimes the reality is very cruel. Although we are close at hand, it seems that we are far away.Although Xiaolu is fast and flexible, it is far behind in strength.Hou Minghao is similar, also belongs to the poor flexibility,

The two rushed out of the sponge in no particular order, and rushed towards the flag at the next moment.Hou Minghao was still in the lead a second ago, but he was behind in this second.Xiaolu's speed is very fast, even in the men's team, he is still in the top four.

Therefore, in the end, Lu Han won the final round with similar results, and the director shouted, "Congratulations to the yellow team, you can get a medal for being on the Anmuxi leaderboard."

Next is the third event of the competition. This place is not far from the skiing place, and the distance of [-] meters before and after will be reached soon.

When everyone entered the igloo, many people exclaimed. A few girls who seldom go to the north were attracted by the exquisite and warm and lovely decoration of igloo 16.

I just heard the baby say, "Did we make this ourselves?"

Hearing this, the director smiled speechlessly and customized it himself. Do we have free time to do this?Anything that can be done with money, spending money is the best choice, okay?

"One of our custom made ones."

"Wow, this is amazing, it's not easy."

not easy?It's easy if you have money.

Although many people find it novel, many people are not surprised, especially Chen Chichi and An Chen, who have been to the world of ice and snow.There are not only igloos, but also ice castles.And it's nothing, the two of them also saw the Snow King Canyon, the workmanship and skills, that's the best.

At this moment, the director said, "Please take your seats first."

After everyone was seated, the director continued, "Welcome everyone to our custom-made snow house. Today we will hold the third competition here, the snow house rush to answer."

"This competition is mainly to compare your understanding of the Winter Olympics knowledge. In today's answering session, in addition to Teacher Li Nina, we also invited another examiner. Let us welcome him."

Are we Winter Olympians?The devil knows so much about the Winter Olympics.When the director introduced Zhang Peimeng, An Chen began to silently search for knowledge about the Winter Olympics in his memory.Although he can't forget, he still has to look at it.This kind of thing can only be heard on a daily basis, and there are fragments of news content that I accidentally saw.

Just after the few people got acquainted with each other, An Chen sorted out what he had seen. Although there were not many, that's all.

"Okay, next we will have the third competition here, the snow house answer."

After Li Nina finished speaking, the director talked about the rules of the game.

"The two teams will send one person to answer a question on the ice table. After answering a question, if the answer is correct, you can get the corresponding points for this question, and the opposing team will have to take off the clothes with the corresponding number of points. If you get this question , if the answer is wrong, then your team will also take off half of the clothes worth the points."

Hearing the rules of the game, Sela was the first to say, "Oh, I should have worn more."

Li Chen also said at this time, "I said earlier that we put on our scarves."

Reba and the others also regretted wearing less, but no one knew the rules of the game beforehand, so they could only continue.But at this moment, the turning point came, and the director said again, "Do you still remember the goods you bought with r coins yesterday?"

Of course I remember this, they are not demented, after Li Chen inserted the word 'remember', the director continued, "All the goods you buy, if you can wear them all, then they will be your clothes .”

Hearing the rules of the game, Song Zuer exclaimed 'yeah', but at this moment, Zhong Chuxi and Li Chen on the yellow team also exclaimed.Because the two teams bought the most things, especially An Chen's group. Although they were 8 points behind Li Chen's group, they bought two more things than the other team.

But some people are happy, and some people are naturally worried. Deng Chao 890 said, "Oh my God, why should I spend the most expensive points to buy a bag?"

Hearing that someone was like her, Lan Yingying hurriedly said, "Me too."

Seeing this, An Chen said, "This is very good. The team has the most one and the team has the least one. It seems that there is not much difference."

Nothing big, just a joke, okay?Wu Xiubo and the baby group had the least points, Hou Minghao and Zheng Wei were second to last, plus Deng Chao who wasted money, even with An Chen's two extras, the other party still lost four.It may not seem like much, but it may be the score of a question.

When everyone was dressed, the director said, "After getting dressed, please send a member of each team to answer."

Hearing this, Team Huang dispatched Li Chen, and An Chen looked at Li Chen, and said, "Ming Hao, I saw that your speed and reaction are very fast, you go and grab it."

Hou Minghao finally laughed when he heard the words, was he recognized?He only heard him say confidently, "Don't worry, I will definitely grab this question.".

Text 0686: Chen Chichi's Overestimation

Hearing Hou Minghao's words, Chen Chichi said to Li Chen, "Old Li, pat his hand directly into the ice."

When Hou Minghao heard this, he immediately begged for mercy, "No, others rely on their faces to make a living, but I rely on my hands."

When Hou Minghao said this, he took a close-up of his hand.I have to say that Hou Minghao's fingers are really beautiful, as delicate as bamboo shoots, with slender fingers full of beauty.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi said, "Oh, I'm so jealous, old man Li, I must smash his hands."

At this moment, the director said, "The score of the first question is 8 points, please ask the examiner to come up with a question."


"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

As the director's voice sounded, Hou Minghao slipped his hand in an instant.

It wasn't until Hou Minghao tapped the button that Li Chen put his hand on Hou Minghao's hand for half a second, but Hou Minghao did win.

Just when several people started discussing which year it was, An Chen said, "2015."

"You know that, don't you?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "I can't help it. I remember that I was still working as an anchor at the time, and then a small window popped up, saying that the bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics was successful."

"Isn't it, Xiaochen? How many years have passed? Do you remember this? And you still watch the time?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Uh, I didn't look at the time on purpose, it was the time written on it, and I happened to see the words 2015~`."

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